Women's Dream Enlightenment

Spirituality, Witchcraft, and the Path to Self-Discovery with Rosalee John

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis Episode 19

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Rosalee John is a spiritual life coach who helps women activate their inner magnetism, embody their highest selves, and bring their manifestations to life. Rosalee defines enlightenment as seeking something deeper within yourself and understanding your purpose. She has always been drawn to witchcraft and started learning cards when she was 8 years old. She is now proud of being a witch and working with women all over the world.

This interview will give you insight into the spiritual journey towards higher self and understanding your purpose. Get an inside perspective on the need for balance between religion and spirituality with spiritual life coach Rosalee John. Rosalee shares her insight on embracing yourself, learning from books, and using witchcraft to manifest your desires. Discover how to find balance and receive guidance in your spiritual journey. Unlock your inner magnetism and take control of your life's destiny. 

Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential. Learn how to connect with your higher power and manifest your desires to bring your manifestations to life! Experience Rosalee's words of wisdom and find balance on your spiritual journey.

Watch the Video: https://youtu.be/Yi8VabZmJ64

Connect with Rosalee:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thedivinehippie
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSe-Hce0sur8SvJs4n1ULvw
Pintrest: http://www.pinterest.ca/thedivinehippie

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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00:00:02.850 --> 00:00:10.559
Megan Mary: Welcome. Today I have Rosalie John, the divine hippie. She is a spiritual life coach.

00:00:10.730 --> 00:00:22.890
Megan Mary: She specializes in helping women to activate their inner magnetism, embody their highest selves and bring their manifestations to life. Welcome, Rosalie.

00:00:23.030 --> 00:00:40.609
Rosalee John: thank you so much for having me. I am so excited to be here and chat with you today again. Awesome. I am so happy to have you on. You're actually the first which on my podcast so you could be, I love it honor of that? Yeah, I got some special.

00:00:41.780 --> 00:00:48.670
Megan Mary: So my first question that I ask everyone is, What does enlightenment mean to you?

00:00:49.680 --> 00:00:56.560
Rosalee John: Oh, I love this question. So enlightenment to me is the journey of

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Rosalee John: seeking something something deeper within yourself? It's going beyond our human existence and looking for our

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Rosalee John: deeper in our purpose of

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Rosalee John: why are we here? And it's gonna different for everyone. For me. I always share that. I truly believe that my life purpose is to learn as much as I possibly can from reading books to taking forces, to talking to people. I love

00:01:24.410 --> 00:01:38.859
Rosalee John: getting any new information I can in my login, because I just find learning so interesting. But for other people that could be having a family, it could be speaking up about a certain cause. It's

00:01:39.080 --> 00:01:40.770
Rosalee John: really about

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Rosalee John: finding what your purposes, understanding that, and getting to know yourself ultimately on a better level as well.

00:01:50.420 --> 00:02:07.780
Megan Mary: Yes, that's an excellent answer, and I share that insatiable quest for knowledge, I understand just constantly, can never know enough, always feel like there is more to know. And just that real thirst for that knowledge.

00:02:08.229 --> 00:02:20.250
Megan Mary: I think is what lead you down that path, and that it's a continual path. Of course there's there's not a end destination necessarily. It's the

00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:33.560
Rosalee John: yeah, exactly. I never say that you've reached enlightenment. I don't think it's ever like you said, and and ends to me. It's it's a journey. It's about discovery. Over and over and over again.

00:02:33.800 --> 00:02:36.229
Megan Mary: Yes, so many layers.

00:02:36.330 --> 00:02:45.659
Megan Mary: So tell the listeners a little bit about your enlightenment journey thus far, and what brought you to do? What you are doing today.

00:02:46.210 --> 00:02:52.239
Rosalee John: So my journey started from a really young age. I was about

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Rosalee John: 8 or 10 when I stumbled into a garage sale, and looking at all the knick knacks, and I found this oracle deck.

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Rosalee John: and I had no idea what this was. I just saw pictures and messages, and it looked kind of witchy. and even from a young age I was really drawn to that sort of energy that

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Rosalee John: those

00:03:15.150 --> 00:03:33.450
Rosalee John: that lifestyle I've always been drawn to that. So I bought it for a dollar, and then there was another one that they had for sale. I bought that for a dollar as well. and I came home, and I just started playing with it. I read the book from beginning to end, learning every card, spread every

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Rosalee John: every meeting behind each card, pulling it, and really

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Rosalee John: tapping into my own intuition without really necessarily knowing what that meant.

