Women's Dream Enlightenment

Shamanic Breathwork & Brave Soul Explorations with Jen Pearson

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis Episode 15

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Season 2 Episode 2: This episode includes an interview with Jen Pearson, a trained Spiritual Life Coach who specializes in shamanic breathwork for fearless soul explorers. Jen and Megan talk on the value of inner work and exploration, highlighting the necessity for bravery and courage to investigate one's innermost parts of oneself in order to develop understanding, clarity, and confidence.  They also examine the importance of dreamwork and dream sharing as a cultural practice.

Watch the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HEsG6X27DPQ


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Spiritual Life Coaching for Brave Soul Explorers

Jen Pearson is a certified spiritual life coach with a vast array of tools to help people access inner wisdom, align with their soul, and manifest more joy in their lives. Her work is intended to open a deeper understanding of the sole self and support personal evolution. She defines enlightenment as a process rather than a goal that is ever fully attainable. Jen and Megan discuss the importance of inner work and exploration, emphasizing the need for bravery and courage to explore the deepest parts of oneself to gain insight, clarity, and confidence. They agree that dreamwork can help with this. Jen has always been an

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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00:00:03.020 --> 00:00:18.200
Megan Mary: Welcome. Today I have Jen Pearson. She is a certified spiritual life coach with a vast array of tools to help you access your inner wisdom align with your soul, and manifest more joy in your life.

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Megan Mary: Her work is intended to open a deeper understanding of the sole self and support new levels of personal evolution.

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Megan Mary: She empowers brave, sole explorers to integrate the wool with their normalize and become the best version of their truest selves. Welcome, Jen.

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Jen Pearson: thanks for having me.

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Megan Mary: You really kind of need the quotations in that, the and the normal. Yeah, everybody. Definition is a little different. Yeah, the quote unquote is the important part.

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Megan Mary: So my first question which I ask everyone is, What does enlightenment mean to you?

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Jen Pearson: So to me enlightenment is a process. It's not like a a thing that you just

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Jen Pearson: reach, or a goal that you have that is really ever fully attainable. I think it's something we sort of awakened to. We are ever evolving. We are, you know, really kind of changing and and growing. And I think it's more of an awareness than in than an end point.

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Jen Pearson: So, starting to really be aware of who we are in our soul, who we are in our essence. You know what's happening around us energies and things like that. I feel like all of that can be part of enlightenment.

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Megan Mary: Yes, I agree. It's that tuning in.

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Jen Pearson: Yeah.

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Megan Mary: yeah.

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Megan Mary: So tell us a little bit about your enlightenment journey, and if there was a pivotal moment for you, and how you came to be a spiritual life coach, I love that title.

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Jen Pearson: I think it was kind of a long journey. A lot of it started when I was I was married. I was. Things weren't going well in the marriage. I wasn't really happy in my job. I knew I needed to make changes.

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Jen Pearson: and I had grown up

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Jen Pearson: in a fairly conservative household, you know. Everything went kind of by the rules as expected, you know. Here were the career pads you could take. Here's where you were, you know you could go to school. you were expected to go down all of those normal, conventional kind of things. And so I had done that. And I just wasn't really happy. And at the time I was living in Asheville, North Carolina, which was more of a say where the woo-woo comes in where there were

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Jen Pearson: more opportunities for things like energy work and alternative healing and and different kinds of methods like that that I started to explore, just to see for my own healing how that would work.

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Jen Pearson: and I did pretty much everything I could find and get my hands on, and some things were really effective, and I continued with some things

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Jen Pearson: I didn't resonate with the time and some things I went forward with and decided to learn. So first thing I did was learn Riki energy work. And then that led me into some other things. And I learned how to read Tarot and I learned how coaching and I learned, you know, all these different skills that I sort of amassed because I saw how valuable they were in my life

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and how much I wanted to be able to share them with other people.

