Women's Dream Enlightenment

Unlock Your Intuitive Powers by Embracing Your Clair Senses with Julianna Whitlow

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis / Julianna Whitlow Episode 27

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Ready to journey beyond your five senses? Our guest, Julianna Whitlow, spiritual self-discovery coach, is here to guide us through an intriguing exploration of Clair Senses or energy senses. Drawing from her own life-altering encounter with the Clairs, Julianna breaks down how these senses echo our physical ones, yet uniquely connect us to the energetic world.

Throughout our conversation, we tackle fear, societal judgment, and misconceptions that often surround our intuitive abilities. Julianna's insights highlight the importance of not hastily unlocking all Clairs at once - a mistake that many make. Each of us has a unique path when it comes to discovering and navigating through our Clairs. We chat about the role of Clairs in navigating life's transitions and traumas. We also emphasize the importance of not defining oneself through others' lenses and touch upon the transformative power of dream work.

We wrap up by investigating the various types of Clair senses that manifest in our lives. Be it Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, Clairsentience, or Clairgustance, we discuss how each one plays its part in our energy work. We share techniques and exercises to tap into these senses and advocate for trusting your senses and standing in your truth. Whether you consider yourself spiritual or not, this discussion promises to leave you with food for thought. Come, join us, and let's walk this enlightening path together.

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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

Welcome. Today we have Julianna Whitlow. She is a spiritual self-discovery coach that supports those that have gone through a significant life event that has racked their core identity and are now seeking to answer the question who am I? Through tools such as soul retrieval and soul reflection, she helps you unlock your soul's memory of who you really are by opening up your Claire's energy senses.

Julianna Whitlow:

Welcome, juliana Hi thank you for having me so excited.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I'm so happy to have you here too. I love this topic and I haven't had really anyone speak about it yet on my podcast, so I'm really honored to have you here to share that with everyone.

Julianna Whitlow:

Honest to be here. This is going to be great.

Megan Mary:

So my first question that I ask everyone is what does enlightenment mean to you?

Julianna Whitlow:

Enlightenment to me is about remembering who you are and tapping into that soul essence, truly understanding who you are as a soul being.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I completely agree with that, and I think it's so much the journey that we are all on and the challenge that we face right, it's like we might. We may know that, but we don't know how to do that.

Julianna Whitlow:


Megan Mary:

So tell the listeners a little bit about your journey to discovering the Claire's, and then we'll talk about what the Claire's are.

Julianna Whitlow:

Okay, so my journey started in 2020, and I always find this very interesting because if you would have explained to me who I am before 2020, a spiritual person would not even come close. Who I am today would not even be close to what I would use to explain myself. And this came about by experiencing. What I now know is what is Claire's sentence, which is Claire feeling.

Julianna Whitlow:

So that's about tapping into your energy sense of feeling, feeling energy around you, and I kind of got slapped over the head, so to speak, with an experience where grief hit me significantly, a death hit me significantly, and it was a death of an animal, and when I experienced it, I felt everything.

Julianna Whitlow:

I felt it take its last breath, I felt the fear, I felt the peace and it left me in one of those things of like, what in the world was that and what is this about? It rocked me to my core, so to speak, and it set me on a discovery of what is it, what is this, what's going on? And that's why I got introduced to your energy senses, or your Claire's, and understanding that our players are just like our physical senses, but instead of using them for the physical world, we use them for the energetic world. It allows us to connect in to different energies. Of course we have Claire's sentence, which I just spoke about, which is feeling or clear feeling, and then we have Claire's voice, which is seeing Claire's audience, which is hearing, claire's cognizance, which is knowing Claire's aliens, and Claire's gussence, which is tasting and smelling, and there's a bunch more, but those are the big ones that we usually talk about and we're able to tap into those to receive different messages, different guidance to help us through our journey.

Megan Mary:

That was a really great short explanation because I think so many people don't really. They've heard of clairvoyance, probably, but not of the others, and also just don't really understand how they're different from other terms that they hear every day, so how those are different from psychic or medium or empath or channel, for example, because those are more common, I think, exactly.

