Women's Dream Enlightenment

Finding Your Soul Purpose with Anjani Amriit

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis Episode 11

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Finding Your Soul Purpose features Anjani Amriit, entrepreneur, leadership & women’s empowerment expert, speaker and author, and explores how she combines spiritual wisdom with practical strategies to help women reclaim their power and align with their highest purpose and soul destiny.

Anjani Amriit is an entrepreneur, leadership & women’s empowerment expert, speaker and author. A reformed corporate lawyer, she experienced a spiritual awakening after burning out. She offers spiritual mentoring to leaders, executives and business owners combining spiritual wisdom with practical strategies to help them reclaim their power and align with their highest purpose.

“Enlightenment is a process and journey of self evolution and growth, so that we can know truly who we are as a soul rather than just a personality, just an ego self” – Anjani Amriit

Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TaGCUMZi_CA

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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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00:00:03.370 --> 00:00:09.050
Megan Mary: Welcome. So today my guest is on Anjani Amriit.

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She is an entrepreneur leadership and women's empowerment expert speaker and author.

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Megan Mary: Welcome.

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Anjani Amriit: Thank you so much. Thank you. It's great to be here. Yes, thank you for coming on the program.

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Megan Mary: So what I want to ask first, as this is about women's enlightenment is, what does the word enlightenment mean to you?

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Anjani Amriit: It's a really great question. I have a very, very long answer, and a really nice short answer. So the short answer is bringing light on to a subject, so that we can have a clearer perception, a bigger, grander perception of

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Anjani Amriit: the truth, the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth. So for me, that's the short answer, and I guess the longer answer is

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Anjani Amriit: a process and journey of self evolution and growth, so that we can know truly who we are as a soul rather than just a personality, just an ego self. and that's a very interesting journey that we're all on, whether we're doing it consciously or unconsciously.

00:01:22.410 --> 00:01:37.079
Megan Mary: Yes, and I I like both of those answers. I think that aligning with the self and finding the true purpose is, is definitely what what I consider enlightenment to be.

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Megan Mary: and I don't think there's one clear way of getting there. I think there's a lot of different ways. And and sometimes it's a combination of ways.

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Megan Mary: But, the the ultimate goal is to at least start on that path. Start on that journey, and when you do, the universe seems to present itself with the the ways that you're going to find the rest of the answers. Right? 

00:02:01.570 --> 00:02:27.349
Anjani Amriit: Yeah, right? I mean, we are all on that journey. But If we can start it more consciously, more deliberately, then we help ourselves greatly, and the progress that we make is much faster way, more deliberate, more directed. And so I think that's the biggest blessing that we could have in life is

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Anjani Amriit: getting aware that that's the main, highest purpose of our life. You know, we have other purposes like

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Anjani Amriit: having a career and having a family, and they're all fabulous and important, too, and and they all feed into that greater purpose of knowing our self and knowing truth.

00:02:47.890 --> 00:02:50.130
Megan Mary: Yes, yes, agreed.

00:02:50.590 --> 00:03:18.159
Megan Mary: and I think what what you are doing as a as a sole purpose Mentor. It really speaks to that because you help other women discover what their soul purpose is basically. And I'd I'd love to hear how you came to do that kind of work, what your spiritual or enlightenment journey was, and how you came to came to be where you are today.

00:03:18.950 --> 00:03:36.389
Anjani Amriit: Well, I was a corporate lawyer for over 16 years, and had no reference whatsoever to spirituality, enlightenment, Yoga meditation. You know it was all. It was all very foreign to me.

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Anjani Amriit: but what happened was, I got very sick.

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Anjani Amriit: I started having anxiety, regular panic attacks. I had chronic digest digestive issues

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Anjani Amriit: as a lawyer, and I wasn't coping very well. It was very high pressured. I was working 22 hr days, for months on end, on deals. buying and selling companies, doing merges and acquisitions. It was very full on. Let's say

00:04:04.270 --> 00:04:29.580
Anjani Amriit: I didn't really have any tools at that time to manage that pressure, manage myself in that pressure, and having exhausted all of the traditional routes for healing, you know, I went to the doctors got a therapist, etc. And none of it really worked, and that really led me to looking elsewhere and led me to going to alternative medicine.

