Women's Dream Enlightenment

The Metaphysical Messages of Teeth with Meliors Simms

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis Episode 9

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The Metaphysical Messages of Teeth features an enlightened conversion with Meliors Simms, the Holistic Tooth Fairy, exploring the spiritual meanings of your teeth and gum symptoms, influence of emotions on oral health and energetic healing approaches.

Meliors Simms is the Holistic Tooth Fairy, a natural oral health coach who has worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures and have better experiences with the necessary ones. She lives in Raglan New Zealand and after a diverse career (from research to counselling to arts) and a lifetime of terrible teeth, she stumbled on an Alt Oral approach which prevented what would have been her 7th root canal. That experience inspired years of independent research and experimentation, eventually resulting in her uniquely holistic approach to oral health delivered through online coaching. Meliors’ new book The Secret Lives of Teeth: Understanding emotional influences on oral health is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with a metaphysical perspective.

“Enlightenment to me means having that willingness to see beyond the obvious, to find meaning and the apparently meaningless.” – Meliors Simms

Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YwVr3JUYQLo

Check out a sample of Melior’s New Book

The Secret Lives of Teeth: Understanding emotional influences on oral health

Free Gift For Women’s Dream Enlightenment Listeners


Follow Meliors

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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00:00:03.300 --> 00:00:11.950
Megan Mary: Welcome everybody. Today I have with me Meliors Sims. She is the holistic tooth fairy.

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a natural oral health coach. She has worked with hundreds of clients worldwide to avoid unnecessary dental procedures, and have better experiences with the necessary ones

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Megan Mary: she lives in. I believe it's Ragland, New Zealand, and after a diverse career, from research to counseling to arts and a lifetime of terrible teeth.

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she stumbled on an all oral approach which prevented what would have been her Seventh route canal.

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Megan Mary: That experience inspired years of independent research and experimentation eventually resulting in her uniquely holistic approach to oral health delivered through online coaching.

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Megan Mary: Mellor's new book, The Secret Lives of Teeth, understanding, Emotional Influences on Oral Health is a comprehensive guide to healing teeth and gums with a metaphysical perspective.

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Megan Mary: Welcome, Millie ours.

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Meliors Simms: Thank you, Megan. It's a pleasure to be here.

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Megan Mary: I I love that the metaphysical perspective on the teeth and gum. It's definitely something that I would have never considered. And I find it so unique. So I can't wait to talk about it with you today.

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Meliors Simms: Yeah, it's pretty unusual.

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Megan Mary: So being that this is the you know, women's dream enlightenment, one of my first questions that I like to start out with is, What does enlightenment mean to you.

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Meliors Simms: What does enlightenment mean to me? I think it's

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Meliors Simms: being able to see beyond the surface of things and understand that there are connections that add

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Meliors Simms: the mundane, and then the mainstream. we're

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Meliors Simms: we're told that so

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Meliors Simms: much of what goes on around us is just what it appears to be. And yet there is

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Meliors Simms: so much depth, and you know.

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Meliors Simms: I think, that the new developments and science support that, you know in the last 100 years or so there's been all of this kind of quantum physics that has shown us that our human perceptions are incredibly limited

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Meliors Simms: about what's out there in the world, and so Enlightenment to me means having that

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Meliors Simms: willingness

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Meliors Simms: to see beyond the obvious, to find meaning in the apparently meaningless.

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Megan Mary: Oh, I love that I think that's so well put. And it's true. They what we consider extra sensory right is is just.

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Megan Mary: it actually is all around us. And there's this, there's this kind of misperception in society that

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Megan Mary: things aren't really, you know, things are as the seem right versus, not as they seem, and that there is so much more. that we don't appreciate. And I think that

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Megan Mary: enlightenment really does speak to that. And and the metaphysical also, because just that word is is kind of an indication of beyond, beyond what we can perceive in the physical world

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Megan Mary: and and teeth is a really interesting subject, because it is a physical thing. But yet, as you're gonna share with us today, there is such a greater piece to it, whereas dreams are very intangible. They're are things that happen within our mind, and we can't see and touch them

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but teeth we definitely can. So

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Megan Mary: let's dive into that. Let's talk about what brought you to work with teeth. And how did your enlightenment journey inform

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Megan Mary: the gifts that you've found you have today?

