Women's Dream Enlightenment

Dream Session: The Soul Road with Benita Silver

Megan Mary Episode 38

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Benita Silver’s passion lies in providing spiritual mentorship for high-energy healers who feel their soul calling them to make a bigger impact. With over 40 years of experience as a psychotherapist, she is IFS Level 3 Certified, an Intuitive Energy Healer, Tantrica, and Space Holder. She brings deep presence, compassion, and connection to those she serves. Through her work, her clients embrace themselves with love and serve as a powerful source of inspiration and guidance to others. 

In this dream session hosted by Megan Mary, Benita's dream journal unfolds a profound narrative encompassing themes of independence, progression, and inner healing. The dream journey starts with an invitation to overcome isolation and accept oneself, transitions to a symbolic road trip signifying freedom and challenges, and culminates in a transformative encounter at a stranger's house. The dream intricately weaves together personal experiences, emotions, and aspirations, offering insights into the complexities of the dreamer's psyche. The narrative unfolds like a puzzle, inviting reflection on the interconnectedness of different life aspects.

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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

Welcome. Today we have Benita Silver. Benita's passion lies in providing spiritual mentorship for high energy healers who feel their soul calling them to make a bigger impact. With over 40 years of experience as a psychotherapist, she is IFS level three certified and intuitive energy healer, tantrica, and space holder. She brings deep presence, compassion, and connection to those she serves. Through her work, her clients embrace themselves with love and serve as a powerful source of inspiration and guidance to others. She particularly loves serving those who are entering into the not knowing, the alchemical urn of creation, where mystery, fear, and love meet. and doubt transmute into magic and miracles. Welcome Benita.

Benita Silver:

Thank you so much Megan Mary. It's such a delight being here.

Megan Mary:

I love that last part about transmuting into magic and miracles. Yes. Wonderful stuff.

Benita Silver:

So today

Megan Mary:

you have been so kind as to open up your dream journal and share with us one of your dreams. Which I really appreciate, and I know the listeners really love these episodes. So first I'm going to read through the Dream Journal. And the title that you gave the dream is Henry's Place. And you classify it as a lucid slash creative dream. So let's start at the beginning. There's three parts to this dream, which a lot of dreams have. So we'll read it and then we'll go through each part. Part one, I'm at my friend's home, although it's not his actual home, I'm coming downstairs and I see a group of people, all of whom have been invited to a party. I have not been invited. It is very sunny in the living room and many people have congregated. I'm trying to decide if I'll exit through the back door or walk through the group of people and exit the front door. I choose to walk through the group of people feeling that I'm fine with being seen. There's no need to hide part two. I'm driving North in Northern New Hampshire. where I used to live, on the sole road that would take me to the Canadian border. I'm traveling through the mountains of Pinkham Notch, ascending. It is cold and windy, and as is typical of the mountains, they are large and composed of granite. Three large semi trucks are descending and have large red brick tops of houses perched on their beds. Although the truck beds are horizontal, not following in line behind the truck cabin, taking up much of the descending road, and not blocking my way up the notch. The tops of the houses are large, strong, and hard. They appear monolithic and somewhat ominous. I'm not sure if there are windows or chimneys. I continue my journey north with plans of crossing into Canada. Part 3. My husband Pierre and I arrive at a man's house whom we do not know. We apparently have parked the car between his house and a garage on the driveway. The garage is on the right side of the house as we face the street and there's a little space between it and the man's house. We enter in the back door and see the man seated in his living room, dressed in a dark gray suit. He is not surprised by our entrance into his home, remains seated, in his chair and says nothing. He is probably in his early 50s, dark and handsome. Pierre and I are concerned that the police will see our car and I suggest that we move it behind the garage where it won't be seen from the road. Pierre agrees that it's a good plan. He goes upstairs with plans to go into the man's bedroom and take some of the man's clothes for himself. I ask the man if I could borrow a sweatshirt or jacket. He's okay with it. Pierre comes downstairs with clothing in hand. The man does not react. Instead, he rises out of his chair and looks at the tall house behind the garage. His next door neighbor, which is Henry's house, and the man says that he and Henry are too of a kind. and that they both are healers. Okay. I really love the progression there of the three different parts because it's so typical of really the non linear manner of our dreams. And Sometimes we think, well, these three things have nothing to do with each other, but I love the puzzle of the dream story that they do, in fact, and they just recombine themselves into different ways. So that's a wonderful dream record. First off, just wanna

Benita Silver:

thank you for that. I might add, Megan Mary, that the where the party is being held is Henry's house also, but it's a different house, not his house.