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Anjani Amriit: And I discovered meditation, I discovered yoga, I discovered ayurvedic medicine, which is a holistic medicine. and

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Anjani Amriit: in discovering those I got a little bit angry that I hadn't

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Anjani Amriit: known about these. It was like, Wow, this is here the whole time, and I never knew.

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Anjani Amriit: And so I really took a deep dive into studying as far and wide as I could on everything alternative, because it just brought so many answers to me, to all the questions that I had tried to get answered rationally and logically.

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Anjani Amriit: I found that these philosophies and ways of life really helped me. I got. I got well, I became happy, and I found my purpose, and then it was really a a transition from me being a lawyer because I was, I was still being a lawyer. While I was studying all of this I transitioned into running my own practice for a little while while I was studying, and then I set up my own business as a side hustle,

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Anjani Amriit: mentoring people doing healings, giving advice on health and well being. And it snowball from there. Really, I never really looked back.

00:05:47.300 --> 00:05:59.910
Megan Mary: That's that's an amazing story. I I think so many people really want to do that. Of course, I mean, that's the that's the ultimate goal. And it's it's inspiring to hear

00:06:00.330 --> 00:06:04.380
Megan Mary: that you have. And I also want to hear more about

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Megan Mary: the the energy clearing and the and the activations that you do. I I'd like to hear how that can help women

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Megan Mary: realize their their next path.

00:06:18.890 --> 00:06:28.360
Anjani Amriit: Sure, I don't really publicize this, but I am incredibly psychic. So when I started studying energy, healing, natural healing.

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Anjani Amriit: I discovered that I had a natural ability to see things. Now I this had happened when I was younger, but I just dismissed it all, thought everyone could kind of

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Anjani Amriit: everyone knew how everyone else was feeling. I didn't realize that it was unique to me. So I'm an empath. I'm a sensitive, but I'm also incredibly psychic. And so

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Anjani Amriit: I can. I can read a client's soul. I can read their vibration, and I can see

00:07:00.510 --> 00:07:12.069
Anjani Amriit: pretty much into their future and and and to help intuitively guide them to where their soul is wanting them to go to. So I basically work with their guides with their soul

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Anjani Amriit: and help them come to realizations because it can be quite confronting, you know, if you're a lawyer. And someone said you well, you're going to be a speaker and an author. I would have freaked myself out. So It's it's about slowly helping people awaken to their

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Anjani Amriit: purpose that I can usually typically see. And then the energy healing and clearing is really important, because that's a super fast way of letting go of any blockages or limitations that we might be having, consciously or unconsciously, in our mind.

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Anjani Amriit: emotionally or physically, even

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Anjani Amriit: to, in order to progress really rapidly. So in working with energy. You know, if we change our energy, then we get rapid transformation as opposed to therapy, which is great. And you know, I I I think therapy has its place and does well for a lot of people. But we don't go into the past. I actually look at the chakras, and I can scan and look into people's chakras and auras and see exactly what's going on. I can see

00:08:22.110 --> 00:08:29.950
Anjani Amriit: if they relationship. You know what's going on in their relationships. And so we can clear out anything that's limiting them in relationships. I can.

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Anjani Amriit: I can pretty much see past lives of how that might be impacting on my current lives.

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Anjani Amriit: yeah, it's quite. It's quite in depth. And then, yeah, it sounds. It sounds like it. And I I mean, it's it sounds all very, very interesting, too. I I would.

00:08:50.380 --> 00:09:00.819
Megan Mary: Who wouldn't want to know those those types of things? I think I think it's another way to sort of mine that those hidden depths of ourselves that

00:09:01.280 --> 00:09:25.959
Megan Mary: maybe we, we, we have the ability to access. But many times we just don't know how to access them. We're we're living in in our bodies, but we're subconsciously holding blockages and holding energy and holding emotions and and all of that type of thing, and and I found in my work that that that also resonates in your dreams anything that you're

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carrying subconsciously is going to come out in the in the form of a metaphorical story.