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Meliors Simms: Well, I started having very serious problems with my teeth. Well, probably as a child, but really I remember it starting in my teens, and

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Meliors Simms: I was very compliant with the mainstream advice about brushing and flossing, and I tried to eat a really healthy diet, and I went to the dentist regularly. I was doing all the right things, and yet my teeth just didn't

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Meliors Simms: behave themselves. I had to have fillings almost every time I went to the dentist to fill cavities. I had 6 root canals between the ages of 17 and 40 something

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Meliors Simms: the crowns, extractions, all kinds of things going wrong with my teeth, despite doing all the right things.

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Meliors Simms: and finally, I took what

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Meliors Simms: I was used to using with other aspects of my health, which was an alternative approach, you know, to look into herbs, and homeopathics, and to think about the emotional influences. You know. I'd read Louise Hey when I was a lot younger. But she doesn't really have much to say about teeth, so I hadn't made that connection.

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Meliors Simms: But once I was able to step outside of the kind of black box of the dentist knows the best, and look into alternatives.

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Meliors Simms:  My teeth just stopped having the same level of problems, and it felt like such

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Meliors Simms: a relief, almost a miracle, to avoid that seventh root canal

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Meliors Simms: but I really just threw myself into researching and learning everything I could about alternative approaches to oral health, and it was very eye opening.

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Meliors Simms: and I became a little bit of a bore, and and talking about it to anyone that showed the slightest bit of interest.

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Meliors Simms: and I eventually people started kind of asking me for advice, and I became a little bit of a go-to person among my friends and family, for you know, if you've got a problem with your teeth See Meliors what has she got to say on the subject.

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Meliors Simms: and

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Meliors Simms: and then when I started

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Meliors Simms: offering coaching as a

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Meliors Simms: you know, as a business.

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Meliors Simms: The clients who came to me very much wanted to work on the metaphysical, and I hadn't been prioritizing that in my own practice up until that point. So I really learned from working with my clients, and how sure they were that this was a really significant part

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Meliors Simms: of the whole picture

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Meliors Simms: and and then that's kind of become my great passion, my niche and where I've written the book about that metaphysical aspects.

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Megan Mary: it's so interesting. It's interesting that

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Megan Mary: by stepping into your calling you were led by those that needed you to actually figure out how you could best help them in this that I think, and that's the beautiful thing about women's enlightenment in general is that you experience it yourself. First, you you experience your hardship first, whatever the hardship is.

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Megan Mary: and and you don't know why you're experiencing it. And then you discover that there is a silver lining to that. And then, when you realize that other people really need to hear about that and need to benefit from that. Then not only do those people come out of the woodwork, but they start to help you mold how you can best help. And so I think that's that's a beautiful thing.

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Meliors Simms: It's a very collaborative process. Back and forth with my my personal journey, with my teeth and with my

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Meliors Simms: enlightenment and that of my clients. So you know, I always feel like I'm learning as much from them as I am able to help them. So

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so tell us a little bit more about

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Megan Mary: what the connection the metaphysical connection with the teeth and gums.

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Meliors Simms:  so

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Meliors Simms: many people listening to this have probably come across the kind of Louise Hey type approach where particular symptoms have a kind of

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Meliors Simms: energetic or emotional meaning associated with them, but with teeth and gums it goes a little bit further in that

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Meliors Simms: it's almost

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Meliors Simms: more like reflexology where in reflexology. Different parts of the feet have different connections and meanings. Each individual to each particular part of your mouth has a

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Meliors Simms: metaphysical interpretation or multiple metaphysical interpretations. Actually, because there is the meridian system which, comes from traditional Chinese medicine, and all of the meredians pass through the mouth. So they there are those connections with

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Meliors Simms: emotions and and energies

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Meliors Simms: through those locations, but also each type of tooth.