Julianna Whitlow:

And we can all experience those. We all have. We have all the players. We experience them differently. So, just like I might experience touch differently than you might experience touch, our players are the same. So a lot of times we see clairvoyance. I'll use that as a great example. There's a lot of people know that as physically seeing with the eyes it can be. It could also be seeing with the mind's eye. It could also be termed as an imagination and it's a way of seeing things outside of the physical reality and everyone experiences those differently. So understanding one, how you experience them. Two, what is your strongest player. And then three, going from there and tapping into the other players and being a psychic or being a medium, is communicating with energy. So once you learn how to open up your players and use those senses, really it's limitless on what you can do as long as you are wanting to do that, because it is all about what you want, how you want to live.

Megan Mary:

I love the name of your business a clair mindset and partly because I think it's a great plan words, right, it's using. But then there's another twist right, which is my middle name is Claire. So that's even more fabulous.

Julianna Whitlow:

Yes, what are those things? Well, like, we talk about, you know, destiny, and we talk about purpose, and we talk all about that. And you know it came to me about a year ago. They're like how about clear, we've made the name of your business and what you were supposed to focus on, and do we literally put it in your name? We put it in your middle name and I'm like that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the guidance. Yes, yes.

Megan Mary:

Seeing the forest for the trees, or right. So, in your experience, how do people usually discover their gifts, and is there one that usually comes first, or is it different for everyone?

Julianna Whitlow:

It is different for everyone. Honestly, especially with the Claire's. I have a quiz on my website that I can give you the link to so that people can go and take the quiz and it can tell them the strongest Claire and then they can kind of start from there on their journey. But it's about interest and about understanding it. A lot of times people usually have a significant event that happens and that's what triggers them into going down this path. There's very few and I'm seeing it actually picking up recently of who are just curious and just wanting to start. You lose usually a significant event of, like, what in the world just happened and who am I really? And that's what starts on that whole journey. Our gifts is about understanding who we are at a soul level, because that's what our gifts are. It's about bringing who we truly are to the surface and living through that.

Megan Mary:

I found that same exact thing that something has to usually really rock you, shift you. It can be a loss or a major you know, in my case, medical catastrophe, or just something major that really makes you question and also reevaluate. And something that you had said when you initially had reached out to me was that are we learning? Our gifts and abilities are just remembering, and that resonated with me so much because I often say the word spiritual awakening but for me and for so many others it's a remembering.

Julianna Whitlow:

It really is, when a lot of times when I see a work with clients, they're taking this as something that we've learned in school. They're trying to put what they have physically done and how they physically learn to expanding onto their players, into the gifts, and it's a totally different approach because it's about going with and and really remembering and healing to be able to open that back up. I believe that we're born with this and at some point in our lives, through different events, we have closed this off and it could be something as what we just didn't use it right, because if we don't use our senses, they're going to dole. So when we're in a physical world, we're not using our energetic senses the furniture to dole. So it is about remembering and tapping back into that, but also stepping back a little bit from the physical world.

Megan Mary:

Yes, and so often people just discard and disregard their what they're.

Megan Mary:

They are sensing and they are getting information and they are seeing coincidence and they are seeing synchronicities and they are saying, isn't that weird that? Oh, I had this, you know, feeling that, but they just don't know what to do with it. They don't know how. If it's into this 3D world and they don't, they're very afraid in most cases to embrace it, much less come out in public and talk about it, which is a whole another ballgame. And it's really because there's so much baggage and cultural judgment about that type of ability or expression or awareness, because it's not something that's so concrete and so it's not as accepted. And then there's a lot of fear around really stepping into alignment with that and owning that. And so so many women have these abilities already happening in their life and we all do but so many are so gifted to and they're just not harnessing it and they're not embracing it and they're pushing it down because they don't really know how to make that exist in the world that they are living in.

Julianna Whitlow:

Exactly, and you know I'm working with one of my clients now. She is like how do I balance my religion, my upbringing, my beliefs and my spirituality? And I said you accept them as one in the same. You put them together and accept them as one in the same because they truly are.

Julianna Whitlow:

It's about understanding where you are aligning and what your soul is pushing you to and being comfortable with sometimes that not being accepted in our physical world my family, friends, acquaintances and being okay to stand in your truth, because I was one of those people who, very black and white, very black and white, very physical you cannot physically prove it in front of me I was not going to believe it. But when I experienced that remembering without awakening, I physically experienced it. Now my family and everyone were like you've just lost your mind. But for me, I knew my truth and the one thing that's always been guiding light to me is my truth. My whole life is my truth and I have to stand in my truth. Yes, so with that, over years of healing and everything else, I've been able to get where I am now. But it's so important to honor your truth, who you really are.