00:09:32.380 --> 00:09:47.510
Megan Mary: In in your dreams, much like where you might have a dis-ease in your body from carrying that same, that same thing. It's just manifesting itself in a different way, and

00:09:48.100 --> 00:09:51.850
and clearing that energy can, of course

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Megan Mary: use different modalities as well. But it can be on the, on the spirit, spiritual level, on the health and wellness level. But I think also, when you, when you delve into those depths. However, you clear it is, is more the point that you get that you acknowledge that it's there as the first step, and then

00:10:14.900 --> 00:10:16.680
that you can

00:10:16.790 --> 00:10:24.550
Megan Mary: process it and integrate it into your, into yourself, and then into your in in the case of dreams, into your waking life.

00:10:25.890 --> 00:10:29.440
Anjani Amriit: Yeah, it's it's such an important process that

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Anjani Amriit: we. We aren't given any tools for that in our Western world, and those tools that are out there, and the facilitators that can assist us with those kinds of tools and strategies are unfortunately labeled in our Western society as quote unquote "woo woo"

00:10:48.890 --> 00:11:13.929
Anjani Amriit: and so discerning ambitious women like you and I would run a mile from anything like that, thinking because we'd been conditioned that way, that, you know, it's something that is resigned for people with pink hair we wearing tye dye eating Mong beans. And I'm not that I'm having to go. I I'm you know. I realize on the it's K. Around. But

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Anjani Amriit: you know, it's it's it's an interesting one. And I feel like it's really important that as women, we have these conversations

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Anjani Amriit: and bring all of this ancient.

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Anjani Amriit: vital, sacred wisdom. I want to call it back into the mainstream, and by having these kind of conversations it brings it back into the mainstream, because we've had

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Anjani Amriit: many, many centuries of a patriarchy that has diminished and dismissed and persecuted women's intuition, and inner knowing and the healing energies and practices.

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Anjani Amriit: as you know, being witches. And so there's a lot for women to overcome. You know, centuries of this conditioning and persecution, and a lot of the work that I do is helping women overcome that in the first place, and overcome these mindsets that would

00:12:13.660 --> 00:12:33.159
Anjani Amriit: block them from accessing their innate wisdom, their innate capability to tune in and tap in and process for themselves. And so it's, I think it's really important that we do have these conversations. And I'm why I'm really happy to share this conversation with you today. It's it's a great

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Anjani Amriit: a platform to be doing it.

00:12:36.220 --> 00:12:51.900
Megan Mary: I I'm glad I'm glad you're here sharing it, because I think that I think that listeners like you said need to realize that the it doesn't have to be that way. There is a lot of that we should be able to be that

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and be in that in that corporate space we should be able to be

00:12:58.300 --> 00:13:18.680
Megan Mary: engaged in our own wisdom and those those modalities that are available and not feel like we can't hold them both because they're not condoned. And I know myself. I I have a lot of difficulty allowing myself to step into the the this world because I

00:13:19.030 --> 00:13:38.530
Megan Mary: it still, I'm holding onto all of that those expectations about being proper and condoned and stamped, and all that stuff. And I think I think there is a lot of stigma and a lot of false perception about

00:13:39.030 --> 00:14:00.120
Megan Mary: this type of work, and I see so many women now that are quote unquote, normal, like you're saying that oh, every day type women in in all part walks of life that are stepping out and saying, Well, I'm an accountant, but I'm doing this. I'm a lawyer, but I'm doing this. I'm a doctor and I'm doing this.

00:14:00.130 --> 00:14:14.669
Megan Mary: or I'm not any of those things, and I'm doing this because I have found, you know why the perfect combination of my background leads me to this without needing any additional

00:14:14.880 --> 00:14:20.060
Megan Mary:  approval for that. It it's embracing

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Megan Mary: and knowing and feeling confident in that space.

00:14:26.940 --> 00:14:39.240
Anjani Amriit: Yes, absolutely I am. It reminds me of a client that I was introduced to, and I didn't know at the time we had our first call, that she was a politician.

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Anjani Amriit: and I you know we were talking, and then she revealed to me what she did for a job.

