Women's Dream Enlightenment

The Chiron Effect and Psychoastrology with Lisa Tahir

Megan Mary Episode 40

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Women's Dream Enlightenment is hosted by Metaphysical Author and Dream Analyst Megan Mary. 

In this episode, licensed clinical social worker and founder of Psychoastrology, Lisa Tahir, discusses her book 'The Chiron Effect,' endorsed by the 14th Dalai Lama. She explains her unique approach to astrology as a tool for understanding and healing core wounds through psychology, spirituality, and self-forgiveness. Lisa shares insights on the meaning of enlightenment, the importance of self-forgiveness, and practical steps to enhance personal growth and transformation. The discussion also touches on the power of listening to dreams and their role in accessing deeper spiritual awareness. The episode offers actionable advice and personal stories to illustrate the transformative potential of alignment and inner work.

Connect with Lisa: 
Website: https://www.nolatherapy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChironEffect
Twitter: https://x.com/TahirLCSW
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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisatahir
The Chiron Effect: https://www.nolatherapy.com/chiron/

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

You're listening to Women's Dream Enlightenment. Dream decoding, deep discussions, and spiritual stories of self discovery to inspire your personal enlightened journey. I'm your host, Megan Mary, founder of Women's Dream Analysis. Let's bring in the light. Welcome. Today, we have Lisa Tahir. She is a licensed clinical social worker, founder of Psycho Astrology, and the author of The Chiron Effect, Healing Our Core Wounds Through Astrology, Empathy, and Self Forgiveness, which has been endorsed by His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama. She is additionally certified in eMDR level one, Reiki level two, and a thought coach through the Institute for Transformational Thinking. Since 2016, Lisa has been the host of the weekly podcast, All Things Therapy, dedicated to changing consciousness, one conversation at a time. Lisa's show promotes personal growth and transformation, advancing the conversation on emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and spiritual development. Thanks for being here, Lisa.

Lisa Tahir:

Megan, thank you so much for having me on. I'm really excited to speak with you today.

Megan Mary:

Awesome. Well, I have just been loving your book. I think the approach is so unique and that everyone can benefit from tapping in to what you have to offer there. So my first question to you is going to be what I ask everyone. And that is, what does enlightenment mean to you?

Lisa Tahir:

It came to me today, Megan, what enlightenment means to me. And for those of you listening, see if you can feel into this for me, enlightenment is that spot where our soul and spirit connects. And when we have consciousness of that in our lives, when something really serendipitous happens, when there's this converging of events where it's like, wow, and you might get goosebumps or you wonder how did this even happen to me is enlightenment. And I think we have those moments often in our lives when we start to tune in to them. And it really helps remind us that we're A spirit with the body. And I think if you can tune in to those moments, whatever you call them, to me, that is enlightenment reminding us of that intersection of our eternalness with our humanness.

Megan Mary:

That is so well put. I so agree, and I always encourage everyone to pay attention to the synchronicities. They're more than a breadcrumb, right? They're almost like a magical path.

Lisa Tahir:

Yes. Yes. And to ask for more of that, I think, too, Megan, I've been asking more for, these moments, these experiences of flow, that we can have those things happening in our daily lives more and more frequently by just asking and then opening to receiving and allowing them.

Megan Mary:

Yes, we need to connect in and pay attention. So it's being open. And it's acknowledging as well and taking action. I feel also. So when you notice something and you think, Oh, isn't that peculiar? But if you just keep going around your on your day and just let it pass by, you miss it. So if you say, Oh, isn't that peculiar? And then, Hmm, maybe I should do X. and start down that rabbit hole following it. That's when I find the magic really happens.

Lisa Tahir:

It sounds like you're talking about truly inspired action that we hear about and I love That you are suggesting that we ask in those moments of serendipitous occasions. What can I do? I really like that. I'm going to try that. Thank you.

Megan Mary:

Yes. That's how I got here.

Lisa Tahir:


Megan Mary:

I just go down a new rabbit hole every day and see where spirit leads me and it's fantastic. I love that. So before we get into the topic of the book, which is so juicy, and I really want to make sure that we have enough time to cover it, but I want to give the listeners a chance to hear about your background and how you came to this place where you discovered everything that you're in psychoastrology.