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Megan Mary: Yes, I love that reflexiveness. And I, that's the whole reason, that I started this podcast because I feel that all of us, we go on our own journeys many times to solve our own problems and our own struggles. And we dabble in a whole bunch of different things, and we find certain things that

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Megan Mary: resonate with us and find gifts or abilities that we have. And then, of course, we want to share them with everyone else that has gone through that situation, to then lift them up and help them out and say, Look, I've I've been through this. And I've found this to be helpful and really sharing that wisdom as well as that experience, that journey

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Jen Pearson: absolutely. And everyone's journey is different. And like I said, you know, some of the things I explored were there, and I'm sure they're very helpful for some people. They just didn't

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Jen Pearson: sit with me, and there's things that I do that I'm sure there's people that doesn't sit with them. And so it's just nice to have that. And for me especially I enjoy sharing it with people who wouldn't have had that exposure or haven't yet had that exposure. You know, people who are new to that, who will world of energy and sort of that, that sole inner work, exploration stuff, that deeper.

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Jen Pearson: deeper things. And it really is. You know, I say in my my bio. I look for brave, sole explorers because I think there is a level of bravery to look at that deep stuff hidden within you, and to uncover it, and to see what kind of gold you can mind from it, because I think that it's something a lot of people don't take the time to do But if you do, and you're ready and willing to look at that, I think you can really gain a lot of insight, a lot of clarity, a lot of

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Jen Pearson: confidence. And and to me that's really the path to joy in life is having that inner awareness and and honoring it.

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Megan Mary: Yes, I agree completely on several points there, and especially the one about the courage to do the deep dive, because it's very much the same with dreamwork. Your subconscious holds all of your experiences and emotions and perspectives, and in order to really dive into that, you have to be willing to be that

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courageous seeker

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Megan Mary: and want to have that transformation, be willing to step into that doorway of of self discovery and go down that sometimes UN illuminated path

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Jen Pearson: to get to that enlightenment.

00:06:50.090 --> 00:07:01.419
Jen Pearson: Oh, God, keep that as far away from me as you can, and so you know, it really is something that you have to be willing and want to do, and even when it's hard, because there's times where it's been messy and ugly, and

00:07:01.450 --> 00:07:21.820
Jen Pearson: you know, really rough times in my life. But I wouldn't trade that, and I wouldn't not go through it to get to. You have to go through it to get to the other side like there's no getting around it. You can try for a while. It's going to pop back up at you. I'm sure you find that a lot in dream work, because, at least for me, that's where it'll pop back up. If I'm starting to avoid it. The dreams will start to creep in and

00:07:21.950 --> 00:07:34.949
Jen Pearson: tell me this that I'm not actually avoiding it. Yeah, correct. Yes, especially with nightmares or recurring dreams, but also just normal dreams that don't follow those things. But

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Megan Mary: anything that we are not paying attention to that. We need to be addressing that we need to be, and and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It could be a talent, it could be a a it could be a direction, it could be a project. It could be anything that we're just not aware of, or we're not embracing.

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Megan Mary: And then it's just gonna keep coming back in in those themes until we acknowledge that.

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Jen Pearson: Yes, and in my work there's some of that that I will see, and then also, not just in our dreams, but in our bodies like our bodies, hold that stuff as well. And so there may be certain responses we have to certain triggers. that seem unrealistic, that seem illogical, that, don't you know. It seems like we're over reacting. But it's that stored information in our body that's telling us. Either you gotta go for it or you gotta hang back, or this isn't safe, or

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Jen Pearson: we've been through this in some way, shape or form. And so there's a lot of that tuning in and having that awareness, too. So it's that mental awareness. It's also that physical awareness that can really bring about more. more enlightenment more awareness more

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Jen Pearson: consciousness really.

00:08:45.830 --> 00:09:03.250
Megan Mary: I agree with that completely too, I think that obviously the the my body in the spirit are integrated and you can't. You can't unearth one and not deal with the other, because not only are you just storing everything in the back of your your mind and your subconscious, but you're also storing it in your body.

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and when you don't address things, then you, it leads to what they

00:09:09.010 --> 00:09:11.550
Megan Mary: call appropriately this ease.