00:03:45.230 --> 00:03:57.800
Rosalee John: So I was doing card meetings for myself, and then I was dragged my family members into it of Hey, I have to give you a reading. I have to do this acting like a little card, reader, even when I was 8 years old.

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Rosalee John: and that developed into studying a medium ship, as I see spirits and ghosts, and

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Rosalee John: that turned into really embracing my interest in witchcraft, and

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Rosalee John: then becoming a very proud of which myself

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Rosalee John: and I have studied and learned, and

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Rosalee John: like we talked about, of always having that interest to learn as much as possible, and I feel like that has been my enlightenment journey of sticking out everything I can to understand myself better. And I feel like that's the case with a lot of spiritual people. We I felt so we misunderstood our entire life.

00:04:45.130 --> 00:04:57.609
Rosalee John: So we spend the rest of our life trying to understand ourselves the best we possibly can. So it's been a journey of learning and discovering and really being

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Rosalee John: confident, and who I am and not being shy about it anymore. I used to keep those parts myself very hidden, and I never thought I wanted to do this for a living. And then

00:05:10.330 --> 00:05:21.370
Rosalee John: I was approaching the end of high school. And I just thought, you know what I'm gonna go for it, because nothing feels as right as studying spirituality and sharing it

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Rosalee John: with other people. And now I've been

00:05:24.840 --> 00:05:32.480
Rosalee John: the divine hippie for 4 years, I think almost going on 5, if I if I remember correctly.

00:05:32.620 --> 00:05:37.780
Rosalee John: But it's been an amazing journey, working with women all over the world.

00:05:37.910 --> 00:05:47.669
Rosalee John: teaching classes and just talking to people and really just letting my own nerdy self out, because I can talk about spirituality

00:05:47.770 --> 00:05:52.800
Rosalee John: all day long. Which is why I'm so grateful that I'm on this. Podcast now.

00:05:53.710 --> 00:05:55.340
Megan Mary: absolutely.

00:05:58.500 --> 00:06:04.029
Megan Mary: I love that answer. And I think that it's very. It's always so much a part of

00:06:04.570 --> 00:06:24.730
Megan Mary: overcoming that fear, and it's so great that you did it at such a young age, too, that you just set out into the world, and then said, This is what I want to do, because so many of us, myself included, go a different path. Do something completely different. Deny that part of yourself until you're way down your adult years and then realize

00:06:24.730 --> 00:06:38.300
Megan Mary: I I can't neither part anymore. I don't want to be what I'm supposed to be. I want to be what I really am, and it takes a lot of courage and a lot of self reflection to come to that, come to that place.

00:06:38.640 --> 00:06:42.129
Rosalee John: Well, thank you, I do appreciate you saying that, and

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Rosalee John: by sharing that I by no means being that I have not stumbled. I have not questioned. I have not thought. okay, you know what this is not meant for me. I don't know what I'm doing here. It's preparing that there is no universe. But it's all about

00:06:58.640 --> 00:07:14.120
Rosalee John: coming back to who you really are. And like, I said with enlightenment, rediscovering that over and over again and stepping out of that imposter syndrome. Because if you're which declare it, if you are super into God, declare that.

00:07:14.250 --> 00:07:17.740
Rosalee John: and embrace that part of you, because that's how you truly are.

00:07:19.080 --> 00:07:34.240
Megan Mary: That's empowering. And I couldn't agree more. Now as a woman, what role have you found that dreams have played in your life. If you ever had messages in your dreams or inspiration from your dreams.

00:07:34.330 --> 00:07:51.129
Rosalee John: absolutely. Dreams are untapped resources in our lives, and anyone in my life who is not spiritual, and tells me about their dreams, but looks at it from a very practical well, I don't know what it means. I can't fathom that because it's

00:07:51.420 --> 00:08:04.249
Rosalee John: our direct connection to our subconscious mind that is telling us messages, and I receive messages in my dreams all the time. I wish I could remember all of them.

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Rosalee John: But I do put the intention out, especially when I feel like I almost kinda get little clues that I'm gonna get a dream that has a lot of significance. So I will.