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Meliors Simms: So you're incisors or your canines or your molars, or your wisdom teeth have their own particular.

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Meliors Simms:  meaning and emotional association, an association with a particular sphere of life, whether that's work or family, or when you were a baby or 

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Meliors Simms: your relationship with religion? yeah. And so

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Meliors Simms: taking those different systems and those different layers of meaning

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Meliors Simms: my contribution to this work. It's been to to identify an archetype for each individual tooth.

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Meliors Simms: And it's kind of a quick easy access way to understand and use this

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Meliors Simms: approach to see kind of almost a personality for each tooth.

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Meliors Simms: So, for example, the incisors the front top teeth, the one on the left side of your center line is the nurturer archetype.

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Meliors Simms: and the one on the right of the center line is the leader archetype.

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Meliors Simms: And so those qualities are, of those acetypes as supported when the tooth is healthy and are vulnerable when the tooth is not healthy.

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Megan Mary: Wow! That I mean, it makes a lot of sense the way you talk about it. But I definitely never would have thought about that. I mean, you think about like you said, making that connection with the reflexology, with the meridians, with the energy.

00:11:27.090 --> 00:11:53.180
Megan Mary: And I love the way that you've connected the arch types with the teeth, so that each one has a particular meaning, because not only did I not ever think about a metaphysical aspect of teeth, but I also would have never said thought, oh, I have to get a filling, or I have a root canal in this specific tooth, and that that has a relationship to what's going on in my life. So that I I really find that fascinating.

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Meliors Simms: Yeah, it's it's sometimes it's almost like a party trick. And someone says to me, You know I've got. I've got to get a filling, and and you know my molar, and I'll say, Oh, my goodness! Well, that's the name tooth have you had any issues with. You know your

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Meliors Simms: Family members who share your name often you know the paternal lineage you'll have the same last name. Have they're been issues along that, and they'll go. Yes, yes, I've been really struggling with my father or my grandfather, and I'm like well, that's why it's that tooth flaring up. Yeah, 

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Megan Mary: wow, that's that's incredible. So when you discover these connections what path do you lead your clients down to

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Megan Mary: I don't want to say resolve? But to

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Megan Mary: connect with that synergy that you're finding for them.

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Meliors Simms: So I use visualization like guided visualizations a lot. And I really encourage people to use your imagination and their intuition and trust, those

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Meliors Simms:  those images and those symbols and metaphors that appear through the, and a meditative state when you're kind of holding space to pay attention to the teeth They'll present you with

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Meliors Simms: the connections of the information, the stories that you need.

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Meliors Simms: and then the same way that, you know. I I suspect you work with dreams. It's like, it's not a literal, you know. We're not working with kind of a literal representation, but it's like

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Meliors Simms:  following clues and

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Meliors Simms: developing kind of weaving together the threads of meaning from things that

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Meliors Simms: that if you were only looking at the mundane level would just look like they wouldn't be connected.

00:13:58.080 --> 00:14:16.059
Megan Mary: Yes, absolutely. And so there's a lot of symbolism and metaphor in that, even even in your realm where you're talking about an actual physical problem with your teeth. But there's there's a much larger spiritual

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Megan Mary: alignment going on there, and and that's the case as well with dreams. You know. So many people have dreams about their teeth, about their mouth, about their face. And

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Megan Mary: obviously it it's all metaphorical. When when people dream about their teeth falling out, which is a very common dream, it usually doesn't mean you need to go to the dentist.

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Megan Mary: it's really. And and now I'm gonna ask, well, which tooth was it? Which I probably would have never asked. But in general, you know, those types of dreams usually imply instability and embarrassment, confidence, fragility, self judgment.