Lisa Tahir:

Yeah, in a nutshell, I come to this work as a licensed psychotherapist, a licensed clinical social worker since 2000. So it's been a long time that I've done this work as a healer and helping people to understand themselves more deeply. I've been fascinated with human nature and why we are the way we are. And just, it was the right timing for me taking almost four years to research my book, combining psychology, spirituality, astrology, and taking personal responsibility to really shape our lives into more and more curating ourselves, learning what we need to learn in our belief system. Through our thoughts, by using our mind, and then our emotions as a guidance system, that we can really start to feel into how to live our lives with more ease and flow and heal those parts of ourselves, the wounds, the things that have happened to us, the things that maybe we've done to others, and apply self forgiveness there, having a lot of empathy instead of harshness. And I believe that's how we really heal and become happier.

Megan Mary:

What's so interesting about the way you approach astrology is that it's almost a diagnostic tool as opposed to the pop culture versions of astrology where we're looking at a horoscope and it doesn't really help you understand yourself in that way, to that level.

Lisa Tahir:

I love how you're saying that. Yes, yes, and I see astrology as a blueprint as a symbolic language and one of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around and I think a lot of others is what like are you saying this is prescribed to me based on where the stars and planets were like this dictates my life. And I would say, no, not at all. You wrote your own astrological chart. You wrote where those stars were and what it implies before you came here. And though we don't remember that per se, I think we can start to understand that we wanted to have certain experiences. And the ones that have been painful are the ones that teach us the most about ourselves and about compassion and about forgiveness and even about joy and can allow us to become teachers in our own lives What it's like to have gone through challenging things coming through the other side with actually feeling better and feeling more at peace with life and with others more competent, really having skills to manage our emotions And help others to do the same, be it starting your own podcast or blog or book, or just being an influencer in your home, in your community, in your friend group, we all have a story. And I just think to really understand these core wounds and the meaning we've made about ourselves because of them is key in the life that we're living. And how we can change it to live better and happier

Megan Mary:

I really like that perspective on astrology and the way that the stars were aligned when we were born so many times, people feel that they're subscribed to that. Like they're. They're stuck in that like it was put on them versus what you said about that we actually on another level chose that, which is an entirely different perspective.

Lisa Tahir:

Yeah, we wrote it. And that's exciting to me, Megan, because we can change anything and everything. We're not dictated. To anything besides the thoughts that we think which create the beliefs that we hold and that dictates the course of our lives. We're like many solar systems in an orbit that's simply our habits, our people, places and things. And I talk about the Chiron effect as an orbit that we have our people, places and things that we orbit. And the people, places, and things that orbit us. And if there's something we're not satisfied with looking at that placement of Chiron in your birth chart will identify one of 12 areas of vulnerability to an, including core wounding for some people that have gone through traumas and abuse and such abandonments, neglect, and things like that. There's been a real. wound there, leaving someone feeling like they're not important, they're not valuable, they don't matter. And by really healing that part of yourself and start by having some hope, I talk about hope is a precursor for change, that you start to believe in yourself and believe in things changing. And that new thought Is your new orbit that then you start to take different actions, going back to your word, you start to show up differently, which is so key based on what you're starting to believe, what you want to believe, and that creates your life, you will begin dealing with new and different people and new and different experiences. And that's how I feel like we really are, evolving and changing in life.

Megan Mary:

And that's been my whole experience with this podcast is just when you come in alignment, all of a sudden, everyone that's in your orbit is totally different and your experience is totally different. And also. When you start to view what's happened to you in your life, rather than as a negative circumstance. But in your book, you say that the hardships we overcome become the source of our greatest success. And there were so many lines that that resonated with me. But that one in particular, because when we actually start to view that we chose this life for a specific reason, then we can't view. What happened to us in the same way. We almost then realize that it's all been a gift or it's all been planned for us to arrive at the point that we are, and that we wouldn't have made it there without it. And so I find that so much more empowering than the traditional way of looking at your, at your natal chart, for example. And also the. The way that you incorporate Chiron, incorporating this other planet is so interesting and particularly that you and I share the same core wound.

Lisa Tahir:


Megan Mary:

So there's that.

Lisa Tahir:

Yeah, the Chiron in this sign of Aries having to do with vulnerability or wounding. And in our personal sense of our value and worth, something that no one else would ever know, looking at you, looking at me, but it's been our personal journey and work to believe in ourselves and to value ourselves and know that we definitely matter, We're making a difference and, that it's not based upon just output and doing more and more and more to feel worthy, but it's that intrinsic worthiness that you're good enough, just because you're here. And then what do I want to do in that inspired action route that you. Introduce early on in the show, like, what am I really inspired to do that lights me up and doesn't deplete me just to achieve and there's a fine line there to learn how to determine that and just take those actions and let the other ones go and have some more pleasure and enjoyment instead.