00:08:16.490 --> 00:08:27.289
Rosalee John: pray, I will talk to the universe for a minute before I go to bed and say, please let me remember this, because I know that this is going to be an important, and then I do wake up, and

00:08:27.350 --> 00:08:34.120
Rosalee John: I remember what it is. I've received guidance about what I needed to let go.

00:08:34.159 --> 00:08:49.210
Rosalee John: It's been everything from okay. It's time for this job that you had this no longer serving you. I've had dreams about ex boyfriends like I'm sure we all have where it's been, honey. You need to let him go.

00:08:49.280 --> 00:08:52.830
Rosalee John: and they have been so healing

00:08:53.160 --> 00:08:58.680
Rosalee John: because they tell me what my 3D cell is not.

00:08:59.230 --> 00:09:06.500
Rosalee John: It doesn't feel ready to hear, but my higher self is speaking to me, saying, Yes.

00:09:06.740 --> 00:09:08.109
Rosalee John: this is your path.

00:09:08.300 --> 00:09:12.980
Rosalee John: This is what you need to go on. So to me, coming back to the question.

00:09:13.540 --> 00:09:22.559
Rosalee John: Dreams are so important, and I think dream analysis is really key to understanding you on a deeper level.

00:09:23.250 --> 00:09:29.330
Megan Mary: Yes, I feel like it is the voice of your higher self. It's

00:09:29.690 --> 00:09:43.870
Megan Mary: and when we learn to listen to it, which, like you said, is a challenge for some, because remembering is the first fertile just being able to remember your dreams but once you can, then, discarding the

00:09:43.870 --> 00:10:01.149
Megan Mary: misconceptions that it, that it's nonsensical or just regurgitation of your day, or just a jumble of memories that is actually very craftily put together a story meant to teach you something.

00:10:01.350 --> 00:10:07.980
Megan Mary: and I think I think it's incredibly powerful. And

00:10:08.150 --> 00:10:13.660
Megan Mary: of course it led me to where I am today. It pretty much is how I started this whole thing. So

00:10:13.670 --> 00:10:25.359
Rosalee John: I'm a believer in in listening. And I just want to spread the word to everyone else, too. How important that is.

00:10:25.790 --> 00:10:43.740
Megan Mary: being able to dissect it better than having to Google everything in your dream that is helpful. Yes, so all all women should break up with their dream dictionaries. Because we should absolutely grab your diary. Put down the dictionary.

00:10:43.740 --> 00:11:08.589
Rosalee John: Yeah, I it's it's really about tapping into your intuition and not just depending on what everyone else is saying, correct and and recording those dreams in that diary, and then figuring out your dream language, instead of looking outside yourself to something generic that really does not apply to you and could mislead you, because that's not exactly

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what is.

00:11:09.960 --> 00:11:11.300
Megan Mary: That's not for you.

00:11:11.530 --> 00:11:12.680
Rosalee John: absolutely.

00:11:13.150 --> 00:11:16.049
Megan Mary: So. What's your favorite thing about what you do.

00:11:17.030 --> 00:11:21.350
Rosalee John: Oh, my favorite thing is

00:11:23.340 --> 00:11:26.670
Rosalee John:  there's so many because

00:11:26.700 --> 00:11:35.930
Rosalee John: it's everything from working with clients to performing certain spells and card readings. but

00:11:36.680 --> 00:11:40.680
Rosalee John: I truly love, bring it all back to learning

00:11:41.280 --> 00:11:47.999
Rosalee John: learning as much as I can than helping my clients, because I feel like I am so

00:11:48.290 --> 00:12:06.640
Rosalee John: in sync with my clients all the time. It's kind of hilarious of how I'm in the process of learning something, and I've learned the lesson I've I've done the work, whatever it is. And then, maybe a few weeks later, maybe a few months, maybe just a day later, the client comes to me

00:12:06.730 --> 00:12:11.160
Rosalee John: in a very similar situation, where I can share

00:12:11.240 --> 00:12:22.699
Rosalee John: wisdom and thinking. Oh, I've heard this quote, or let me go back into my my notes from all these courses that I've taken and

00:12:22.730 --> 00:12:26.380
Rosalee John: go back to this one specific message that has

00:12:26.540 --> 00:12:32.550
Rosalee John: come through to me. But I feel like it's for you. I feel like a constant

00:12:32.570 --> 00:12:43.170
Rosalee John: conduit, and I always tell people this, that I'm not a grew. I truly believe that universe or God, whatever you believe in, is speaking through me

00:12:43.440 --> 00:12:47.729
Rosalee John: to you, and I'm here to help you. I'm not here to

00:12:47.790 --> 00:12:51.040
Rosalee John: be someone that you put on a pedestal.