Megan Mary:

Yes, thank you for saying that. I think that's what everyone needs to hear. To be honest, and like you said, yes, there is a fear that everyone's going to say, well, you're a little you know, you know and, and you're. There's a lot of concern about that, right, and it's in the end of the end of the day, you can't live your life based on what other people are going to say, especially when you feel so compelled, so drawn. And particularly in my experience, there was this real sense of urgency and this real, like you said, palpable, physical way that I was perceiving Okay, yes, I don't know what this is exactly, but it's never going to be the same and I can't go back and I have to go forward as fast as possible.

Julianna Whitlow:

Right, you get the beginning, you're like we have to go as fast as. I experienced that as well, and I experienced it with my clients is like as fast as possible to, because it's almost uncomfortable. You're not fully cracked open, but you're not fully open and comfortable and you're who you are. So you're like in this in between and I can feel very uncomfortable, very unsettling. So I totally relate to that.

Megan Mary:

And that's like what you said about, just kind of that, looking at the senses, the five physical senses as everyone accepts, and then the Claire senses and how they might not be the same for everyone. For example, the thought, the idea that maybe your, if you're Claire, our audience, the idea that you're quote, unquote, hearing voices, which of course is another trope, and another you know, societal construct. Right, because it doesn't, it doesn't really work that way. It's not exactly like you think, you know, like a psychotic break. That's not like that, you know. And so I think there's a lot of huge amount of misconceptions around, and also around, of course, claire warrants. And what do you? What do you find the biggest and biggest misconceptions are around the different clairs, and maybe the blockage is that either people that you work with have or people that you interact with.

Julianna Whitlow:

The first one. The biggest one is everyone wants it right now, they want to work on it, they want to be fully open, they want all their players on. And I'm going to give you a great example of why we don't want this. And at 10 years old we found out he had hearing loss and he needs to go get hearing aids. So we went and did the whole process and we came home with hearing aids and on the way home he was so overwhelmed he just couldn't take the noise, the sound of the cars, the wind, just absolutely everything. He was just I have to turn these off, I have to take this out. It's just too overwhelming for me.

Julianna Whitlow:

I went from whatever his normal was of hearing to all the way open, all the way able to hear every little thing that came through, and I would be talking. I got accustomed to talking kind of loud because again he had a little bit of hearing loss and he's like why are you yelling? I need you to lower your voice and I'm like I promise I'm not yelling at you. These are great examples of why we don't want, all of a sudden, every clear open, because it'll just hit you and it's so overwhelming. You want to be able to heal and process and make it more of a journey.

Julianna Whitlow:

And then the other ones is fear. The biggest block is fear and there's so many different layers of fear Fear of being seen, fear of being known, fear of being hurt, what we've been told, you know all these different things. And so fear is a big one that we have to overcome and a lot of people what we do is we label it as one thing. But then when I work with people and I say let's break this down and let's go, and I'm like, if you're not into the probably the first five years of your life, you haven't hit the real reason of where this is truly coming from, because that is where these blocks occurred and that happened, and there's been time and time again that is repeated and therefore concrete it itself into our subconscious that this isn't safe or that we can't do this.

Julianna Whitlow:

So a lot of times you'll see that where cycles repeat and what that's showing you is it's honestly telling your subconscious and your conscious that, see, I was right. That's the ego coming through and saying I was right, this isn't safe. Here's another example of it. This is just changing the way we look at it and just saying, oh, this is a great opportunity to walk through, to understand, to see the purpose of it, to get to the true reasoning. So it's all about your perspective and how you want to approach things. It's one way of saying how we approach things, almost like a victim mentality, versus really standing in your power and saying this didn't happen to me, this happened for me.

Megan Mary:

Yes, and I'd like you to incorporate into that the surrender concept, because I was listening to you talk about that earlier today and I thought, yeah, this is really an important piece here too.

Julianna Whitlow:

Yes, so my logo is a woman's face and she has flowers all over her eyes, and the purpose of that logo is that we have to trust and surrender to the universe without any physical senses to be guided on our journey. We might not know physically where we're going, we might not be able to physically sense it, but we have to fully surrender to be able to walk through it. And that is the most complicated thing for a lot of us. We want to hold on to some type of control. We think we're in full control. So, allowing yourself to fully surrender and trust and let go and follow the guidance and know when the guidance is coming, that's the key to unlocking all of it.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I thought that was so profound and important that I just wanted to bring that up because it's really difficult. We're always struggling to, we want to be guided, we want to activate all of our highest gifts, but we also struggle so hard holding on to the tether of this reality. And we have to right Because we have to exist here. And so it's like how do we balance those two? And we want to just be able to say go ahead and show me. Basically, and that's what I've been wanting to say, because I actually had a dream where I was saying show me. Very strongly.