Megan Mary:

And I also like when you say reveal yourself to others so that they may become your partners in healing, because that is really what we're doing right here. That is the whole point of the podcast is to tell my story, to bring other women on to tell their story. There's power in that vulnerability. And when you do that, other people start to resonate and connect with you because they've been there and they felt that. And then everyone can start to serve as each other's healer in that respect, which is so amazing.

Lisa Tahir:

It is. And really bringing out the best in each other, because what you just said, it's not about comparison or competition. It's about really just being ourselves. And like supporting and being each other's cheerleader and being happy for each other's successes because that's available to you too. You shift from a lack perspective to one of more like really deep knowing that all is going to be well for you, whatever it is that's going on, that you have the power and ability to align with solution, like the energy of the solution. And be about that and it feels different even as you think it that I want to be aligned with the solution to this rather than what is the problem like that just feels more dense than like the solution to open up your mind your heart your awareness to the path that wants to reveal itself to all of us on every there's a solution we just really it's about it. I think slowing down, again, to, to listen sometime.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And that's why meditation was so key in my healing journey and journaling my dreams because that's where I could slow down and start to access that information and start to hear that. Like you said, inner knowing, and to quote you again, you said"you are your source. And you can learn to tune in and hear the whisper of your deep inner knowing. You absolutely can." And I love that because that's spirituality versus religion when you are your own source, when you can have access to all of that and just tune in to that. And I, I call dreams whispers. Often because they're so subtle in the way that they deliver their messages, but they really are our own inner knowing. They're coming from the universe, from our higher self, and when we listen, when we start listening, that's when we really become empowered.

Lisa Tahir:

Yes. And I would love to talk to you, Megan, on my show about what our dream life, how our dream world, like what it's trying to show us, because I think often of how we just use, is it 5 percent of our brain? And so for me, I want to use more of that. And I've noticed my dreams, they're more in my awareness as I wake up and I wonder if that's something you found. And I'd love to have you on my show to talk about like. What our dreams mean to us and for us to just help us live our lives with more ease.

Megan Mary:

Absolutely. Yes. Yeah. 100%. I'd love to do that. when you wake up, that's when you're transitioning in that brainwave state. And in theta, when we're sleeping, we're in theta. And that's really, when we have all of that, it's the same brainwave that we're in when we meditate. And it really allows us to access and understand things in a much different way than when we're walking around in beta. And so there's that, there's that little moment and I, it's a magical moment when you have just woken up and you're in between worlds and that's when you can capture that information and then bring it into the waking world and then start to decode it and integrate your subconscious with your conscious for that really holistic understanding that allows you to be so much more empowered about being conscious. Everything in your life.

Lisa Tahir:

I love that. And even thinking of how you and I both share Chiron and Aries, having to do with valuing ourselves, that also has to do with really quieting the self criticism and shifting it to self encouragement. And the dream I woke up with this morning, it was so odd because it's like something was picking me almost like a bird, like picking my skin. And I couldn't get it to stop. And when I woke up, I was like, is that about someone else? And I had the awareness. I think it's about. A message for me not to pick so much at myself, to continue to soften, the self criticism and just to really soften that. And that felt pretty accurate. So is that kind of how you work sometime wake, waking up with a dream, a memory and processing it?

Megan Mary:

Yes. And what I, I have a method that I call the dream mirror method, and I like to integrate mood in there as well. So it really matters how you felt when that was happening in the dream, what you were feeling like, Oh, stop it. Get off me. That was it.

Lisa Tahir:

Yes. Yes, exactly.

Megan Mary:

Somewhere on a metaphorical level, you're feeling Yes. Like, what is it that you want to stop to get off you? Right. Yeah. And yeah. And so I also like to look at the actions. So like you say, you use the word picking and so it's like, okay, what are you picking at? What are you picking apart? What are you, you know, what is the action of picking? What is that metaphor? Or of picking and also I look at colors. I look at every detail. So, you know, what is, what's the bird like, it could be a Robin. It could be a hawk. I mean, you know, what are we talking about here? And so the type of bird and what that represents to you and the color and everything, there's can actually give you more information about. That situation.

Lisa Tahir:

That's so rich. And when I filtered it through the Chiron filter, what came up for me really clearly is though I've grown so much and I have so much more allowance for myself and acceptance. And that's what I intend for people that read my book to really find this deep self forgiveness that's progressive and lifelong and really Being your own coach and yet sometime I can still be really like nitpicky picking on myself. And that's what I felt like. It's like, Lisa, I can see that even more. Like though I've been on this journey a while, there's even deeper levels of, I think, self love and respect. And to me, that's what came up. There's even more for me to soften into and allow. Like just more ease. And then I started to feel really good about the dream. It felt less scary because I felt like it was bringing me this really good message Of loving myself with more just gentleness.