Megan Mary:

Okay. So he's the friend. Yes. So he's the friend. Yeah.

Benita Silver:

Okay. Got it. So kind of coming full circle.

Megan Mary:

Yes. So that's where we're going to start really, because what we want to do now is look at All of the people, places, settings, objects, and then we're going to get into the emotions, actions, and then we're going to look at it as a metaphor.

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

initially, let's talk about. Henry, so when I asked you about Henry, if you could use three words to describe him, what three words would you use? And then, and then I can tell you the ones that you had supplied initially. Oh, okay.

Benita Silver:

So just off the top of my head, cause I don't have the record of what I wrote, but creative, industrious, and I consider him like a soul brother.

Megan Mary:

Okay, you did say industrious and creative, and then also spiritual. Yes. Okay. And so you also added that he's an energy healer and artisan who is constantly improving his home, building gardens and creating temple space and that he hosts healing gatherings. So it's very important that the setting begins at this person's house, even if it's not his house. When we see a setting that is different from a place that we know. So we know it's a person's home, but it's not their home in this world. We want to look at how it's different. What made that house different from Henry's home in real life?

Benita Silver:

Okay, so, so much of Henry's real life home is, first he's got an expanse of land, and he's got rock gardens and gardens that he has created. An underground sauna and his entire home is decorated with what he calls is bling crystals and different kind of artifacts, fine art luxurious pillows and textiles and Oh, just all kinds of just beauty every just about every inch also mirrors and tiles and So who is the one in the dream different? It's white and bright and I'm not so aware in the dream of furnishings or, any kind of artwork. It seems to be very minimalistic.

Megan Mary:


Benita Silver:

And, I'm inside, so I'm not aware of the

Megan Mary:


Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

Okay. And that's good because I think it's important to understand the contrast between. That place in the 3D world and that place in your dream, particularly if it's that kind of differentiation where it's plainer or if it's more elaborate So that's important. So you go down stairs and that is For me, very much usually that, that initial motion of going downstairs, downstairs many times or out back or in the closet or behind the stage are all those places where it's our shadow. where we obscure things from ourselves, where we store things that we don't use, where we hide things, we're going into the depths. So that being the very first action is very much indicative of that. Now it's not a dark place because you see a whole bunch of people and it's very sunny, but Despite it being so light and bright, you are immediately aware of the fact that you have not been invited

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

and the fact that it's the. living room and the way you describe it in that manner, the metaphor of the living room is very much the state of living our living world as opposed to the kitchen or the study or the bedroom or any other rooms that it could be. And the living room shows up again in part three. So there is. and underscored importance to the, the metaphor of the living room.

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

So you decide to exit. That is your primary action, is to leave the situation, and you're not sure whether to just walk right through them, go out the back door, go out the front door, you realize you have these options, and of course, a house. Itself in dreams can be so indicative of our mind itself of our internal presence and the back door in the front door also having strong metaphors. So it's interesting that you decide to just walk through them. and go out the front door and that you feel very comfortable and confident in doing so. So explain that situation.

Benita Silver:

Yeah. So in that situation I was aware I wasn't invited, that there were all these people that had been invited. And it was like, okay, so Should I just, not make my presence known? Should I just scoot out the back door, kind of play it down? Or should I just, be myself and just, okay, this is the reality and hello and goodbye kind of thing.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Now, was this a lucid dream and were you aware that you were dreaming?

Benita Silver:

Yes. Okay. It's to some extent, but not totally, I don't know if you, you know, it's kind of, right.