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Megan Mary: Yeah. So as a as a woman, what role have dreams played in your life? Have you had any any really influential dreams, or in these moments when you were going through your journey.

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Jen Pearson: I've always been an active dreamer, and I always have been like.

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Jen Pearson: just fascinated by dreams, and how weird they can be, and how cool they can be, and the experiences that you can have what you know that you would never have when you're awake. And sometimes I would have dreams that were just super weird and crazy and funny. And sometimes I would have dreams that

00:09:49.810 --> 00:10:13.599
Jen Pearson: we're really heavy with emotion. And so for me, I know that like when I've gone through really hard times in my life, my dreams tend to not mirror the actual events of my life, but they'll mirror the emotions that I'm processing in that way. So if I'm dealing with some intense fear, I might start to have really scary dreams that they don't make sense. They are crazy looking dreams, but it's that same

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that I feel in it, or if there's an anxiety, then the dream will have some kind of anxiety attached to it, or sadness, or, you know, whatever the emotion is. That shows up more for me in dreams. But I've also had dreams that we're like

00:10:27.410 --> 00:10:32.550
Jen Pearson: spirit visit dreams, and I've had dreams that were

00:10:33.930 --> 00:10:52.429
Jen Pearson: It just different kinds of dreams. I have a really close friend, and we share our dreams every time that we have an interesting one. And so I'll get a text in the morning. Hey? I had this dream that such and such was happening, and this thing, and we kind of help each other work through it, and and sometimes we'll share it like, Oh, isn't this stream funny? And the other ones like, Hey.

00:10:52.470 --> 00:11:02.560
Jen Pearson: that's that thing you were talking about, that you've been avoiding showing up for you, and we kind of call each other out on it. So it's fun to have that like community of that dream sharing, too.

00:11:02.740 --> 00:11:06.319
Jen Pearson: We really enjoy that. My dad does that, too. He's a big dreamer.

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Jen Pearson:  but yeah, it's kind of cool to be able to see those threads in ourselves and other people. And so I feel like

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Jen Pearson: It's cool to to share the dreams. I think that that's something that's really fun.

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Megan Mary: Yes, it

00:11:23.260 --> 00:11:36.899
Megan Mary: dream sharing sh is part of so many ancient cultures, and should be part of all our culture, because in that in that sharing of it we we bring it from that

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Megan Mary: dark place where it doesn't make sense into our waking life, and sometimes just by verbalizing it, just by starting to talk about it all of a sudden we go. Oh.

00:11:49.110 --> 00:11:54.190
Megan Mary: yeah. And and sometimes there's even word play in the.

00:11:54.730 --> 00:12:02.699
Megan Mary: in the symbolism and in the things that happen. And it's it's very clever the way our brain brain delivers

00:12:02.700 --> 00:12:27.700
Jen Pearson: my mom, my mom had a dream. You just reminded me one time we were kids and she was a teacher, and she had a dream about being in the backyard with like a jack hammer, and there was a fire or something like that. Well, there was going to be a fire drill at school that day, and she was supposed to have told the teachers to prepare them, and she had forgotten. And so it was like that very literal of like drilling and a fire. Your brain is like trying to get the message

00:12:27.700 --> 00:12:42.449
Megan Mary: out like, don't forget to do this thing. So yeah, sometimes it is super literal, and sometimes it feels like it's so far into the ether that it's like good luck figuring it out. So there's definitely been times where once you

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Jen Pearson: put it into words, it just seems to fall into place and make more sense. The connections come to light.

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and I think that

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Megan Mary: for the most part, a lot of times people think they are literal, and they and that's part of the reason they dismiss them.