Megan Mary:

Yes. definitely. It was definitely a message of an invitation for healing, right?

Lisa Tahir:

Yeah. And then to help others do that too. When I notice a client or a friend being really self critical and such to be like, Hey, like, do you hear what you're saying? So I feel like everything that happens that I'm experiencing again, I can. Use it reflectively when I see that happening with someone else. And that's what I think is so beautiful that we can really use our experiences in this way to make each other's lives easier.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And dreams don't just provide information for just you. It actually, like you said, reflexively can create more compassion, a wider understanding for your relationship with others and more just a different perspective overall, right? Once you really start to reflect on that. And look at it as, I almost think of them almost as parables sometimes, where there's like this metaphorical lesson in the puzzle. If we can just figure out what our specific own dream language is. The other thing I really liked that what you said in the book was that when spirit awakens a dream within us, there's often an urgency to create it, to fulfill it and to live it. And I probably highlighted that like really bright colors because that is exactly how I have felt on this journey. The urgency is still just unrelenting. It's just this, I, I can't go fast enough. You don't understand there isn't enough time. It has to be done now.

Lisa Tahir:

And I think that's when you know, you're really onto something. And I feel like someone listening is, is in this experience where it's like, Whatever it is coming to you to create and, and you feel like this urgent to really listen to that and just start taking those inspired actions and, and try not to get hooked up on, Oh my gosh, what if this takes five years? Try not to worry about that and just do what you're called to do today, right now, and just follow those impulses. And just keep at it and create the time to support yourself. I know when I started writing my book, it was nights and weekends, and I had to create a system again, When I started Sam writing, I noticed I wasn't committing to the time I planned. So in my planner and to people for almost four years, I said, I have clients. I didn't have any clients. It was my writing time. But that's the only way I could take it that seriously is if I have a client and nobody's going to, no one's going to question me. So you might have to even set up a system. To help you be accountable and that worked for the three and a half years. Everybody thought I had late night clients and I didn't. I was writing and editing and I got my book out and it was so wonderful to prioritize that work for me and that time. So whatever you have to do to create that for yourself, do it. And it's okay if you're saying you have a client when you don't, if that's how you're going to prioritize what you need to do.

Megan Mary:

So if you don't do it, you're going to find a million reasons why, Oh, just not today. Oh, I'll do it tomorrow and slack off. But if you make it part of your routine and it's a. dedicated part of your routine, then it's going to feel weird when you don't do it. Kind of like how some people are with exercising or other things.

Lisa Tahir:

Yes. It's just, it doesn't feel right. And your whole day's off if you don't do it. And I'm kind of the opposite. I do it in the morning first thing, just because once my Day train starts going, it's full steam ahead. And I just, I'm way too distracted by the end of the day, but in that quiet moment in the morning, I can get in my 500 words and that's all that I've put on myself to do, but it's enough that over time, you get the novel. Well, in your experience, what is the. most biggest misconception about psychoastrology. And what do you do to counteract that? I think the biggest, the first thing that came up is sometime people, unfortunately, not a lot of people, but some people are like astrology, Lisa, really, and question its validity. And I would, you know, for myself, even at first, I was like, really astrology, but this Chiron, I just ask you to look at it as you to consider looking at this. It's so powerful, this technology, this framework of Chiron, identifying one of these 12 areas that your patterns are sourced from in your intimate relationships, in your business life, whatever area it manifests. This is kind of the thing. What like you hear about these hidden blocks which I'm, I'm a believer in the universe is just so loving. It doesn't want anything to be hidden from us, but I think sometime we can have patterns from our unconsciousness or lack of awareness that might get in our way. And it's really, for me, been about this Chiron placement that if, like Chiron in the sign of Taurus, it speaks to neglect that in your childhood you might have experienced neglect because a caretaker had an addiction that was their primary relationship instead of caring for you and for instance in your adult life. You might not, you might neglect yourself now. You might neglect your health routines or how someone treats you in a relationship, neglecting your own needs, you're being valued. And it's so important to know what this is so you can start showing up differently for yourself. And that makes you happier. And that creates your life. Like new experiences that you really deeply want, but haven't happened yet can come through. Just looking at what patterns of thought. Do I have because of how I was brought up and the meaning I made about myself and I give takeaway steps, things you can start trying today and even affirmations to help you get to your belief system and change that. And things can happen fast. Like shifts can happen really fast by just starting to Think about yourself differently,

Megan Mary:

it was so interesting that the Affirmation that you have for chiron and aries was something that I was already Instinctively doing I love that.