00:14:46.870 --> 00:15:12.929
Anjani Amriit: and there was a little moment that I had the, and I thought that I had that run through my head was like, Oh, I might have to hold back here, you know. So I tested the waters and and she said, Oh, yeah, I know. But I know about chakras and healing. I love that kind of stuff. I'd I'd love to be exposed more to that, and that just blew my mind. I was like great. I can have a very open conversation with you so like you said.

00:15:13.280 --> 00:15:28.770
Anjani Amriit: I think, for most women, even if they're quote on quote "ordinary" we all have an inner knowing women are much more naturally tapped into their intuition. You know, having children or being responsible, that care taking role has us

00:15:28.780 --> 00:15:47.119
Anjani Amriit: naturally more tapped into our intuition. I think the issue is we'd be programmed and conditioned and socialized and familiarized and cultureized into ignoring that and into making ourselves wrong. And second guessing ourselves.

00:15:47.240 --> 00:15:51.260
Anjani Amriit: I think that all women speak up about this. Yeah. Well, I felt

00:15:51.510 --> 00:15:55.850
Anjani Amriit: someone was about to ring me, and then they rang me. Well, that's your intuition.

00:15:55.870 --> 00:16:12.710
Anjani Amriit: you know. Oh, I had a funny feeling, and I went to see if my baby was okay, and they were just about to do something dangerous. That's your intuition. So start to trust. Start to honor it. Start to listen to it because it's that inner voice that inner guidance that actually

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Anjani Amriit: will guide us towards our highest purpose and to happiness and health and the wisdom that we are born with. It's innate we all we're all born with it. It's just whether we're listening to it or not, whether we're tuning into it or not. And when we don't we get really sick. And that's what happened to me.

00:16:32.530 --> 00:16:44.900
Megan Mary: Yes, absolutely. And that's what happened to me. So that's that's part of the reason that I'm I'm sharing this in this platform because I know that happens to so many women. And when I

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Megan Mary: I I speak about the 4 stages of women's lives. And I in the first stage, being spirit. The first chapter. And I feel like that's when we're the closest to spirit, and that's when we get it. And we think, Hey, it's gonna be this way forever. But then we're we go into the next chapter, and we're told. No leave that behind. That's a childhood thing. That's not the way the adult world works.

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and adults don't do that. And then, even when you are an adult, and you see that other people are doing it. You still think, well, let them do it. It's not for me because I need to do. I need to walk the straight and narrow, because that's what I'm expected to do. And that's how

00:17:30.980 --> 00:17:49.540
Megan Mary: it's supposed to be. And I think once we continue down that path and we enter the the chapter that is missing the missing chapter that I call the seeker. That's when we say, Okay, I know there's something more, and we start seeking out

00:17:49.550 --> 00:17:57.349
all the the possibilities and tapping in and saying, What is it that I left behind?

00:17:57.530 --> 00:18:04.770
Megan Mary: Or maybe the you're not really finding it. You're just remembering it's more of a remembering.

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That's what I've I've found personally.

00:18:07.850 --> 00:18:10.549
Anjani Amriit: yeah, absolutely. And

00:18:11.190 --> 00:18:41.170
Anjani Amriit: we all have a trigger for that. So the trigger to remember or awake. You know the there's lots of terms that get banded around, you know, spiritual awakening, a remembering, a revealing. And I find that there's always a trigger for that in our life, and that can be a divorce. It can be some drama. It can be losing our job, you know, our career, our status, material things outside of us.

00:18:41.630 --> 00:18:58.569
Anjani Amriit: problems with family that we can't solve, a a dis-ease. These are the. These are the very things that we at the time think, are obstacles in a terrible that they're actually the the, the, the, the awakened us they, the the triggers for us to

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Anjani Amriit: stop what we're doing, and look else where, you know, if I hadn't been so sick there's no way I would have looked for alternative medicine. There's no way. But I'm so glad now that that happened to me, because it opened up a whole new paradigm of life that fills me with joy. And

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Anjani Amriit: I'm still incredibly successful, but I'm doing what I love and making money at the same time. You know I feel so blessed now that I got here, so I I would say to your listeners, if

