Women's Dream Enlightenment

Soul Blueprints & the Path of a Modern-Day Shaman with Lou Reed

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis Episode 18

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Lou Reed is a modern-day Shaman who has supported 26,000 women in 86 countries to walk the path of a modern day Shaman. Lou's life was filled with challenges, initiations, violence, betrayal, and pain. She transformed her wounded stories into sacred medicine, which she shaped into a reproducible scientific method for transforming all dimensions of her being. The Energy Medicine Institute or EMI was born and offers global online training for women who are curious about walking the path. Lou explains that enlightenment means living consciously and bringing in the light, which means being in the present moment and living through all 8 senses.

Megan and Lou discuss the meaning of the word "shaman" and its relation to medicine. They explain that shamans and medicine women are created with their own energy and medicine and are on a journey to embody who they were born to be or who their soul was supposed to be. As shamans, they bring balance to the world by bringing light and balance into the continuum of light and shadow. They are taught by spirit and not trained by third-dimensional beings, but require guidance on how to integrate the spirit world with the third dimension to be of service. Lou emphasizes the importance of starting sacred circles and connecting with tribe for healing and connection. Megan shares her experience of creating a community for lost souls.

Watch the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohYc_e6alVY

Special Offer:

For the next 30 days, Lou will be offering free access to "The Path of a Modern-Day Shaman" sacred circle membership & Training with code DREAM369.   Where you can learn how to create your own spiritual roadmap

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary: Welcome. Today we have Lou Reed. She is a modern day Shaman. Lou Reed's life was filled with challenges, initiations, violence, betrayal, and pain. Lou's healing journey, saw her transform her wounded stories into sacred medicine, which she shaped into a reproducible scientific step by step method for transforming all dimensions of your being

Megan Mary: Energy Medicine Institute or EMI was born and offers global online training for women who are curious about walking the path of a modern day shaman

Megan Mary: Lou is an inspirational speaker, and has supported 26,000 women in 86 countries to walk the path as a modern day, shaman transforming their lives and those of their community. Welcome, Lou.

Lou Reed: Thank you, honey. Hi, everybody

Megan Mary:so glad to have you here today. That is an amazing introduction. That is a lot of women whose lives you have. You have touched and changed.

Lou Reed: I know it's just such a joy. I. And now don't work with the beloveds one on one, my team does that but just witnessing the transformations and seeing how one change in your life has this incredible ripple effect out into the world?

Megan Mary: Yes, it's it's beautiful.

Well, one of my first questions that I love to ask everyone because it's such a juicy question is, what does enlightenment mean to you?

Enlightenment for me means living consciously.

Lou Reed: So, being an enlightened being.

Lou Reed: working the path filled with light.

Lou Reed: Because when we look at our wounded stories or our challenges in life that has reshaped our soul, and reshaped the way that we express ourself in light.

Lou Reed: then we're absent of light. So if we look at wounded stories, or less than optimal behaviors being absent of light, it's simply the light has moved away, and we're looking in another direction, and we tend to put in a little pandora's box and not look at it. So enlightenment means living consciously.

Megan Mary: Yes, I love that explanation, and I love what? How you were talking about the light, because I feel like that is bringing that light in is

Megan Mary: what going from 3D. To to 4 d  Is is all about, is really and or 5 d. Is really bringing in that that light. And that's actually why I have that as my intro to the podcast, because I, I feel like we all need to bring in that light.

Lou Reed: It's such an important piece consciously to me, means

Lou Reed: being in the present moment, and living through all of our 8 senses. Quite often people look at our 5 senses, which is a very masculine way of living, and for women The other 3 senses that have become so important, working with the women that I have around the world is creativity.

Lou Reed: because creativity is a bridge between our 5 senses and our sensuality and sexuality, which are the other 2.

Lou Reed: So feeling it on all levels. Now, we can only feel the light when we have light in our being so, raising our light consciousness in the now moment for me is the key to enlightenment.

Megan Mary: I I love that explanation. I haven't really heard it explained that way before.

Megan Mary: So let's talk about your enlightenment journey. How you did you have a pivotal moment that brought you to realize this type of work that you're doing now.

Lou Reed: I definitely had a pivotal moment, and also had a lot of shadow leading up to the pivotal moment again talking about that absent of light, of experiences where I

Lou Reed: chose a path that wasn't a soul path, and took me off path. So I see the path as light, and I see when I step off. Path is absent of light. And so, as I walked my healing path, or as I walked my life path, I started to surgically remove aspects of self that I felt were not acceptable, that society or my community or the people around me mirrored back to me that

Lou Reed: that was not okay.