Lisa Tahir:

What is that?

Megan Mary:

Telling yourself that you're doing a good job. Yeah, you're doing great. Keep going. Yep,

Lisa Tahir:

exactly So I think that's the biggest, the biggest, I guess, that people might think the astrology piece is a stumbling block. And I just suggest that you look at it and see if it fits. If it doesn't dismiss it. There's so many things said, there are things said in different ways. And I just present a framework said in a different way of already presiding paradigms that resonate with a lot of people. and make healing, I think more user friendly and less scary and less like this is going to be painful and awful. It's like, I suggest you take maybe 20 minutes every few days, light a candle, bring your journal and let's do some excavation into your memories to feel better, not to overwhelm you or scare you.

Megan Mary:

I like that you said user friendly. It is what we need. We need it to feel more accessible. We need it to feel not so scary. And that's part of, I think, a lot of the hesitation with DreamWork and part of the reason that a lot of people shut down their dreams because of that fear. And they don't want to step into the shadow. They don't want to know what's in the shadow. They might have some idea and they don't want anything to do with it. And so they don't want to have to do that work because they're afraid of, you know, everything that goes along with it, but it's the invitation, right? And the benefit and the healing and everything. That could be so much better in your existence if you did integrate that and at least have an understanding, a different understanding.

Lisa Tahir:

It just broadens your awareness. And when you start to change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. We've heard that so many times, but when you turn that lens upon yourself, life emanates from Us. And when you start to really deeply understand that. Things will start changing fast for the better because it's when you really can harmonize with what you really want and ask, like, who do I need to become? And today maybe just take a little step and it might not be a behavioral step. It might be a thought step that you're going to. Start to believe something different and better is possible for you, even if that hasn't been the case up until now, like I want to see that life can change for me and to even hold that possibility will start to create new things for you people being kinder at the store, little and big things, and then that's like a step stepping stone to the next event. That helps you believe a little more. And that's what I think baby steps really are. These events that we're stepping upon to get to the next one.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And I have one final quote for you and that is,"we have the power to think in ways that reflect and attract all the love in the world. Such thinking is called enlightenment."

Lisa Tahir:

I love that.

Megan Mary:

Yes. So what are three takeaways? You hope the listeners learn you've given us so much great information, but if you could sum up three takeaways.

Lisa Tahir:

Three takeaways, number one, you are doing so much better than you're crediting yourself for. So I'd love for you to look for something you did today. That you feel good about, even if no one else knows it could be something you thought it could be something you intend to do that came to mind or something you actually did and to affirm that about yourself and try to do that every day. Just notice something you're liking that you did, that you thought that you said and create that to even look for things to do each day in that vein, it's really going to uplevel your happiness. Number two, I would say is. Practice self forgiveness. If there's a memory that keeps coming up, that's hard for you to let go of to really employ, really deeply make an effort to, I really want to forgive myself here and notice what comes up. Take out a journal, write some things that arise to help you forgive yourself and know that life is going to give you so many more opportunities to do it differently so you can let yourself off the hook. And third, I would encourage you to try to meditate try to start your day with just even two minutes of meditation. Asking for guidance, asking for direction and giving thanks and see what starts to change in your life as a result of that.

Megan Mary:

Great advice. I highly recommend meditating. I do have one meditation right now and it's called the Magical Mermaid Meditation for Women. It's really a wonderful visualization that helps you find your true self. inner treasures. And many more coming. So yes. Wonderful advice. Thank you. Want to find you, where can they find you online if they want to work with you on Instagram? I am at Nola therapy N O L a therapy. That's also my website. Nola therapy. com. And I'd love to offer listeners half off a session if they mention you, Megan, or your podcast. And I do virtual, I do zoom, FaceTime, phone, wherever you are. And we can take a deeper dive into your psychoastrology or just in general, emotional healing and, and wellbeing. Nola therapy. com. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being here today, Lisa. It was a wonderful conversation and I look forward to having another one.

Lisa Tahir:

Me too. I look forward to having you on my show too. Thank you, Megan.

Megan Mary:

Awesome. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Did you enjoy this episode? You can now send me a text message and share your experience. Be sure to subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode. Head over to my YouTube channel. and hit that subscribe button as well to be part of my growing community. Are you ready to take the next step in your spiritual journey? Don't miss out on the new Dream Empowerment Programs, unique opportunities for you to unlock your inner wisdom, discover your authenticity, align with your higher self, and bring abundance into your life. If you'd like your dream or awakening story. Featured on my show. Submit it today. Your dreams have the power to inspire and enlighten other women on their journey. Visit meganmary.com to find out more.

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