00:12:59.750 --> 00:13:16.049
Megan Mary: they say, oh, well, I just watched that movie last night, or I know why I'm dreaming about that, because that's happening here. But there's lots of things that you did the day before, and there's lots of things that are happening in your life, and your dream is picking all these little pieces from

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Megan Mary: everything that's happened, and putting it together into a story. And it's not just a repetition. In my opinion, it's

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it's specifically tailored

00:13:26.900 --> 00:13:44.459
Megan Mary: to tell a a story. Yeah. And to me, it's like, if your brain is just repeating what your day was, you gotta get a little more interesting. It could do something. It does. It does reflect your life. Yes.

00:13:44.460 --> 00:14:09.790
Jen Pearson: yeah, I mean, for we talked before. I do something called shamanic breathwork, and my breath work is something that I feel like is similar to accessing the dream state. It's like a and it's an altered state of consciousness, and you get there through a breath pattern and through music, and that alter state of consciousness takes you on a journey that you are awake and conscious for. But it's kind of like being in a dream

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or being on a psychedelic trip. It's a weird experience that you're kind of. You're in control of it. It's not like you took something, but it can really help you get to. We call it your inner shaman, like that piece of you that needs healing, and whatever it is that you need in that moment.

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which I think our subconscious does in dreams, and it feels like with the shamanic breathwork. It's not just our subconscious mind. It's also a pieces of our soul. It's all of this integration that's coming through. And the first time that I experience something like it, I had this huge, crazy, wild experience, and I knew there was value to it.

00:14:43.980 --> 00:15:10.169
Jen Pearson: but I had no idea what to do with it, how to process it, what was going on. And so I went through a big, long journey to find specifically this shamanic breathwork kind, because it has processing and integration as part of it. And to me, that's so important, just like you're talking about like sharing our dreams can take it to a whole other level of understanding, of growth appealing. And that's why the processing is so important to me in the breathwork because it

00:15:10.170 --> 00:15:24.950
Jen Pearson: without that processing and that integration, there's pieces that you just they don't make sense, or they're hanging out there and unfinished, and your energy feels disconnected in some way. And so it I find it really important to be able to do that

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Jen Pearson: together with my clients.

00:15:27.210 --> 00:15:37.680
Megan Mary: Yes, and thank you for se going into the Shamanic record, because I really want our our listeners to hear about that work that you do, and kind of unpack.

00:15:37.770 --> 00:16:05.009
Megan Mary: you know the misconceptions about it and explain. Explain it a bit. But I think that what you said about the integration is is key as well, and that's why it's part of my dream work. I have a whole host of modalities that come in after you've been unearthed. Whatever it is that you've discovered. Okay, now, what do we do with this so that it doesn't come back so that we can take advantage of it so that we can harness it.

00:16:05.340 --> 00:16:14.840
Megan Mary: and I'm welcoming in all different modalities so that I can have them all at my fingertips to then

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00:16:16.090 --> 00:16:23.769
Megan Mary: all of my clients, and so talk a little bit more about shamanic breathwork. And how? How is it different from

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other modalities that you're aware of? And what are some common misconceptions about it.

00:16:29.140 --> 00:16:42.110
Jen Pearson: So shamanic breathwork came out of it's very similar to holotropic breathwork. it. It came out of that and rebirth, breathwork and integrative breathwork. And then also Seneca Wolf clan teachings.

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Jen Pearson: And so there's a lot that goes into it. basically what it is is we start you out. You kind of do a little bit of a meditation. Set the intention for your journey. We set an attention, but it's going to be whatever it needs to be in the moment, so there's no controlling. Every journey is going to be different than the last one and we teach you the breath pattern to do, and then you do that, and the official instruction is

00:17:06.970 --> 00:17:14.820
Jen Pearson: breathe until you're surprised, because there's really no way to say what's going to happen, how you're going to feel what what you're going to experience in that journey.

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And so you breathe. And there's music that activates the Chakras to kind of bring you on a complete journey. So through your energy system

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Jen Pearson: and the way that music is going that can help keep you in an altered state as well, so you may kind of come in and out of it. The brief breath pattern is kind of intense. You don't do that the entire time, but the whole process goes for typically about an hour. But different journeys can be different lengths, but usually about an hour. there may be body work or energy work in it to help you process what you're doing, especially if there is a rebirthing process happening.