Megan Mary:

And it was part of this whole journey where I then was shown. And really the dreams for me are a huge portal where all of this guidance comes through. And when I started listening to them all this beautiful story and messages and guidance and everything was coming through like wow, I mean it's all really happening there. But then when I would wake up and realize it was all really happening here too, oh yeah, absolutely, and I was surrendering to it, I was saying, ok, I had no plans to do this, but I know that I'm being called, so show me what I'm supposed to do. And the more I followed that, the more it just opened up the world. I mean correct, open the world, you know, absolutely. And people, women from everywhere just started coming in saying, yes, I want to be a part of this, and had I not surrendered to that, that would have never been possible.

Julianna Whitlow:

No, and one of the things. I speak about this and it was such a small thing going on in my life but it was driving me nuts. We were trying to renovate our house and we could not find construction personnel, we could not find the right person to do it, and we were getting so frustrated and finally my husband had had it and he's like we're doing it ourselves, and we took a sledgehammer to the wall one day. The very next morning I got a call that someone needed a place to live and was moving from Florida to Virginia, and they were a construction worker, someone that could come and do the renovation of the house. So it's literally about I went and months of fighting and I'm like, no, I have to do it this way, I have to be searched, I have to call the people, I have to find my person, I have to take control of it. And the second I said okay, let's say I'm done, take a slide camera to the wall. Everything just fell into place.

Julianna Whitlow:

And I was like that is a reminder to myself to truly step back and surrender.

Megan Mary:

Right, yes, and it's such a delicate balance, like I was saying, because there is some aspect of doing once you receive the guidance, but it's knowing where that line is where you're overdoing, I guess, and overdoing turns into controlling and expectation versus following. It's a very fine line.

Julianna Whitlow:

The other thing, too, for me is with some members am I hitting a fear? Because before we took the slide camera to the wall, there was fear. There was absolute fear right Of like. We don't know what we're doing, we can't do this, how it's, what are the repercussions all of that? There was fear, and once I really sat down and started working through the fear of where it was coming from, I realized it doesn't apply to the situation of end. It is not my truth in the moment that I am in right now. And once I accepted that and took the slide camera, everything works through. So the piece of it is are you coming up against fear? Because if you're coming up against fear, I encourage you to step back and really see is this a moment for you to surrender to the fear, to work through it and see what is the message that's trying to be told to you?

Megan Mary:

Yes, yes, it's powerful. I wanna also talk a little bit about your work as a death priestess. I find this very fascinating, and I know it's not something that is very common, and so I'd love for you to explain your how you came to do that work and what is involved in that.

Julianna Whitlow:


Julianna Whitlow:

It started out with mediumship. I started out with mediumship and going through that and then, after finding a group of people, I started understanding what death, work and things really were and I started understanding some of my dreams. And I would love to experience in my dreams is when I dream, it's almost as if I'm not myself, I'm someone else and most of the time I experience the person's death, what happened in that person's death, and through the dream it can be a little harsh because I can literally sense it, feel it, all of that, and it's almost like I'm helping the spirit of the soul work through whatever it was that happened. However, they came to pass, and I get different shots of kind of what happened, what occurred, and through that, what I've realized is it kind of helps the soul heal and move on. So started out with mediumship and then, when I've had that understanding of my dreams, I was like that was a big eye opener for me Because I had dreamed this my whole life. I just never understood it. I thought they were nightmares, right, and I kept saying but it's not me, it's not me going through it. It's like I'm seeing it, but I knew it wasn't me. But I would still come to say they're nightmares. That's what I always been told and then when I sat there and I was like, no, this isn't nightmares, this is me helping someone or helping a soul heal, and that has helped me understand the different gifts I have of being able to work with souls that I have passed.

Julianna Whitlow:

The other reason I call myself a death priestess is the death card and the high priestess card in Carol. You put those two together. That's my energy and I help people navigate those times in their life. They have death moments where something has come to an end, a significant change in their life, whether it be a physical death or it be a loss or it be an end of a relationship or something new is beginning, and they're sitting here like I don't even know who I am anymore. I help people navigate that. I believe that we walk a thin line, with one foot in the physical world, one foot in the spiritual world, and I help people navigate that thin line so that they can keep the one foot in the physical world, one foot in the spiritual world and fully understand who they are.