Lou Reed: And so, as I surgically removed aspects of self and left them on the side of the highway of life. I move forward in life, and then I got to a place where I felt like

Lou Reed: there should be more to life

Lou Reed: and what had happened was I had removed so much of self, there was hardly anything left. I was a shell of who I was again shadow rather than light, and I had a near death experience. There was nothing left inside of me to guide me, and that near death experience allowed me to move into the world between world and see

Lou Reed: It's kind of the best I can explain. It is I was me

Lou Reed: but I was everything all at once.

Lou Reed: and so all of these questions I had during my life up to that moment. It's all, everything sort of dropped in place like a do so puzzle. And I had a clear picture, and what became very clear to me is

Lou Reed: I had been working on my third dimensional character, my behaviors.

Lou Reed: But the true change comes from working with our soul blueprint, because our soul blueprint is the piece that is designed in bardot, in the spiritual waiting room with Source, and my high self at the birth of my soul.

Lou Reed: And I had been working with everything that had happened in this body in this incarnation. But it wasn't fixing the things. It was like. I was peeling away another way of the onion, but I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere.

Lou Reed: And then, in that near death experience. In that instant I saw everything. I saw how my soul blueprint was created. I saw all the moments in time, almost like a a highlights of a movie trailer where I could see all the key pieces where I made decisions to turn away from light in the now moment. And so that's when I started to focus on the spiritual roadmap which is our blueprint. So that's where we can make

Lou Reed: deep soulful transformation, for the evolution of our soul. Not just this lifetime.

Megan Mary: That's fascinating. Yes, I I heard you say in our private conversation that the this, the way you explain the soul blueprint, just sounded really, really interesting, that it is basically when we, when our soul split from source

Megan Mary: what was encoded at that time and reconnecting with that and reconnecting ourselves, reconnecting with source, but also reconnecting with our true selfs essentially, which is

Megan Mary: what so many of these modalities aim to do is to create that connection back to the higher self, back to the the source of ourselves and

Megan Mary: dreams is just another way, that's one of my pathways. That I feel is is very powerful, but there are so many ways that that can be done.

Lou Reed: and dream is an important tool, because, one of the tools that my spirit showed me as a a tool for my Modern Day Shaman Toolkit is lucid dreaming.

Lou Reed: being able to learn how to be conscious inside of a dream and reshape things, because, as we reshape it in the dream, we come back and we've actually reshaped it in our blueprint.

Lou Reed: So it's another way to work with the soul blueprint and get to that deep, soulful transformation.

Hmm, yes, because there's such synergy, and there's such a reflexive nature when you start to be able to connect with that

Megan Mary: ability in your dreams.

Megan Mary: It then influences your waking life in a positive way, which then changes your dreams in a positive way which it it's that creates this whole positive cycle and synergistic energy that can be extremely powerful in restoring confidence and in providing direction, and just giving people that that connection, that they're missing that feeling of purpose

Megan Mary: in life.

Lou Reed: I also found that learning to be conscious in a dream state

Lou Reed: was the first step for some people to enlightenment. They weren't able to learn how to be conscious in their waking state. But as they learn how to be conscious in their dream state, it just naturally transferred over, and they became more conscious. Consciousness to me is being present in the now moment.

Lou Reed: and experiencing each now moment through the 8 senses. When we do that

Lou Reed: we are pure light and we don't create woundeded stories to have to work with down the track and transform.

Lou Reed: And so learning that level of consciousness is the key to transforming our soul codes because they do become corrupt each time we make a choice that leads us off path every time we make a thought that takes us off path every time we choose to not clear a woundeded story. Then we're taking in more shadow.

Lou Reed: And so we're removing the light from our being. And then we're not able to be present in the now moment.

Megan Mary: Yes, shadow work is a never ending process. It's not just one and done where you've confront your shadows and you dissolve them, because, like you said, you're constantly, life doesn't work that way, and you're constantly being

Megan Mary: inculcated with all all sorts of energies and experiencing all sorts of challenges, and that that work of clearing that energy and of

Megan Mary: approaching that shadow is something that's

Megan Mary: ongoing, just like your your dream work. It's it's never Oh, now I understand it all. It's it's always a it's a journey. It's a

Megan Mary: continual process. But

Lou Reed: yes, a lot of people fear shadow work, and the invitation is

Lou Reed: to transform your shadow into golden shadow. It isn't to erase it, eradicate it, ignore it, bury it, the invitation is to and this is where it it's really aligned with the soul blueprint.