Megan Mary:

Cause if you, if it was totally lucid and you decided, Oh, this is a dream and I'm going out the front door, that would be different than right. Your subconscious decides you're going out the front door. And I think it's a good sign. Especially if it's not a lucid dream that you make the decision to go straight through that group of people not to hide, not to try and get away from them, make your presence known and also your decision to not be part of it. So I think that that is a strong opening to the dream and you mentioned holding your head high. And not hiding. So a lot of a lot of independence there, a lot of confidence and a lot of disregard for the fact that maybe you're not going to be include included in what's happening in this living. Place.

Benita Silver:

Yeah, there was a feeling of neutrality that I felt. It wasn't like I was charged about not having been invited. It's just like, Oh, okay. So this is what's going on. Okay. So acceptance.

Megan Mary:

Right. And, comfort. Awesome. And then we go to the second step. Part where you're in this different scene and you're driving now, I like that you're driving because many times when we are driving in our dreams, it means that we are feeling in control of the direction of our lives. When we encounter a car that is broken down. We can't find our keys. We can't get the ignition to start. We can't steer it. All of these things that we've also experienced in our dreams, those are completely different metaphors from I'm driving myself. And so that's. a good sign right off the bat and underscores that, that agency that the first scene showed us. So you're driving on this one road, you say, the sole road. Hmm. I like that. Even though you spelled it S O L E as in the only. I like the, the word play of the soul road very much. Is that all the time also?

Benita Silver:

Yes. The soul journey. Yes. S O U L. Yes. S O L E. Right.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And so it is not lost here because it is definitely a, you know, it may in fact be the only road that goes to Canada, but it's also, you're on this road to your soul. Right. And I love that metaphor. So you're traveling through the mountains. You're Ascending? Yep. So you're going up, you're not just necessarily going north, which we know geographically to be true and re in this reality, but you're actually going upwards on this, on this ascent ascension, also very metaphorical. And then there are these three large semi trucks coming down. Yeah. And I love how you explain how they were kind of just like filling the whole road. They weren't staying in their lane, right? They're coming down almost sideways is how I visualize. Yeah. Right. Yeah.

Benita Silver:

They were. Triangular. So they're coming down the road like this instead of the long way. Yeah, right,

Megan Mary:

right. But interestingly, even though they're not staying in their lane, they're not blocking your way. Right. Yeah. Mm hmm. So even though they're ominous, they're not really a full obstruction for you. Right. And I think that that's important as well. And tell me a little bit about the connection here with your husband because you mentioned that he is from Quebec. And so what is the importance here of heading up to the Canadian border?

Benita Silver:

Well so he was just granted his green card, his permanent U. S. residency last month. And and so during the year that we've been married and the two years that we've known one another so he moved here a year and a half ago. And during that time, he's not been able to leave the country. He has not been able to return to his home country. And of Quebec. And so we do have plans. And I used to live in New Hampshire. My son and my grandkids and my daughter in law are in Massachusetts. So we're going to be planning a road trip up through, New Hampshire. He's going to see my old stomping grounds and we're going to proceed to Quebec and meet his family and his friends. And yeah. And so now there's. The freedom that he has that he can leave the country and I can meet his family and friends.

Megan Mary:

Okay. So without that background. If I look up Canada and a dream dictionary or mountains or something else, it's not going to tell me the specific meaning that the mountains in that road and that place in the country has for you. And what I'm hearing is that. At this moment in your life. It is specifically about freedom. Yes. Yeah. That is very much what that that road and that exchange of residency and that being free to move about the country as it is, that that is really what this. is about this place is about for you. And I want to talk about the semi trucks. If I didn't know what a semi truck was or what it would be used for, what would you say the purpose of a semi truck is for?

Benita Silver:

Yeah. Well, I mean, they're like 18 wheelers, these long haulers that are transporting Goods, I guess, across the country to provide for the supply, providing a supply for the demand of the consumer.