00:12:51.610 --> 00:13:03.880
Rosalee John: I'm just here to share information, so I'd say, my favorite thing about what I do is being that conduit and feeling like everything I'm learning.

00:13:03.960 --> 00:13:19.239
Rosalee John: is really to help my science in the future, and I love how it all comes back together and meshes so well. It's just. It's hilarious, but I know that it always has a deeper meaning, so I shouldn't be surprised. But I am every single time.

00:13:19.240 --> 00:13:37.430
Megan Mary: Yes, those synchronicities are what indicate to us that we're on the right path right? And or I have the same experience where I'll I'll be looking for something, and then someone will come to me through a different path, and then they'll say, that's interesting because I was just doing this, and then

00:13:37.430 --> 00:13:39.800
Megan Mary: I'll, you know, be

00:13:40.000 --> 00:14:03.859
Megan Mary: previously researching something. And then it turns out there's another reason that I was feverishly researching that thing. So yes, there's no, there's no coincidences, and everything does. Just. It's the that divine plan again, where everything just kind of falls into place at the right place at the right time, and when people discover you or you discover people.

00:14:03.980 --> 00:14:18.080
Megan Mary: it's there's so many so many options out there right now, when you're when you're on the Internet, it's just overwhelming, and there's millions and millions. But you you start your day. Here comes someone. Then you land on something. And you think

00:14:18.120 --> 00:14:25.099
Megan Mary: that's why you were supposed to cross that path because you could have got a million other ways.

00:14:25.200 --> 00:14:28.340
And so I I find that to be

00:14:29.200 --> 00:14:31.280
Megan Mary: the finally led. And

00:14:31.570 --> 00:14:32.820
Rosalee John: absolutely.

00:14:33.070 --> 00:14:43.900
Rosalee John: it's so funny how it works out. It's just it's like every single moment led up to exactly where you are right now, so I truly believe you're always on the right path.

00:14:43.920 --> 00:15:01.419
Rosalee John: Yes, and even even if you think I mean if you try and push it, which I know I have to one way or the other, or even if you think that you're not, there's still a another lesson in that. And you are so.

00:15:01.910 --> 00:15:06.189
Megan Mary: what are the common misconceptions people have about what you do?

00:15:08.500 --> 00:15:12.700
Rosalee John: I think the biggest misconception is that

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Rosalee John: it's always tied to religion, and as I've been very.

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Rosalee John: I tried to be very clear that I

00:15:23.340 --> 00:15:30.600
Rosalee John: subscribe to spirituality, which is simply the belief in something bigger than us all.

00:15:30.700 --> 00:15:44.730
Rosalee John: and I don't think religion has to be a part of that. Believe you don't have to subscribe to one specific set of beliefs in order to

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Rosalee John: try to work on being your best sell on seeing the bigger picture than just you looking outside of yourself as well, increasing your consciousness, raising your vibration. That doesn't have to do with one specific.

00:16:00.780 --> 00:16:07.090
Rosalee John: higher power, and especially when I bring witchcraft into the mix which

00:16:07.370 --> 00:16:15.949
Rosalee John: always has a lot of stigma attached. Even now it still does, even though I'm still proud about it. There are people that believe that

00:16:16.050 --> 00:16:33.260
Rosalee John: I must be into a specific religion in order to practice that. But spirituality, witchcraft, it's a lifestyle being on this journey of enlightenment is a lifestyle. You don't have to subscribe to a specific set of

00:16:33.330 --> 00:16:39.400
Rosalee John: rules belief in order to be on this journey. You don't have to be so

00:16:39.430 --> 00:16:46.309
Rosalee John: defined. I feel like the the biggest problem here is that there's a need to label

00:16:46.540 --> 00:17:06.920
Rosalee John: where you're at what you're doing what you believe, and it's perfectly fine to be a jumbled mess of a few things here and a few things there. My beliefs are all set in stone. I'm discovering new things about myself every day, so I would be silly to.

00:17:07.569 --> 00:17:11.959
Rosalee John: you know, label it down and it down to one specific set of beliefs.