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Anjani Amriit: if you're struggling with anything in your life, then that's the wake up Call. That's you know the bell ring and going. Hello, Hello! Come this way, and it's really important to take time out and not expect that you can know immediately ah, That's my purpose. I know I've got this disease because I meant to be an author. No, it doesn't work like

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Anjani Amriit: we have to follow these breadcrumbs and follow the guidance, because, you know, there we have to take small steps towards our self. And so. by just trusting there's little intuitive hits, that's what gets us up the mountain. That's what gets us to the realization. That's that's the answer

00:20:13.450 --> 00:20:35.740
Megan Mary: I I' I'm glad you said that because I think that sometimes when I'm having these discussions, I, our listeners might think that there is one A-ha moment. And when is it going to come? And it hasn't come, and and some so I think they need to realize that women need to realize that it is a series of small things.

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Megan Mary: It's the coincidences, the synchronicities, that very small guidance that is almost so small that it's. It's purposely small enough that it could be dismissed.

00:20:47.650 --> 00:21:00.969
Megan Mary: And it's the culmination of those tiny little things that themselves fuel the catalyst because it's not. It's not that obvious. It's

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Megan Mary: a a journey of

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Megan Mary: it's it's not fully lit, you know. It's it's something that you have to be willing to kind of go under the covers for and

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Megan Mary: and look around. And if you if you feel that maybe you haven't found it yet, don't, don't lose faith because it's

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Megan Mary: it's it's in the little things

00:21:26.200 --> 00:21:40.189
Anjani Amriit: it really is. I love your analogy of you know it's not fully lit up. There's a reason why it's not. The path is not fully lit, because if we were to see the end game, like I said before, we'd freak ourselves out, we think

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Anjani Amriit: we would be. Oh, we will become incredibly overwhelmed. And so

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Anjani Amriit: it's. It's a beautiful thing, a divine setup that we get little bites that we can chew and digest easily. So it's the most gracious thing is Grace, that we don't see the whole path, and often we get stuck thinking like you said.

00:22:05.480 --> 00:22:23.560
Anjani Amriit: I've got to know my absolute, highest purpose before I would change anything. And and I say, no, we have to start changing things, and then the light will start to switch on, and we'll get the next step and the next instruction and the next instruction. You know what it's a little bit like when you go on a you know those

00:22:23.670 --> 00:22:34.570
Anjani Amriit: those expeditions, and they give you little clues everywhere you go to get to the end. It's it's like that, and it's set up like that because it's benevolent. It's a loving

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Anjani Amriit: consciousness that has set this up in the first place.

00:22:38.200 --> 00:22:49.089
Anjani Amriit: And so walk gently towards the direction of your dreams, you know. If we keep that in mind, then we'll always be walking in the right direction.

00:22:49.980 --> 00:23:01.429
Megan Mary: that's lovely. Yeah. And I was gonna ask what what you would like to, you know, leave our our listeners with, but I feel like that's really profound in itself.

00:23:01.610 --> 00:23:14.460
Megan Mary: so so that that may be it. how can people find you if they want to work with you and experience your gifts and what you have to offer?

00:23:15.230 --> 00:23:28.510
Anjani Amriit: You can find me on my website. that's just my name anjaniamriit.com. I'm on most social platforms as well. I've got lots of freebies, giveaways so you can delve in and

00:23:28.680 --> 00:23:47.930
Anjani Amriit: get a taste of what I do, and I also have a book called Corporate Dropouts. It's a multi author book, and that really explains my journey and has lots of tips about if you're wanting to transition, or you're in a spiritual awakening journey, or you just want to make a change in your life. Then. there's that resource there.

00:23:48.280 --> 00:23:49.890
Megan Mary: Okay, fabulous.

00:23:50.420 --> 00:24:03.680
Megan Mary: Well, thank you so much for being here today. I I know that our listeners will be enlightened by what you had to share, and I really appreciate your your being here and your insight. So thank you Anjani.

00:24:03.940 --> 00:24:06.240
Anjani Amriit: my absolute pleasure. Thank you.

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