Megan Mary:

Okay, yes. And I think that that's important because however you might have described it could be totally, someone else would describe the purpose of them a little bit differently. It's all in the word choice. Right. Right. Okay. So that's important because there's a little bit of this. large, ominous, monolithic, the words that you use a little bit, I don't want to say insurmountable, but that's, there's this feeling of this is a really big, three really big things coming my way and they're not blocking my way, but their whole purpose is, is to transport something that is needed. By others, and I'm wondering what those goods are in this case.

Benita Silver:

Well, yeah, they're like the peak of the houses. Yeah, brick structures, which is unusual I mean in and of itself red brick. Huh. And so, yeah. Yes, kind of like yeah, so you might have a couple floors and then you have the peak with the, the roof

Megan Mary:

and red in dreams. The color itself can very much represent. That assertion that that driving desire and so it's interesting that you're driving and you also have this red color coming in and then what are they but they're peaks of houses and the house the symbol of a house is very strong in every single one of the scenes. Mm

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

Mm hmm. And the house can very much represent your place in your life. It can represent, of course, security and, all of those things as well. But it's also your inner world, right? And so the peak of the house. And it being brick is very much similar to the, the ominous, like marble marbleness of the mountains. So we have all of this very strong metaphors of, I want to say that mountains are kind of immovable, right? But they're also just very, picturesque and majestic, but they're also very strong and these giant semi trucks with these giant brick tops of the houses. There's very much this feeling of strength, but. Well, is this movable or is this immovable? And so we'll, it'll make more sense when we get into part three, because there are three of those trucks. And the three many times can represent the, the triad. It can be so many things, whether you look at it from a mystical or philosophical viewpoint. It can be the mind, body, and spirit. It can be the growth of. The one out of the two, it can be the balance of the three and so let's go to the third part now. So now I ask a question though,

Benita Silver:

because I'm, one of the things that just kind of. Kicked up in my head was I was wondering when I had this dream and cause I don't remember, but it was pretty soon right before I submitted it to you. And my sense is that at the time, as I recall, we had not yet been given the authorization from the U S for Pierre's, permanent residency. So. We were waiting. We didn't know. And yeah, we had some I'm not even sure. I think we, we had submitted the paperwork or we were in process of submitting the paperwork and there were a lot of bells and whistles and hoops to jump through. So, to get. Everything in.

Megan Mary:

Okay. So, that really plays a large part into this because that's that is this is this movable? Is this immovable? Is this insurmountable like the mountains or is this movable? Is the home going to be moving? And here are these giant, giant transportation things coming down from that area with the homes and he's trying to move his home from the north into the southern lands at that point. And so there's this. ominous, not sure. I'm not sure if there are windows or chimneys. I'm not sure if this is something I need to be concerned about or not. It's not completely blocking me, but it's definitely looking like it could be an issue. It could be dangerous. So that's definitely Playing into this whole scenario of what's happening in your life,

Benita Silver:

for sure. Right. And the fact that there were no windows or chimneys, it was there's no way out.

Megan Mary:

Oh, yes. I was going to say outlet. Yeah.

Benita Silver:

Outlet. Right. Yes. Yeah. Yes.

Megan Mary:

So, That s also very telling for sure. Yeah, right. So then enters another house. And this time your husband s there. So part three you and your husband arrive at a another man s house whom you do not know. And we have the house and we have the garage. And you go in the back door. Mm hmm. Right. Yes. So that's important because You don't even know the person, but you enter through the back door as if you know the way. So then you get in there and where, where do we enter? Where are we again? It's like a bookend. The living room, except this time there's the man in the gray suit. So tell me a little bit about this man.

Benita Silver:

Yeah, just dark, handsome nondescript otherwise. I have no idea. Yeah, I didn't really get a sense of His facial features or if he had a beard or not he was like in his fifties, this is since I had, and, I guess, in retrospect, the fact that we come in to his home and he just remained seated. He wasn't disturbed. He wasn't surprised or shocked or, and he just continued to sit there and, you know, and and then Pierre goes up the stairs and then that's okay too.

Megan Mary:

Mm hmm. And, but there's concern on your part.