00:17:49.640 --> 00:18:13.689
Jen Pearson: it all feels really super weird and wild and blue, and and it the more that you can just be kind of open and curious, and along for the ride, the more that you're not going to be resisting the process, and the deeper the kind of work that you're going to be able to do is, and it really is all coming from you. It's your work, it's it's not the facilitator that's that's making anything happen. It's not the facilitator that's

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going to, you know. Get you to go deeper, or whatever. But it's really whatever needs to come up for you. So there may be a journey where you things are really visual, and you're, you know, flying on the back of an eagle, and you see your ancestors, or whatever, and there may be a journey where you just feel like

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Jen Pearson: you're in darkness, and you fell asleep. And there may be a journey where everything's very physical, and you feel like you need to move and push things out of your body and there's a just I. I've heard all kinds of things. And so once that journey is done

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Jen Pearson: and we start to ground you and get you back into

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Jen Pearson: waking reality. Then we do an art process and have you draw whatever it is that came through. What is it that you want to remember, and by looking at certain markers in the drawing and hearing your story, I'm able to put into that shamanic perspective of like, where are you in a state of transition right now? what is this journey reflecting for you? What maybe, do we need to want to look deeper into? Is there body work or someotic somatic practices that we want to work through?

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Is there something that's ready to be let go? Is there something that's coming in, you know, where are you in that process? So it's really can be really, really intense. And so

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Jen Pearson: it's not for everyone. It's not for anyone who is, you know, if if your mental health is precarious in the moment, or there's a you know, diagnosis of schizophrenia, those kinds of things. It's not recommended for but a lot of people can get a lot of really deep healing out of it, and I know it sounds a little scary at first, because it it can be so intense. But it really is.

00:19:52.240 --> 00:19:55.870
Jen Pearson: I think it's really cool. I think it's really just.

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Jen Pearson: you know, if you could walk through a dream in the middle of the day.

00:20:00.210 --> 00:20:10.940
Jen Pearson: I I think it's really kind of just a wild what our brains and our bodies are capable of, and the fact that you can do this with just breath and music is just really

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Jen Pearson: fascinating to me.

00:20:13.720 --> 00:20:20.209
Megan Mary: It is fascinating, and I I love the integration of the music and the art.

00:20:20.920 --> 00:20:37.989
Megan Mary: because I think that I fully embrace the frequencies and the ability for different musical frequencies to vibrate in our bodies, and the journeys that music can take you on, and the effect that

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Megan Mary: sound waves have on our body, and all of that. So I I I love that that's integrated in it. I love that art is integrated in it because I feel like that is so important as an expression modality. It's such a heal, it can be such a healing

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activity. And I also like what you said about.

00:20:57.020 --> 00:21:17.919
Megan Mary: And we touched on this a little in our talk. But I want to touch on it today about the misconceptions of that. It's not coming from your facilitator that is coming from you, and that some people, one of the roadblocks that they have to. This type of work is that they feel like they might be circumventing some sort of

00:21:18.270 --> 00:21:44.389
Megan Mary: pre doctrine connection with the source that they're not supposed to have. I, whether it's certain organized religions, dogma, or doctrines, or just societal expectations. In general, there seems to be a line of thinking that says, you need you need someone else to get you there. You you can't get there yourself.

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or you're not supposed to get there here. So

00:21:49.270 --> 00:22:15.670
Jen Pearson: yeah, I think that some people are afraid they feel like that. It's not going to be. They don't think they have the skill. They don't have the knowledge. They don't have the the keys to get there right. And I don't think that that's true. I think that if you think you don't have the skills or the keys. There's someone who can just give it to you, and you can do it like you don't have to pay. You don't have to spend years practicing. You don't have to do these like, you know.