00:15:03.500 --> 00:15:20.890
Megan Mary: insecurity, all those kinds of things, because of how, basically of how that makes you feel when there's something wrong with your teeth when your teeth are falling out. You're usually in your dream, quite distraught, quite upset. And

00:15:21.030 --> 00:15:41.949
Megan Mary: you know I also try to make sure that the clients are always looking at the okay. Who else is in your dream? Where are you when this is happening? What's the situation? How do you feel, and all those things inform what that dream means, even though it's about teeth. The teeth are a symbol and they're a metaphor for your life.

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Meliors Simms: Hmm, and I would encourage you also to look at the the life stage that

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Meliors Simms: that dreamer is in, because losing teeth is kind of a symbol of

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Meliors Simms: from one stage of childhood to another, from you know, entering adolescents from maiden to mother, because often pregnancy and motherhood will at the very least give you dreams about your teethfalling out. But often people do. You have a lot of trouble with teeth and gums as a result of

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Meliors Simms: pregnancy and breastfeeding, and then with menopause, and that transition from mid life to the the wise woman years

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Meliors Simms:  so teeth can represent your fears about getting older. I mean, the dreams about teeth falling out can represent your fears about

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Meliors Simms: getting older but also they can be a kind of a destabilization on a physical and energetic level

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Meliors Simms: inside your mouth with those transitions. It's not a coincidence.

00:17:06.579 --> 00:17:29.259
Megan Mary: Absolutely, so anytime you're at, I call the Crossroads, and that's why I created the Crossroads Dream Journey for women that are going through those types of transitions. It is you a loss. It does represent a loss, and it that could be any number of losses. It's not necessarily a a death. It could be a loss of a job, a loss of a relationship, a loss of identity, so many different types of loss can precipitate that type of dream as well. 

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Megan Mary: So what's the most common misconception people have about what you do.

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Meliors Simms: People, I think, are very focused on toothpaste and toothbrushes, and I find

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Meliors Simms: that that is not the right thing to focus on

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Meliors Simms: So that's generally what people will ask me before they before I get a chance to kind of go deeper with it.

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Meliors Simms: Yeah, that that really doesn't matter that much. What toothpaste or toothbrush you're using.

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Meliors Simms: That would be what everyone should stop doing. So what should everyone start doing?

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Meliors Simms: I really want to encourage everyone to slow down and pay attention because, we're so used to cramming our toothbrushing our oral hygiene habits into a very fast period of time, a short period of time, daily habit.

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Meliors Simms: you know. Most people are pretty good about doing at least once or twice a day.

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Meliors Simms: but they're not probably really being fully present and mindful with that brushing, and it's a beautiful time to slow down

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Meliors Simms: and attend to the energetic

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Meliors Simms: needs of your teeth and gums as well as the physical needs. And that's where you can start to establish a

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Meliors Simms: a space for communication, so that if you, your teeth don't have to try and catch your attention by giving you symptoms like decay or receding gums. If you are listening to what they're trying to tell you the messages from the archetypes and the particular teeth

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Meliors Simms: then you can interrupt symptoms before they get serious and need a dental intervention.

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Megan Mary: Okay? And your new book that just came out The Secret Lives of Teeth

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understanding emotional influences on oral health, talk just a little bit about what brought you to to write the book and

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Megan Mary: what nuggets people can find in there.

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Meliors Simms: Yeah, so well, actually, first of all, I started writing the big book of everything I know about oral health, which quickly proved to be way too big a book. And so I decided to narrow it down to this topic, because there's really nothing else available on this topic. No matter how hard you look. And I've been looking for many, many years.

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Meliors Simms: There's nothing published in English

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Meliors Simms: of any substance on the metaphysics of oral health. So that's why I decided to fill that gap and the heart of the book is the explanation of the archetype system. But I also give a very detailed

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Meliors Simms: introduction to a number of other systems existing systems of, metaphysical interpretation of teeth and gums, and these symptoms, including the most comprehensive

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Meliors Simms: description of the mouth meridian system that I've ever come across.