Megan Mary:

Yes, our work overlaps so much right there.

Megan Mary:

Yes, because I really feel that I straddle the realms completely and that middle space between waking and dreaming and really spending so much time delving into the darkness and the shadows and the inner world that's so mystical of dreams, and then helping people bring that into this life to integrate those wisdom, those learnings themselves, that really so many times they are in transition and it could be any kind, any number of transitional periods that can bring you to that point.

Megan Mary:

In fact, I have a dream journey called the Crossroads for that reason, that really focuses on any kind of transition that might happen, and sometimes people don't understand that loss and the term trauma can in fact be much smaller things than they think that means. They always think it means violence or death and there are so many forms of loss and so many forms of trauma that the definition really doesn't give it to a justice. It's all the different emotional things that we need to clear that we also store in our subconscious and, as you were saying earlier, it's all a lot of it from our childhood, I think, the majority of our subconscious forms from age you know, birth to seven, and so so many things that we learn about how we think the world is gets cemented, like you said then, and then we just build our life around them and we go around thinking, well, that's the way it is.

Megan Mary:

And we don't realize that we're just listening to our subconscious and the what we learned. It's a point, but it's not necessarily that reality for other people and it can doesn't have to be for us that we can change that by really unearthing and, in my case, decoding what those things are that we're carrying with us.

Julianna Whitlow:

Absolutely. And that's one of the things like when you're doing a soul work and the trauma work, it's important to understand and I like how you broke that down. It's not always these big things, you know. A lot of times it's I'll be grieving and I'm like what am I even grieving over? And then it'll be this, this, it'll come to me and I'm like that's so small, I don't have a right to grieve over it. And it's like, yes, you do. You really have to step back and give yourself permission. And one of the things I was like to tell people is we really go through a death moment when, every single day, we go to sleep and we are not the same person we were yesterday. We are reborn every day, every moment, so understanding that there's a constant cycle of us allowing ourselves to be reborn, to understand, to get a deeper understanding, and allowing ourselves to just be open to whatever it is the universe is trying to show us.

Megan Mary:

Yeah, I love that, I love thinking about it that way, because there are so many small deaths, right, yeah, and when we're on our journey, it's like we constantly have to let things die. We have to let go of things every day and to it's really, whether whether we're doing it strategically or on purpose or not, it's the only way that we can grow and actually evolve on that enlightenment journey is to constantly be willing to do that Releasing right.

Julianna Whitlow:

And that's the point, part of releasing it right. We don't hold on to it. We don't store the energy somewhere in us. We allow it to go. We let it go because if we store it within us, that's where we start getting our physical ailments, that's where we start getting disease and sickness.

Megan Mary:

Absolutely, and that's what I always say is that when we don't tend to our spirit, then we create a state of disease in the body and then we get more and more out of alignment and our conditions get worse and worse, which is what happened to me until we start to say I need to address something. I don't know what it is, but I have to. You can't go on this way and I need to figure out what it is that I'm not paying attention to and that can help me heal inside, not just on a cellular level.

Julianna Whitlow:

Not getting stuck and just healing the physical body.

Megan Mary:

Right. So what should everyone stop doing and start doing when they want to go down this road and discover their clear senses?

Julianna Whitlow:

Give yourself grace. Give yourself grace. Let go of the judgment, let go of holding yourself to a certain standard you know, and just give yourself grace and be open. To be open to be honest, be open, surrender and be open, because you will be surprised about what comes your way, and the more open you are, the more you're going to gain out of it.

Megan Mary:

And what should everyone stop doing?

Julianna Whitlow:

Stop trying to define yourself through other people's lenses.

Megan Mary:

Yes, it's very powerful. Yes, so what's next for you on your journey?

Julianna Whitlow:

I have the surrender program, which is a program I absolutely love right now, where we focus on different techniques to truly heal yourself mind, body and soul to allow you to not only open up your clairs but live through them, have them every day, have them guide you, truly live through your clairs and experience it just like we live through our physical senses. Right, we don't even think about seeing or hearing, or touching, or we just do so, allowing yourself to truly live through your class.

Megan Mary:

And what other programs do you offer? I saw some other Holy Fire.