00:22:16.560 --> 00:22:40.749
Jen Pearson: whatever rituals to get there, it's all there. It's all inside you, and if you find a way to unlock it? Why wouldn't you unlock that? You know? Why would you give that power to somebody else like that's it's your power, it's your knowledge, it's your wisdom, it's all within you. So it's yours. That's that's your right. You're entitled to that. You should be empowered to access that and to

00:22:40.750 --> 00:23:18.910
Jen Pearson: again all the benefits that are in there. There's so much that we have locked up in our subconscious in our bodies and our own like innate wisdom that we just don't know how to unlock, or we're not used to unlocking, or we've been told, like, now is not the time to unlock it, or that's not the way to do it, or it's not polite to to do that. Or you know, if we do it, maybe we realize that the things that we've been going through when we were going through. The motions don't work and don't make us happy, and then our whole life has to change, and that's too big to look at. And so there can be, you know, chaos and destruction by doing that kind of work, because we can start to realize that we weren't being true to ourselves.

00:23:18.910 --> 00:23:24.039
Jen Pearson: And so if we weren't being true to ourselves before. And now we decide that we're going to be.

00:23:24.090 --> 00:23:43.819
Jen Pearson: that's gonna take a lot. There's a lot that needs to break down, and there's a lot that needs to be rebuilt. And that's where that reaper thing comes in. And so yeah, I think that's why a lot of people are afraid of that work, and a lot of people avoid that work because there's so much that may need to change and and fall away, and that's really hard.

00:23:44.640 --> 00:24:02.679
Megan Mary: Yes, complacency, and is always easier. Ignorance is bliss is always always seemingly easier. Not that your life is is going the way you want it to, or that you have this great sense of peace or fulfillment, but that it's safer.

00:24:03.120 --> 00:24:07.610
Jen Pearson: Yeah, it's it's a different kind of struggle, in my opinion. Yeah.

00:24:08.370 --> 00:24:12.180
Jen Pearson: yeah. So what's next for you on on your journey?

00:24:13.250 --> 00:24:23.359
I don't know that I ever really know what's next? I just kind of try and stay open to it. I don't have a specific. What's next going on?

00:24:23.370 --> 00:24:48.800
Jen Pearson: I'm doing more of the coaching work. And then I'm integrating the sheemonic breathwork and energy work and taro into the coaching, because I think that it helps people get to a deeper level. So the main coaching clients, I mean, I I can see people for any kind of coaching, but the main groups that tend to resonate with me have a lot in common with my own journey. So there's the people who have been, you know. Maybe you're an accountant. Maybe you're a a

00:24:48.930 --> 00:24:59.639
Jen Pearson: nurse, but someone who kind of just like became what they became, because that was the right choice. And that's what everybody else in the family did. And they're starting to get to that point in life where they're like.

00:24:59.690 --> 00:25:08.739
Jen Pearson: how do I get here? I don't even know who I am. You know those kinds of people who want to explore, and they are drawn into some of that

00:25:08.950 --> 00:25:35.959
Jen Pearson: weird, we will energy work, Tarot. Whatever else kind of stuff the witchy kind of things. and and I act kind of as a guide to help introduce you. And so I'm not showing you your path. I'm just showing you multiple paths that you can choose from, and giving you that freedom and that power to tap into your own intuition to learn who you are to find that self awareness, and then to figure out what's next. Once you have that self awareness in you.

00:25:36.150 --> 00:26:00.270
Jen Pearson: And then the other group are people who? I call it post relationship coaching. So relationship coaching, you know, something big is ended. Maybe you've gone through divorce. Maybe you could at your job maybe moved. But whatever it was that you had before really defined your life, and then, once that's gone, you have to redefine like. Who who am I outside of this, and if life doesn't look like I thought it was going to look.