Lou Reed: because what we do is, we are given 12 soul codes when our soul split from source

Lou Reed: and they are 12 of the 22 creation codes which created the world, and science confirms that science works in the same principle, and each code has a lesson, an initiation and a gift and a talent. So what we do with our soul blueprint is, we explore the shadow, and so think of it as a continuum. Each soul code is shadow/ light

Lou Reed: in an ideal, the path of a modern day Shaman, we toggle the 2 worlds. So we have one foot in shadow and one foot in light.

Lou Reed: And we work with bringing more light into specific areas. And what can happen is we can get lost in the symptoms. We can feel the symptoms because they give us the immediate fix of an emotional hit.

Lou Reed: And so we stay focused in the symptoms rather than getting down to which soul code is corrupt Here, what am I actually working on? And let me get to the root cause dabble around in that shadow and start to move light into it, so I can transform it into golden shadow.

Megan Mary: I like that. Actually, that it's it's not dissolving it necessarily. It's just transforming it. I do want to talk about the word shaman and how it I want you to talk about. Maybe misconceptions about that word, and

how you

Megan Mary: think of that word, and how that might be different from previous incarnations or other people's conceptions of that word, and also about medicine and the different types of medicine, because because essentially my medicine might be dreams and another woman's medicine might be something else. And so

Megan Mary: I'd like you to talk a little bit about that. I think that's really key here.

Lou Reed: Absolutely, Shaman. You're born a Shaman.

Lou Reed: You're not created as such. We all created medicine women. I believe we're all created with our own energy, healing with our own medicine, and we all have

Lou Reed: in our soul blueprint the journey from shadow to light or from corrupt soul codes to transforming them into our gifts and talents. That's our medicine.

Lou Reed: The journey, the step by step process that we take

Lou Reed: to embody who we were born to be, or who our soul was birthed to be, is the medicine that we share with others. And it's a really important message, because so many people think that they need to look at the external world and fit into a hole somewhere.

Lou Reed: My invitation is to let go of everything you believe to be true, to unlearn, so that you can become teachable and not teachable by me or you or another human, but my spirit.

Lou Reed: Spirit is light

Lou Reed: and flows through us, comes down from the divine in our crown energy center through our energy, centers down into Mother Earth

Lou Reed: when we first Mother Earth is set the blueprint, and she says, got it. Thanks. I realize you're here. Here's the first thing that you need.

Lou Reed: And so then we start wandering through life, and then it then goes straight up through our energy system where we came from, wherever that might be wherever your belief is, and then it says she's arrived. She's here, and she's on a path.

Lou Reed: and then they go fantastic. Thank you for that information. This is her next step, and this is constant, inpouring and outpouring of light

Lou Reed: from Mother Earth up to where we came from or to high self, source. Whatever our belief is, it doesn't matter. It's the same in science or in religion, or in ancient wisdom.

And so when we

Lou Reed: have an uncomfortable feeling, and we block that feeling we contract, and we stop that inpouring and outpouring.

And whatever that emotion is has a frequency, so if it's anger, it's anger, if it's fear, it's fear, and that then starts to taint

Lou Reed: the energy flowing up and down. And so, as a shaman, what we do is we bring balance into the world. So by standing in the middle of that continuum of absent of light and light, we're always asking yourself, how can I bring balance to this moment? How can I bring balance and balance of light

Lou Reed: so that it's not shadow down this in and I'm lost. It's the the the beautiful dance between Shadow and Golden Shadow.

Lou Reed: Shamans are a different kind of beast, we

Lou Reed: are all born energy healers and medicine women and the training is specifically designed for women to identify

Lou Reed: who they are and what their medicine is in this lifetime, how to language it, and how to share it with others. and those that become a medicine woman. Some of those will be Shamans.

and the difference is that a shaman is taught by spirit.

Lou Reed: We're not trained by third dimensional beings in saying that at some point in a Shaman's path there is a place where

Lou Reed: they require guidance on how to integrate the spirit world with the third dimension world so they can be of service. And that's where I come in. So I identify the shamans as they move through the training, and then once they identify themselves, that they actually spirits has been with them all their life and spirit has been showing them and guiding them and teaching them. And now their places will I understand who I am. But how does that translate into the third dimension? Then my role is to support that.