00:17:12.020 --> 00:17:18.389
Rosalee John: That is the biggest misconception that it's tied to religion. But

00:17:18.790 --> 00:17:22.050
Rosalee John: religion is so much bigger than that. Anyway, it's

00:17:22.380 --> 00:17:30.349
Rosalee John: there's always a lot of misconception when it comes to spirituality and religion. And that's the biggest thing that I try to get across to people

00:17:30.820 --> 00:17:54.680
Megan Mary: and I I couldn't agree with you more about that. The the 2 2 points that I really resonated with me with one, the pigeon hauling because nobody is just one thing, and it's you don't want to label yourself and Pigeon, hold yourself into one thing, and you don't want other people to say, Well, you're this. So then you must be that, and it must be this, and

00:17:54.800 --> 00:17:59.729
Megan Mary: obviously there is centuries of stigma. But I think

00:18:00.430 --> 00:18:29.299
Megan Mary: owning that, and then saying, and then to saying, But I'm not just with this one thing is really powerful, and also the separation between religion and spirituality which I'm a really big advocate of as well, because I don't subscribe to one particular religion or any religion, for that matter, and and feel that you can have spirituality without having religion. I feel like the organization, and that the dogma and the expectation

00:18:29.300 --> 00:18:51.020
Megan Mary: of that prevents us from actually activating our own self power and the presumption and the almost requirement that we need someone else to get us there, that we're not allowed to access it directly we have to go through someone else. is

00:18:51.220 --> 00:19:01.939
Megan Mary: really what becomes ingrained in a society land prevents us from embarking on that ourselves, empowering that ourselves and

00:19:02.220 --> 00:19:27.319
Megan Mary: letting ourselves be able to just directly access that. And so I'm all for the spiritual element, and I often struggle with that where that line is in, in my branding and my perception as well, because I don't want it. Religion to be spirit spirituality to be religious. So yeah, I completely agree with that.

00:19:27.520 --> 00:19:31.880
Rosalee John: Yeah, I love. I love what you said 100%.

00:19:32.390 --> 00:19:37.120
Megan Mary: So what should everyone stop doing. And what should everyone start doing?

00:19:37.640 --> 00:19:38.730
Rosalee John: Okay.

00:19:39.510 --> 00:19:42.300
Rosalee John: stop doing is

00:19:43.290 --> 00:19:48.850
Rosalee John: stop trying to make yourself a project

00:19:49.020 --> 00:19:55.429
Rosalee John: or constant improvement. I am all about self development.

00:19:55.440 --> 00:20:00.059
Rosalee John: I help women. We I want to get you from A to B.

00:20:00.310 --> 00:20:14.430
Rosalee John: But I strongly advise everyone to not begin to see yourself as a project who is constantly meeting to evolve in order to be lovable.

00:20:15.100 --> 00:20:18.490
Rosalee John: saying that I have to lose weight

00:20:18.700 --> 00:20:23.150
Rosalee John: in order to be lovable. That is my personality, that journey.

00:20:23.160 --> 00:20:34.729
Rosalee John: or you know I want to work through this black mindset that I have, and until I've reached abundance mindset, I'm not going to be successful. I'm not lovable.

00:20:34.780 --> 00:20:40.989
Rosalee John: Those are all lies, and that's all. Your ego trying to keep you stuck

00:20:41.180 --> 00:20:50.810
Rosalee John: again. There was nothing wrong with trying to work on yourself and improve yourself, and even with the wait.

00:20:51.240 --> 00:20:59.950
Rosalee John: a topic that's been my own personal journey right now, and reminding myself I am worthy exactly as I am.

00:20:59.980 --> 00:21:12.249
Rosalee John: I can be worthy in this body and the body I had previously the body I'm gonna have, because it's all me. This is all a part of the journey. And sometimes it's not about

00:21:12.360 --> 00:21:21.709
Rosalee John: learning and learning and learning. It's about applying what you know and enjoying where you're at right now.

00:21:23.030 --> 00:21:26.360
Rosalee John: Number one thing that I recommend everyone to stop doing.

00:21:26.850 --> 00:21:31.990
Megan Mary: I that's really powerful for me. I'm an anagram achiever.