00:26:00.270 --> 00:26:22.309
Jen Pearson: how do I create it? What do I want it to look like, and really kind of again building that self awareness, but also in a way of like manifesting the best life that you can have, bringing more joy. And it's all about connecting with your soul is all about bringing more joy into your life. It's all about having a deeper awareness of yourself and your energy and your soul alignment

00:26:24.390 --> 00:26:37.830
Megan Mary: great. Yes, I love what you're doing. I think everybody has a point where they need that, and that I agree that any kind of any kind of loss can can lead to a disorienting

00:26:38.020 --> 00:26:59.280
Megan Mary: place where you're standing at the crossroads. That's that's part of the reason I created the crossroads dream Journey, because it's for women that are going through those different transitions, whatever they might be, whether it's career or relationship, or or something just like menopause, whatever period that is in your life that is creating change

00:26:59.510 --> 00:27:02.420
Megan Mary: and guiding like you said

00:27:03.020 --> 00:27:08.989
Megan Mary: so. What are 3 takeaways that you hope listeners learn today.

00:27:09.930 --> 00:27:37.260
Jen Pearson: I think for me, biggest takeaways are that you can always bring more joy into your life. So even if you are in the middle of those really hard, tough transitions.

00:27:37.300 --> 00:28:02.279
Jen Pearson: and I would say also, stay curious like, I think curiosity is the best way that we can approach any of this to not prejudge it to not say well, it didn't work before, or whatever, but just to stay curious of what can open up for you what may be there that you never even thought of. There may be things that are bigger and better than you thought of, if you're just staying curious and open to that

00:28:02.490 --> 00:28:30.159
Jen Pearson: And then I would also say, as the takeaway to just remember, that there's communities that there's people that are there to support, that are there to guide you and help you when you need it. So not that you need to go to them as the authority or the leader, but that if you are feeling lost. There's somebody that can, you know, point the way out of the woods, or that can just hold your hand as you walk through and and forge a path. So I think that community is just as important as that

00:28:30.240 --> 00:28:32.089
Jen Pearson: self in our soul work.

00:28:32.730 --> 00:28:54.060
Megan Mary: Yes, I couldn't agree more. The support is so important. And that's part of the reason that I'm creating this platform, for all the women who have have gone on their journeys, or the journey is never ending, but just so that to create a space where other women that are on their journeys can come and listen to stories about

00:28:54.330 --> 00:29:02.930
Megan Mary: what, where they might go next, and to always seek out, to continue to seek whatever it is that might

00:29:03.220 --> 00:29:11.970
Megan Mary: resonate with you and find the things that can help you. Go further down your path, and the women that can walk with you on that path.

00:29:12.140 --> 00:29:35.849
Jen Pearson: Yeah. And I would say, as a bonus one that you know, if you take the path and you decide that you don't like it, you can always change it. That's been coming up a lot with with people that I've been working with lately is like they're they're afraid to try something like I really drawn to this thing, and I really want to try it. But I just I don't know. I don't know, and I'm like you don't have to marry it like if try it. If you don't like it.

00:29:35.850 --> 00:29:58.660
Jen Pearson: do something else stop doing it. It doesn't have to be like your lifelong commitment to try a new job or to try living someplace else, or to learn something different. Take a class, you know. You don't have to go any further than that. You don't have to finish the class, but if you're drawn to it, there's a reason. So check it out and try it. And so I think, just being kinder to ourselves

00:29:58.700 --> 00:30:01.270
and allowing ourselves a little more freedom.

00:30:01.970 --> 00:30:06.750
Megan Mary: Yes, thank you for that. That is also very important.

00:30:06.920 --> 00:30:11.949
Megan Mary: So where people find you, if they want to check out shamanic breathwork

00:30:12.640 --> 00:30:22.360
Jen Pearson: if they want to check out shamanic breathwork. Best chance is to email me or start with my website. My website is, lighten your space.com.

00:30:22.470 --> 00:30:39.609
Jen Pearson: I am on Facebook as Jen Pearson, also an under light in your space. I'm on Instagram and Tik Tok. It's@lighten.your.space so they are welcome to follow me anywhere they can send me a message. if they want more info

00:30:40.370 --> 00:30:53.540
Jen Pearson: awesome. Well, I will put the links in the show notes as well, so that everyone can find you. And thank you very much, Jen Pearson, for being here today. I really appreciate it. Thanks for having me. I enjoyed the talk.

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