Megan Mary: That's a very important role, because there are.

Megan Mary: as you said, even though we may.

Megan Mary: it' be making that connection. And we may be receiving that information, and we may even have an idea of what our our path is supposed to be and what our medicine might be. It's figuring out how to articulate that and channel that, and I think it that out to the people that need it. That, I think, is sometimes one of the biggest challenges it

Megan Mary: after you've overcome all your other challenges to to figure out to get to that point to figure out, okay, you've already done the acknowledging you've already done the connecting. How do you do that last step of that transformation.

Lou Reed: And the interesting thing is is, it's not a training.

Lou Reed: It's an awakening.

Lou Reed: It's a remembrance of who you are. And so my role as the

Lou Reed: Shaman for initiates is to support them in removing everything that is not them.

Lou Reed: I don't take people how to be them. Spirit does that beautifully. I teach them how to gain confidence in the messages that are coming through, to trust

Lou Reed: the messages that are coming through, and find their own unique way of then expressing it, because we don't realize how shaped we are by the over culture.

Lou Reed: Well, by the time we get to the place where. Yes, this is my medicine. The biggest challenge is unlearning to relearn and to allow that

Lou Reed: latent wisdom that's in our cells about being to just awaken and release the the ancestral medicine and and a lot of the ancestral medicine, if I can just clarify, is not third dimensional beings, it's celestial beings.

Lou Reed: I mean, that's how we were birthed. That earth was originally in a galactic library where races would come and exchange information.

Lou Reed: and humanity was birthed. This is through my teachings from spirit. Humanity was birthed through the combination of 12 different races coming together and donating a DNA strand.

Lou Reed: And so we are now have awakened 2- 3 DNA strands, but the evolution of humanity will be an invitation to awaken all 12. And so the star beings in ourselves and people are starting to awaken on the planet have been for now, maybe a year or 2. So the light languages coming through, and a lot of different things, and they don't know where to put it, so they feel wrong, so they discard it.

Lou Reed: No. So the path of a modern day Shaman is to unload all of those things, you know, like Leonardo da Vinci, they said, how did you create David? He said. Simple. I just removed everything that wasn't David. And that's my role as the shaman to the initiate spirits already trained you.

Lou Reed: You have that connection. My role is simply to support you in in connecting in with those things that aren't 3rd dimensional that don't make sense and allow you to really lean in and trust that.

Megan Mary: Yes, and that that is exactly what I think is happening so much right now. I I fear so many people talk about it, and I think that so many, so many women are waking up to remembering, and it is a remembering is at the core of of the experience, and it's

Megan Mary: the way you put it where they don't know where to put it is exactly exactly right, because it doesn't make sense. It's not part of this cultural experience that we're used to having. And we don't really, it doesn't fit into the trajectory that we've either been told that our life is gonna take, or that we've preset in our minds that our life should take, and we don't know where to put that, how to embody that

Megan Mary: to even allow that.

And it's that challenge of saying, Okay.

Megan Mary: there is something I know there is something I don't even know what it is, and I can't even name it. But you you feel called. You feel driven. You feel like you have to do something, and you're not even really sure how to make that in. It's already part of your reality. But you're not really sure how to how to formulate that and

Megan Mary: get out of your own way is what I always say.

Lou Reed: and with everything that's happened on the planet in the last few years

Lou Reed: more and more medicine women, the medicine woman archetypes, and coming through and awakening in us for quite a few years now.

Lou Reed: and what I found is with the thousands of women that I've worked with.

Lou Reed: There's always a common thread, and that common thread is that the modality, whatever it is that they felt was their calling is no longer sufficient. It's not fixing the problem. It's not covering everything. Everyone is starting to wake up and see that whatever it is. So I have metaphysic people. I have psychologists. I have scientists. I have all sorts of people coming, and they're teaching

is no longer

Lou Reed: covering everything that's happening in the world and in their world and their beloveds world. And so they're looking for more. So the the sign that you're waking up is that you feel like there should be something more to life.

Lou Reed: or that you're missing something in life, and you can't language it. You just know it on some deep cellular level. And all of this beautiful medicine that's coming through you, that everyone is discarding

Lou Reed: is the answers. I'm gonna just say that again, all of this really crucial information that is medicine for this time on the planet that people are discarding, because it's different

Lou Reed: is the medicine.