00:21:32.390 --> 00:22:02.209
Megan Mary: Oh, okay, yeah. So I really am. I fall into that trap of. If once I get these 18 certifications and stamps and things, then I will be permitted to do. Xyz. And this type of world I mean it. At first I thought, oh, it doesn't function that way. It's not academia, but it has its own set of 18 million certifications. And so it's

00:22:02.450 --> 00:22:17.890
Megan Mary: for me that that biggest challenge is thinking, okay, you don't need that. It's okay. If you want that, it's okay. If you want to learn more. But you already know so much just where you're at. And

00:22:18.330 --> 00:22:22.650
Rosalee John: yeah, I I I get in the exact same trap. And

00:22:22.770 --> 00:22:29.390
Rosalee John: as business over there to business owner. We know of feeling like you're not worthy, and you don't know

00:22:29.400 --> 00:22:43.130
Rosalee John: what you know until you have a piece of paper that approves it. But you know it. I mean, yeah, I have wisdom just simply ingrained in me. But I'm looking for outside validation.

00:22:43.530 --> 00:22:53.000
Megan Mary: That doesn't really make sense. Sounds like I'm giving away my power. That's the biggest thing that comes out of that.

00:22:53.020 --> 00:23:01.750
Rosalee John: So what should everyone start doing then, of course, start doing. I have so many things that everyone can start doing. But

00:23:02.840 --> 00:23:04.640
Rosalee John: I would say

00:23:04.940 --> 00:23:09.460
Rosalee John: the biggest thing I would recommend everyone to start doing is

00:23:09.930 --> 00:23:16.240
Rosalee John: taking a moment to yourself without distractions. I

00:23:16.370 --> 00:23:26.999
Rosalee John: I do it at the beginning of my day and at the end of my day. But it will really depend on where you're at and what feels comfortable for you, but taking a few minutes

00:23:27.060 --> 00:23:39.350
Rosalee John: to talk to yourself. talk to a higher power of your choice, talk to the universe. and really develop that

00:23:39.470 --> 00:23:40.940
Rosalee John: relationship.

00:23:41.600 --> 00:24:11.100
Rosalee John: because especially. This is great. At the beginning of the day when you haven't looked on Instagram. You haven't been scrolling. You haven't absorbed anyone else's energy. You can just focus on you, because right away you will tell if you need something if you need it physically. That's water or exercise, or you know, to do a good stretch, or it's something that's coming up for you, whether it's a limiting belief, or it's

00:24:11.320 --> 00:24:16.769
Rosalee John: something that you need to amplify and look at

00:24:17.030 --> 00:24:27.310
Rosalee John: your body, your soul, your higher power, whatever you resonate with, is constantly speaking with you. So give yourself distraction, free time

00:24:27.370 --> 00:24:28.380
Rosalee John: to

00:24:28.440 --> 00:24:43.000
Rosalee John: tap into that, because we've already talked about it today on this podcast of your intuition is so important. And we'll tell you everything you need to know. You already have all that ancient wisdom within you. It's a matter of

00:24:43.170 --> 00:24:55.229
Rosalee John: tapping into this, and although I recommend doing it at the beginning of the day, you can certainly do it in the middle of the day you've been scrolling, and you've been absorbing all of this outside energy.

00:24:55.240 --> 00:25:03.600
Rosalee John: Take a moment to yourself. Check in what do you need to hear. What do you need to do what feels best for you

00:25:03.720 --> 00:25:05.100
Rosalee John: in this moment?

00:25:05.940 --> 00:25:25.429
Megan Mary: Yes, that is excellent advice, and I couldn't agree more. We need to silence that noise. There is so much noise, and I do prefer the morning, because that's when I'm recording my dreams, and when I'm unfettered, undistracted. And once the day goes, it's

00:25:25.430 --> 00:25:42.969
Megan Mary: pedal to the metal until until it's time for bed. And so there it's. It's really the best time for me. But there it is also good, just right in the middle, like you said, because overwhelm can can happen so easily. There's just so many being pulled in so many directions, and

00:25:43.050 --> 00:26:04.409
Megan Mary: there's no time in our daily lives for for that quiet place, and the quiet place is the only way that we can access that in our wisdom. It's not gonna just come to you while you're feverishly researching or scrolling

00:26:04.710 --> 00:26:14.180
Megan Mary: it. It has to be a quiet space. And so and and that's also the only way that you can train train your mind to

00:26:14.300 --> 00:26:33.190
Megan Mary: recognize your environment, part of learning how to loose a dream really involves actively acknowledging your environment in your waking life as well, so that you reflexively, then, when you're sleeping, are doing that same acknowledgment. So there's a lot of

00:26:33.540 --> 00:26:39.760
Megan Mary: knowing this, and awareness and mindfulness that has to happen

00:26:39.780 --> 00:26:47.909
Megan Mary: in your waking day in order to translate to that mindfulness in your

00:26:48.020 --> 00:26:49.179
Megan Mary: dream life.