Julianna Whitlow:

Reiki. Yes, we have a group program and we have a couple of people that have offered a Holy Fire Reiki and you can learn how to do Holy Fire Reiki as well as we have the Claire's, we have Surrender, we have the Holy Fire Reiki and different retreats that we host every year Wonderful, wonderful. We actually have one coming up in October.

Megan Mary:

Oh, okay.

Julianna Whitlow:


Megan Mary:

yes, so where can people find you online? Where are you around the inner webs?

Julianna Whitlow:

Yeah, so my website is aclairmindsetcom, or my biggest one is TikTok. It's A underscore, claire, underscore mindset, and we can put that in the notes because there's a lot of fake accounts, unfortunately, but so that way they can look at it truly. And then we have a Facebook group called the Thinline, and that's where we really work on keeping one foot in the physical, one foot in the spiritual, and we walk that thin line every day.

Megan Mary:

So if you could give the listeners a brief explanation before we go about the different Claire's, giving a little bit of time to each one, because I feel like we may have piqued their interest but we may not have said enough about each one. So let's go through each one and just say a little bit about how they work.

Julianna Whitlow:

Claire's sentence. There's a few different types of Claire's sentence but we're gonna grab it into one and it's really clear feeling. This can be physical feeling. You can physically feel things on your body like response, touches, things like that. It can be emotions and understanding those different emotions. One of mine was what was the question and anxiety through my whole life. And then when I realized Claire's sentence and I realized how to work with my Claire's sentence, I was able to completely change my life and not be ruled by that depression and anxiety because I realized I'm picking up other people's energy. So knowing how to work with your Claire's so that you're not always open and just grabbing everything and feeling everything, is really important. And Claire's sentence can be a little difficult because it's not physical and I kept thinking something's wrong with me, it's me and it wasn't, it was what it was around me and being able to understand that. So a block with Claire's sentence that we come up with is knowing and understanding what you're truly feeling and understanding why you're feeling it. So that was kind of like a big thing about Claire's sentence Knowing how to understand, how to shield yourself, how to kind of block the energy around you so you can understand what is truly yours versus what is someone else's.

Julianna Whitlow:

Claire Violence is seeing and people see many different ways. You can physically see energy right in front of you with your physical eyes. Some people it is in the mind's eye and some people almost turn it as imagination and it comes through different. I love you. All say a movie view, we'll play in front of them. We go to see like a movie go through. There's so many different versions of Claire's violence and allowing yourself to be open to that. A great way to know about Claire's violence is when you listen to music does your mind kind of take off somewhere and all of a sudden this whole story is playing in your head and you have like all these characters and all this stuff going on and you can like almost see it. That's a great example of Claire's violence. So when you're reading a book, can you see the characters, can you actually see them in your mind and that's Claire's violence. So allowing yourself to say, oh, that's Claire's violence, that's not just my imagination, and that allows you to expand into how do you use that for energy senses. A block with Claire's violence is one, defining it, trying to stick to a specific definition, and two, fear. The biggest one I see is fear, the fear of seeing.

Julianna Whitlow:

Claire audience is clear hearing and yes, you can hear physical voices. You can also. It's almost like a voice in your own mind. It's your own voice that comes through, but you wouldn't have any other knowledge of it. So it's almost like this information comes through to you. A great way to exercise with Claire audience is music and seeing what kind of messages comes through for you with music. Maybe a certain phrase sticks out, maybe a certain sentence, maybe the whole song plays, so what is it that is coming through for you? Another one is when you read and you're reading different characters, do the characters have different voices? Like, as you're reading and the characters have started, do the characters all of a sudden have different voices to you? The form of Claire audience and being able to tap into that and then move it to being able to use it for your energy senses.

Julianna Whitlow:

And we have Claire Cognizance, which is knowing, clear knowing. These are the people that you just know things you don't really understand how you know it. There's the wise people, the people that go to for advice older, they always seem older than what they really are and the block with it is not trusting and believing in it. Right, we know it. We say, okay, I know I should go left, not right, but logically right, shorter, so of course I'm gonna go right. Well, no, you did. Claire Cognizance was telling you to go left. There's a reason you were supposed to go left. So, understanding those things and really accepting it and stepping into it.

Julianna Whitlow:

And then we have Claire Aliens and Claire Guston, which is again the senses of taste and smell and knowing that with these there's so many different variations of it, you can physically taste and physically smell. Sometimes it's almost like a memory of it. Though A memory of a taste or a memory of a smell comes through, we don't necessarily physically taste it or smell it, and allowing ourselves to work with it in the biggest block is not trusting it. It's the same thing I'll never forget.