Lou Reed: And what's happening for those ha! That have the Shaman call. They have this real sense of urgency that I don't know why or what, or how they're just know they have to have the got to go to that. They got to do this, and they they've got a they don't know what, but they've got this real kind of almost panic.

Lou Reed: and that panic is Mother Earth calling us to step up and to step in you know, I really do relate to that path, because for the last 10 years

Lou Reed: I I couldn't say. Well, you know, Earth used to be a galactic library, because it doesn't say it anywhere in the planet. But I've had the pain of holding my medicine in made me so physically ill

Lou Reed: that I've had to let it out. I've had to just start expressing it. So I started expressing it with people I trusted.

Lou Reed: And then I looked for community, and I couldn't find one. So I created one. And so all of the lost souls that are finding a home particularly star beings.

Lou Reed: you know a lot of my beloved started to bring through light language, and they were ashamed of it.

Lou Reed: And I'm like no honey. This is your medicine. Shout it from the day tree tops come into the tribe and start sharing, which is why we invite our beloveds to start in sacred circle and just put your toe in the water, start to listen to the healing, see if you connect, and if you don't connect to reach out, because someone in the tribal that I know what that is. That's this, and you could go to see this person like I. I'm not the answer for everybody.

Lou Reed: but I'm the answer for those that at the beginning of their journey, who are a bit lost

Lou Reed: to help them find the path, which is why it's a path of the modern day, shaman,  meaning. It could be an energy healer  it could be a dream. It could be medicine woman. It's a path, and those who aren't Shaman We will help them find the wherever it is they need to be.

Megan Mary: That's beautiful.

Megan Mary: so wonderful that you're offering that.

Megan Mary: So you had mentioned demonstrating and activation today for our listeners.

Lou Reed: Let's start with before we activate something we want to do a bit of excavation work. So if you're open, I'm going to invite you to be the demonstration. So your beloved can get a feel for what? What's this all about, anyway?

Lou Reed: So

Lou Reed: normally, what we do is we dive into the 12 soul codes because they are everything. Then they tell us about the 4 key areas of our life, and we start to see the patterns because

Lou Reed: the reason why so? Because when they corrupt, are a bit tricky to find, because we have different personalities.

Lou Reed: So I think of it as when we're with a family. There's dominant soul codes that will come out. So we might be the black sheep. We might be the golden child. We might be the only child. There's these roles that we we sort of slot into in the third dimension.

Lou Reed: And so then you find that with friends you have a completely different personality, you might be more relaxed, more open. more you

Lou Reed: Then, when it comes to money generally, we take on the story of our primary careers unconsciously. And then we start living out this way, being in the world around money, and don't even realize that it's not even our story to fix, which is why a lot of women in particular struggle with money when they start to start their own business.

Lou Reed: because they will find that in our genes that you're a nurturer you nurture others.

Lou Reed: but to be a soulpreneur where you know the dimensional construct of the masculine, we need to take that feminine out into the world. So different soul codes create different patterns in different areas of Our life. We're not schizophrenic good news. We just simply rely on. We become stronger in certain soul codes in particular areas.

Lou Reed: Now, in an ideal world to be enlightened, we want to live through the light aspect of all 12 soul codes in every area of our life. That's how we become our true self, how we become real, real, and authentic.

Lou Reed: the person I just that a lot of people live through are just the ones that created to exist and survive in their environment. And what we want to do is move out of that shadow and into the light.

Lou Reed: So let's have a look at one of your areas of your life and look at the 3 dominant soul codes that are playing out. So your listeners can get a sense of what's this work about, anyway? Okay, I'm going to just check in with your soul. And sacred work is where it wants to play today. Are you comfortable with that

Lou Reed: fantastic?

So I'm going to

Lou Reed: for those who don't have a strong connection with the intuition. We use a modality called muscle testing. Some can use scrying if I only want to work with self. But there's different ways to connecting with spirit. So don't be too concerned if you can't connect with it, or haven't learned how to do that yet.

So the 3 soul codes that. That frequency of those soul codes in your sacred work are 11,

Lou Reed: 17, and 21.

Lou Reed: So let's have a look at your

lessons and initiations that

Lou Reed: have been put in place by your higher self and source for you to experience. So you can become who you're meant to become.