Benita Silver:

Yes, there is. So you're concerned

Megan Mary:

about the police seeing your car. So tell me about that. Mm hmm.

Benita Silver:

Yeah, so it was like the car was parked between his house and the garage, and it was like, Oh, well if, if the police pass by they will see our car there. And I don't know what that was about. And so that's why I was like, okay, well, maybe we need to move it. We weren't engaging in any kind of criminal activity in this man's house.

Megan Mary:

So, okay. But there is concern that the police and so the police are a new group of people introduced. So there are a new aspect of someone that you're concerned is going to find out. And so you move, you think you should move it behind the garage again behind, and that's so it won't be seen. So there's something there that is, there's an attempt to obscure and Pierre agrees that it's a good idea. Then he goes upstairs with, with the plans to take the clothes. Now, tell me about that exchange. When he goes to take the clothes.

Benita Silver:

Yeah. Part of his way of being part of the culture, I believe is he's gonna get his need met. And so he had to get some new clothes, some other clothes in order to change into. And my sense, in the dream was it was something like a jacket, something warm. And I know I asked for a sweatshirt or a jacket, something warm also, but also insulated so maybe protective to some extent.

Megan Mary:

Mm hmm. Definitely. Yes. So many times when someone appears in the dream that we don't know, they can be representative of an aspect of ourselves, or they can be a spirit guide, or they can be a loved one from beyond, but if it's someone that we don't know many times, there's a reason that that person is present and the way that they act or the messages that they bring or the things that they do tell us that they're present. And give us clues about a part of ourselves. And so I think you're on the right track there with the, it's not just clothing. He's not going to get a pair of shoes. This is very much about insulation and warmth and protection from the cold, the cold and windy that was present in part two, right? That yeah. is very much what you're both seeking from this stranger. And so at the end, we basically hear that this, he gets out of his chair and he looks at the, at the house, Henry's house, and then announces that him and Henry are both healers. And That, to me, really speaks to the fact that Henry represents that soul aspect. You had said that Henry was your soul brother, and in part two, you're on the soul road. When you get to part three, this. Unknown man basically pronounces that Henry and him are two of a kind and both healers. And so it's very possible that this, this gray man in the suit is part of an aspect of you. That is attempting to merge with the soul, the soul brother, so the two parts because when we have two is very much a duality, it's a reconciling of those opposites. And sometimes it can be a reconciling of different viewpoints. It can be a duality in a relationship. It can be the dynamic between yourself and your husband, but it can also be the dynamic between aspects of yourself. Right. Yeah. And so the person being dressed in gray, the gray is the complete opposite of red.

Benita Silver:

Yeah. And also, I mean, the thing that's keeps. playing in my mind about his he's wearing a suit. It's like he's formally attired, but he's sitting in his living room and yeah, and then I asked for a sweatshirt. It's like something casual, a warm, comfortable. Yes. And I do see that very, very possibly of the dynamic that I've been undergoing also in terms of. That I'm going to be letting go of my psychotherapy license in June and the formality and all that.

Megan Mary:

Yes. So the man in the suit can represent that as well as the, the changing the nationalities, all that situation that your husband's going through, he can represent that. The shielding, I think, is very important. Represented by the jacket, the sweatshirt, because the jacket itself is a shield from the cold. It's seeking that comfort in that shielding is also present just in the situation. And I think it has multi layers of your psychotherapy transition. Layers of the nationality transition for your husband, layers of the protection because we go from part one where you're very independent and confident to part two, where you're starting to See that you're on the road to freedom, but yet feeling very isolated in that journey and seeing the, the coming challenges that you're not sure if they're going to be insurmountable or not, even though you realize that you are driving yourself and that you are ascending on that road. And then we come to the third part. Where you're at yet another house and seeking shelter, essentially seeking that safety. So you are thinking about hiding the car and you're thinking about getting clothing and gathering resources and gathering comfort and protecting. yourself in that situation. And then the man, the one action that he does is to really point out that additional house. And by looking in that direction and saying

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

the two of making that profound statement that him and Henry are two of a kind. And so by presenting himself as a healer, he's really. Letting you know about. That aspect of yourself

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

you are able to overcome these potentially ominous and insurmountable large moving objects coming your way and that you are able to continue to drive yourself on that road that you can bring that confidence and that independence from part one into part three.