00:26:49.970 --> 00:26:54.709
Rosalee John: How I love that you can train your brain.

00:26:54.840 --> 00:26:57.549
Rosalee John: That's very cool, very cool.

00:26:57.680 --> 00:27:01.409
Megan Mary: If you wrote a book tomorrow, what would you write about?

00:27:02.720 --> 00:27:03.910
Rosalee John: Hmm!

00:27:05.260 --> 00:27:17.690
Rosalee John: It's maybe surprising, surprising to myself, at least, is that I wouldn't do a non fiction book I would.

00:27:17.870 --> 00:27:21.209
Rosalee John: I think I'd honestly release a

00:27:21.250 --> 00:27:27.259
Rosalee John: bit of my own poetry. I've always loved poetry books. I think that it

00:27:27.570 --> 00:27:37.980
Rosalee John: is a beautiful form of art, and I have been a secret writer for a very, very long time, so if all of the stars are aligned.

00:27:38.500 --> 00:27:47.870
Rosalee John: I think it would be poetry, because that is truly transformative and healing. and it doesn't have to be.

00:27:48.310 --> 00:28:01.689
Rosalee John: you know, straightforward articles or chapters full of knowledge in order to get something out of it. So I'd say, poetry

00:28:01.720 --> 00:28:11.410
have a huge literature background and started writing poetry very young. So I have a a love of poetry that actually needs to be a little bit rekindled. But

00:28:11.660 --> 00:28:37.860
Rosalee John: it does, just because it's short. It does not mean it's not deep. Yes, absolutely well. Maybe this was, you know, the universe speaking through me to you to get that poetry going. Yes, after I finish my novel. Yes, after that on the to do list. Yes, added to the list of all the other things that I want to learn, all the things distracting me from finishing my album.

00:28:38.250 --> 00:28:42.229
Megan Mary: Yes. So what's next for you on on your journey?

00:28:42.570 --> 00:28:46.419
Rosalee John: What do you think you'll do next?

00:28:47.460 --> 00:28:51.759
Rosalee John: Really, my journey right now is about

00:28:52.000 --> 00:28:58.259
Rosalee John: learning how to manifest more confidently. That's my biggest.

00:28:59.190 --> 00:29:20.149
Rosalee John: not hurdle. But that's my biggest experience right now of learning how to make things easier on myself, not giving myself a to do list or choking list. In order to manifest of all these gazillion things that need to be done, and need to be in perfect place, and just allowing things to be easy.

00:29:20.310 --> 00:29:38.980
Rosalee John: I am an overthinker, like, I'm sure a lot of spiritual folk out there are. So I have to call my mind and let it let myself receive, because I'm still trying to control everything, because who doesn't love to control everything

00:29:39.100 --> 00:29:53.570
Rosalee John: so unlearning, control. learning how to let myself receive something and make my life be easy. Let it be as good as it can be. That is the energy that I'm invoking.

00:29:55.300 --> 00:30:07.550
Megan Mary: I'm right there with you. I need to do that, too. So here's to that, because I think that we so many people could benefit from that. But I know I definitely could.

00:30:07.900 --> 00:30:14.900
Megan Mary: So where can people find you online if they'd like to experience what you have to offer?

00:30:15.240 --> 00:30:43.240
Rosalee John: So I am most active on Instagram. My handle is the divine hippie, and I'm sure that's gonna be in the in the okay? Good, because I'm not good at spelling. So I did not want to have to say that the only reason why I was asking I'm also on pinterest, the same handle the divine happy, and you can always find me on my website@www.the divine hippie.com

00:30:43.740 --> 00:30:57.739
Megan Mary: awesome. Well, thank you so much for being here today, Rosalie, I I loved our conversation, and I'm so hope our listeners will, too. And I know there's gonna be so many people that will resume with with what we shared.

00:30:58.060 --> 00:31:07.859
Megan Mary: Yeah, thank you so much for having me today. You are a fabulous host, and your questions really got me thinking. So. Okay, thank you.

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