Lou Reed: This is not a punishment. This is, we sit with source and higher self, and we say, Hey, I'd love to experience this, and id love to experience that. And then they go great. Okay, here's the creation code that will allow you to achieve that. So it's a co-creation, even though quite often beloved, can feel.

Lou Reed: How could I have asked for this in the bardot when I get it? Because I was kidnapped, tortured, and I just couldn't grasp that concept? And why would I ever choose this.

Lou Reed: Now I have a deeper understanding, because I was looking at it through my third dimensional eyes rather than my 21 dimensional eyes with very different viewpoints.

So 11, 17 and 21,

Lou Reed: the lessons for you around your sacred work. It's coming up that

Lou Reed: you have requested an imbalance around responsibilities. So that will either show up as you feeling overly responsible for others or under responsible for others.

Lou Reed: so it may show up differently in different areas. So in some personal relationships you may be over responsible and wanting to almost control things, to make sure everything's safe.

Lou Reed: or if it's under responsible, then what you do is you just let it go and say, Well, that's just too hard. I'm not doing that. You go and be responsible for yourself.

Lou Reed: So you relate to that energy

Lou Reed:  okay, good. then, what happens is so we create a strategy so generally, if we look at the 3 frequencies that will give you a really good feel for what's happening to you right now.

Lou Reed: So when you feel this lack of responsibility.

Lou Reed: oh, sorry this like a balance around responsibility.

Lou Reed: The next thing that happens to you is you lose mental vitality.

Lou Reed: so your mind will start looping. What I mean by looping is, it will go back into the past and think of all the times where this particular situation didn't work out.

Lou Reed: and then it'll rush out into the future, and it will loop from the future to the past to the present of it, so that you do the the mind does this cycle and the trigger is

Lou Reed: when your responsibility is not balanced. This is a very feminine trait and a very healer trait like, where is that fine line where we

Lou Reed: teach a beloved, and then allow them to have the experience and go through the pain because the pain gives us a spiritual wisdom

Lou Reed: is that making sense for you  is there anything you might like to share around that? Or you just happy to sit with it and process it

Lou Reed: processing, okay, so step one is this imbalance of responsibility. Step 2 is,  mental vitality?

Lou Reed: And then the third thing that happens is when you have this mental vitality or lack of mental vitality because your mind is running that can also show up as confusion, feeling a bit lost and a bit challenging to get to sleep.

Lou Reed: the next thing that happens is that you withdraw so rather than hitting head on. Now this happens because we feel we're under resourced.

Lou Reed: Now let me reach that is your initiation.

Lou Reed: Let me read the way that you asked to move through life

Lou Reed: when you set with source. So. darling. Yes, I know we can hear you.

Megan Mary: So how can people that are interested in finding out what their path as a woman, Shaman, medicine woman? Where can they find you? And how can they start on that path.

Lou Reed: Great question. So it's Energy Medicine Institute. And if you go to the website, it's a .com, or you can go to Facebook, Instagram

Lou Reed: pinterest Youtube. They're all the same Energy Medicine Institute. And of course, the website .com.au, because we're in Australia.

Lou Reed: And to start the path, my invitation would be to start in our sacred circle. So you just feel in to come in and be You

Lou Reed: Engage with other beloved who are in the beginning, or I have been on the path for a while, and each Monday I do a teaching in there so that you can start to explore different aspects of yourself.

Megan Mary: Wonderful. So for the next 30 days Lou will be offering free access to the path of the modern day shaman sacred circle membership which she was just speaking about, where there is the training, where you can learn how to create your own spiritual roadmap.

And if you'd prefer to have your roadmap created for you in a 90 min session with one of the EMI trainers. Women's Dream Enlightenment has secured a $200 discount on this service when you use the secret password in the show notes.

Megan Mary: So thank you very much for offering that to our listeners. I think that that is a wonderful opportunity.

Lou Reed: Thank you, honey, and I just

Lou Reed: invite all the women who are listening, all the men who love them to really start to listen to that intuition.

Lou Reed: It has a message for you. Your inner shaman is speaking, are you listening?

Megan Mary: I couldn't agree more. Everyone needs to quiet the mind and listen to that inner voice

Megan Mary: it has so much to tell us. Well, thank you so much for being here today, Lou Reed, I really appreciate everything that you are doing for women everywhere, and your your gifts and offerings as well.

Lou Reed: Thank you, honey. Let's see you on the path. Yes.

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