Julianna Whitlow:

It was on a live one day on TikTok and I was like why am I smelling peanut butter cookies? Like someone's baking fresh peanut butter cookies? I don't like peanut butter cookies, so why am I smelling peanut butter cookies? Someone on my live was literally baking peanut butter cookies. So trusting it and just having fun with it and allowing yourself to play with it when I'm doing medium ship work or anything like that. A memory a lot of times will come through. Another strong one is cigarettes, the taste of the smell of cigarettes. So, knowing what comes through and then leaning into it, getting curious is what I like to say. Get curious with it. Why is it coming through with you? What is truly going on and allowing that to just happen?

Megan Mary:

That was wonderful. Yes, man, everybody has them right. They just don't know how to tap into them or they don't realize that they are. So all of those things that you said and I love. I mean, I'm a clear audience. That's my strongest one, and I hear song lyrics all the time in my dreams.

Megan Mary:

That are messages, and because I am a huge music fan and I know song lyrics very well to millions of songs, they're all stored in my subconscious and so my subconscious loves to send me messages and song lyrics and so I will wake up with that song in my head and it doesn't even matter if it's a song I like or an artist I like, it's just something I know and it's that one piece, it's that one little piece of the song you know, and so I teach that in my course to really pay attention to that, because it's it's, it's definitely one of those ways that you can hear and then also be receiving.

Megan Mary:

Hearing and receiving those messages and also so much of what you said about the memory of a scent or the memory of a taste. I feel like that is also one of the ways that we literally time travel, because we return to that moment when we smelt or tasted that and we can remember it as if we are, and in that moment the time and space are NA, like they just kind of melt away and we're able to experience something from another time and space in this same one.

Julianna Whitlow:

And so and so many very powerful ones to be with you when you have those memories also come through. You know, mine is apple juice. I swear to you, my grandmother had this certain type of apple juice, which she really didn't. It was a store-bought apple juice, but to me, for some reason, it tastes totally different. I can never find it, but I remember the taste and every time that taste comes, the whole. I can see her whole entire kitchen. I can see her standing there. I can totally experience it again, and that's the beauty of it, if you allow yourself to just step back and allow it.

Megan Mary:

So that's it. Yes, so when we were selling our last house, we were having a hard time initially selling it. We had tons of people come in and look at it and then we finally had this couple come in and they left and we went into the kitchen to make dinner and I was unloading the dishwasher and I bent over and I saw her at the dishwasher unloading the dishwasher and I said it's going to be them and it was, and so it's that kind of thing. Right, it's just, you just get this. It's almost for people who don't know they're just think of it as an idea. Yeah, I had this idea.

Megan Mary:

Okay, I had this idea, because that's how it is and it seems more mysterious than that. When other people are talking about it, you're like but I don't have this great vision. You know, it's just a passing thought, really, but it's in your mind's eye. And then you kind of go oh, that was weird. I just, I was just thinking about this and that's really. That's really how it is. To demystify it a little bit, because I think so many people go oh well, I've had that and it's like yes, you have.

Julianna Whitlow:

Everyone has right.

Megan Mary:


Julianna Whitlow:

It's just about allowing yourself to be open to it.

Megan Mary:

Yes, yes, that's. It's all about being open. Yes, and that's really the beauty of what any kind of self-help work or any kind of personal discovery work, and also with dream work you have to be open. You have to be willing to say okay, I'm going to dive into this mystery, because maybe there is something going on that I'm not acknowledging, and I'm going to grow by acknowledging this, and this is going to make my life fuller and better. And, yeah, like you said, it's setting aside the fear, because that's really what stops everyone right.

Julianna Whitlow:

It is, it is what stops absolutely everyone. They hit that fear, that fear and sometimes even anger, because right anger can some, a lot of times covers up fear.

Megan Mary:


Julianna Whitlow:

And they stop right there.

Megan Mary:

Yeah Well, thank you so much for sharing all of this with us today. It was a wonderful conversation. I hope it sparked an interest and intrigue in other people and that they will start, you know, questioning, opening to maybe the possibilities of what they can actually do.

Julianna Whitlow:

Absolutely, and thank you so much for having me.

Megan Mary:

It's been so much fun. Thank you.

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