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Meliors Simms: and it also includes a a toolkit of practices, journal prompts, meditation, suggestions. suggestions working with you inner child or ancestral influences on your teeth and gums. So it's a very practical book as well as a reference

00:21:04.230 --> 00:21:08.670
Meliors Simms: right in an introduction to a whole new approach.

00:21:10.080 --> 00:21:30.040
Megan Mary: I love that you incorporate all those different modalities Because I do. I do as well. I feel like anytime you're gonna unearth something from your subconscious that you need to then process that in a lot of different ways, whether it's sound frequencies or journal writing or music healing.

00:21:30.080 --> 00:21:44.330
Megan Mary: Reiki, yoga, meditation, of course. But there's just so. There's so many that out there. But I think that choosing, finding the ones that work for you and and incorporating those into the healing process is, is crucial.

00:21:45.330 --> 00:21:56.290
Meliors Simms: and I absolutely like any of those modalities, can be supportive for your oral health. So, and and numerous others that we haven't named. It's like

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Meliors Simms: when you start working with the energetic

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Meliors Simms: influences and needs of your teeth and gums. Whatever modality like really resonates for you will be helpful for your physical symptoms.

00:22:12.270 --> 00:22:23.120
Meliors Simms: So so what's next for you in this journey? I know you've just gotten that your book out.

00:22:23.340 --> 00:22:34.489
Meliors Simms: Yeah, So right now, I'm really focused on getting the book out to known by as many people as possible. So it's wonderful to get to talk on this.

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Meliors Simms: podcast I love speaking to new audiences. but I'm also started writing my second book, which is called The Empowered Dental Patient, and that's to help people overcome dental anxiety, Dental trauma, dental confusion, and be able to feel confident and relaxed about

00:22:53.710 --> 00:22:57.730
Meliors Simms: sitting in the dental chair when that's necessary.

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Meliors Simms: All right. Well, that'll be very helpful, too, for everyone, I'm sure.

00:23:03.450 --> 00:23:10.239
Megan Mary: So what are 3 takeaways you hope listeners learn from our talk today?

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Meliors Simms: Well, I I hope that people remember to slow down and pay attention in those moments where you are brushing, and flossing your teeth

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Meliors Simms: and not to rush through them. To think about the the underlying meaning of your symptoms, and how if you do have problems with your teeth, and that's a message from your Psyche. And if you can really pay attention and respond to that energetic message. Then often you can interrupt

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Meliors Simms: stabilize and sometimes even reverse the physical symptoms.

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Meliors Simms: And the third thing,

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Meliors Simms: is that

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Meliors Simms: if you want to know more about the teeth, check out the archetypes that I've written about, and the secret lives of Teeth.

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Meliors Simms: It's really nothing else. There's no other

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Meliors Simms: a system like this for making sense of oral health and I'm excited for people to build relationships with these personalities that inhabit our bodies.

00:24:20.040 --> 00:24:38.949
Megan Mary: Yes, yes. Well, you've so kindly been able to offer a free sample of your book to our listeners, so we will include that link in the show notes. And how else? Where else can people find you if they want to discover the metaphysical meaning of their teeth?

00:24:39.740 --> 00:25:03.839
Meliors Simms: So the main place to find me is my website, holistictoothfairy.com, and that's holistic with an H all one word. I'm also every couple of weeks I go live on a meditation app called Insight timer, and I do live readings there for free, so you can come and ask me questions, and I'll give you an intuitive interpretation of your oral health symptom.

00:25:04.170 --> 00:25:07.930
Meliors Simms: And I'm also active on Instagram and Facebook.

00:25:08.620 --> 00:25:15.010
Megan Mary: So come and see me any of those places.

00:25:15.350 --> 00:25:24.499
Megan Mary: Yes, love InsightTimer. Fabulous. All right. Well, thank you so much for being here today, Meliors, I really appreciate you sharing your gifts and enlightenment with our listeners.

00:25:25.360 --> 00:25:29.739
Meliors Simms: Thank you so much for having me, Megan. It's been a delight to speak with you today.

00:25:29.930 --> 00:25:31.280
Megan Mary: Thank you.

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