Benita Silver:

Mm hmm. Yeah. Another thought that just arose was like the garage. It's sandwiched between two houses. And it provides shelter for the vehicles also. And it provides shelter from whatever might be out there on the road. Right.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And I'm glad you brought that up because it is important to look at all of the objects, the garage being one for sure. And, and also garages like downstairs are places that we store things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the presence of the garage and it being sandwiched in between these things is what's inside that garage. And is that what the invitation to healing is for? Because I also like what you said in your notes about that there was a little bit of resentment that you had asked and that your husband had just taken. And there's definitely a dynamic there. There's definitely something about the, how do we meet our needs? Because what is the. When I asked you about the semi and what is the purpose of the semi, it's to supply the demand of the consumer. Right. And so your words choice of the importance of that object is echoed in The exchange that happens with the clothing, the demand and the need and how that is supplied and whether it's taken or whether it's requested and how it's obtained. Right. And when we look at the progression of the actions, and we look at we just take a little little pieces of the actions. We start with coming downstairs, trying to decide. Walking through, feeling fine, driving, ominous, not sure, arriving, entering in the back door, concerned. Move behind where it won't be seen, ask, and then healer, someone who improves his home is one of the ways that you described him, as well as very importantly and prolifically a soul brother. So there is that invitation to overcome that. concern and that isolation by healing through and finding that security and that comfort and reconciling the opposites of asking and taking and how that's attained. So now I'm going to pull you a card and see what cards have to say.

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

Okay. So we have first light beginning a new cycle. Okay. And what we see on here is a very bright. I want to say it's the sun, but it could be the moon.

Benita Silver:

Okay, yeah,

Megan Mary:

and it's a wintery scene at the bottom, but on the top, it's totally spring. We got the bird in the nest with the eggs. That's perfect. Yes. Okay.

Benita Silver:

I tell you more about that.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Okay. And there may be a lot of other things here that you see. There's the flower that is beginning to bloom here. So there's a, there's a lot of a different imagery here. It's going from the, the snowy mountains to that growth that. The eggs waiting to be hatched the spring, the opening of the flowers.

Benita Silver:

Yeah. Well, when I see the the pine tree down at the bottom, I mean, that was very indicative of New Hampshire, very snowy, cold country and having moved to Asheville, North Carolina, much more And of a feminine energy and New Hampshire and northern New Hampshire in particular, very masculine energy with the granite state and the granite mountains and yeah, and yeah. And so the yeah, and that's certainly beginning a new cycle, newly married and waiting for Pierre's, green card to come in and green card representative of growth also green and and for the, the nest is really significant with the eggs being Because I felt Pierre coming in for a year before we met. I wasn't looking for him, but I felt him and then whenever I would take a walk, I would hear mourning doves and see mourning doves and say, thank you, I know he's coming in. And then after we met and in Mexico, where it was very warm and very sunny and I came back home. The morning doves had built a nest on my windowsill and yeah, so

Megan Mary:

wonderful. Oh, that's beautiful. Yes. So the first light. Also, when I asked you to describe the. Home in the first dream and how it was different from Henry's real house, you said that it was very bright and very light.

Benita Silver:


Megan Mary:

so that's very much that. Representation there too.

Benita Silver:

Right. Well,

Megan Mary:

wonderful. I thank you so much for sharing your dream with everyone. I hope you enjoyed the insights and let everyone know where they can find you online if they want to explore more of what you have to offer.

Benita Silver:

Thank you. Yeah. So people can find me at fearless. healers. com and I provide complimentary consultations. As well as the possibility of what's called a truth transmission, which is it's an intuitive session and energy session, healing sessions.

Megan Mary:

Awesome. Cool. Well, thank you so much for being here today again, and thank you for sharing your dream with everyone.

Benita Silver:

Thank you so much. It was just a total blast thing. Awesome.

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