Women's Dream Enlightenment

Accelerate Personal Evolution Through the Truth of Who You Are with Josephine Sorciere

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis / Josephine Sorciere Episode 28

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Have you ever considered that your journey to enlightenment is not a destination, but a beautiful, ever-unfolding process? That's what Josephine Sorciere, a distinguished alchemist and mentor, shares with us in a riveting exploration of self-discovery. Our exchange cuts through the mystical to the practical, as Josephine illustrates the importance of embracing every facet of our existence, from the radiant to the shadowed. She cautions against spiritual complacency and inspires with her approach to continuous growth, encouraging us to keep our hearts open and willing to face the unseen layers within.

The path of a healing business founder is not for the faint of heart, and Josephine's personal narrative of transformation speaks to that truth. Her story, woven through this episode, reveals the emotional and financial hurdles she overcame by honoring the value of her work and integrating the Gene Keys system into her practice. The insights gleaned from mentorship and her commitment to charging what she's worth paint a vivid picture of the remarkable journey towards self-awareness and professional fulfillment that she and her clients have embarked on.

Josephine concludes our thought-provoking discussion by taking us into the realm of transmuting energy through higher dimensions. With a blend of alchemical encoding, mysteries of the mind, and a connection to our higher self, she offers us a glimpse into the vast possibilities of personal blueprints and how they can fast-track our evolution.

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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

Welcome. Today I have Josephine Sorciere. She is a sophisticated alchemist and coding extraordinary people into their next level of brilliance. Josephine unravels the mystery of your mind, stops suffocating your genius and ignite your codes of remembrance, activating who you've really came here to be. She is also an aspiring author, wisdom teacher, mentor and encoder for many lifetimes. Welcome, josephine.

Josephine Sorciere:

Oh, thanks so much for having me. It's great to be here.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I am thrilled to have you on the podcast and share with everyone your wonderful wisdom. So I'm going to ask you the first question I ask everyone, and that is what does enlightenment mean to you?

Josephine Sorciere:

Enlightenment to me is about living fully, allowing all of life to come through you, accepting all of you of who you are. You're not broken, there's nothing to fix. Enlightenment means being open hearted to continually evolve into the next version of who you be, each and every moment. And by staying present and not being stuck in thoughts of the past or projecting to the future and what-ifing on yourself, we can really fill ourselves with the expanded energies that give us the freedom of mind, and I think that's really what people are searching for at the end of the day is just have that freedom of mind to be truly themselves, to show up authentically, powerfully, for who they came here to be. So enlightenment is having that wisdom and that awakening, to own all of that and to be willing to do the hard work that it takes to keep peeling back the layers and moving deeper and deeper into your own truth. So there we go. That's how I would sum it up.

Megan Mary:

That is an amazing explanation. There's so many layers to what you just said. The one I want to start with is the embracing your own truth and continually peeling back the layers, because so many times there's a misconception that maybe, once you've attained a certain level or you start working in the spiritual realm, that you have it all figured out. And everyone that has been called to this path is because they are a wounded healer. They've experienced something in their life that brought them here and they're always on their own journey and continually peeling back their own layers.

Josephine Sorciere:

Absolutely. I quite agree with that. There's, I see, a few people I call on the light grid that think, well, if I just keep moving towards the light? And this is the love and light myth. They're not prepared to look at the shadows that are chasing them all the time and to own that. And many people are afraid of the dark. And yet I feel that the dark energy is the void, is the pure, potent light, really is the energy of the feminine, and we are yin yang, we are masculine and feminine. We are both sides of that. We are shadow, we're gifts and we're the higher frequencies.

Josephine Sorciere:

We are all of that and any person that's like well, I'm enlightened and there's no more work to do.

Josephine Sorciere:

That just comes from ego and sometimes you need to get off your own pedestal and go and dig some dirt again and be willing to find that shovel every time and not be blinkered to the illusions that you're living under, and create that space, that open hearted, to have that curious mind I love the phrase, you know, fascinating wonderment.

Josephine Sorciere:

And so people that think they've got it worked out or this is what I do and this is all there is and there's no more to it, they're missing out on the joy of what life can bring in themselves, and that does require going into the dirt and digging past the illusions that people are blinkered to. So we are always work in progress. We came in with baggage, karma and it's this lifetime to be willing to look at that and not only clear it for ourselves but clear it for the collective consciousness. And that's what we're doing. And to me, unless you're really at the pinnacle of sitting on a hillside not needing to eat and you can sit there without sleep, that might be the ultimate pinnacle before you pop off and your soul's complete on work. But I don't believe those gurus are listening to this kind of wisdom. So let's get real and let's start digging into our own truth.

Megan Mary:

Yeah, yes, and that's part of why I love DreamWork, because it does let us step into the shadows. It invites you to integrate your darkness with your light and to recognize that, for example, nightmares that you might have or other messages that might come through in your dreams are really invitations from your higher self to integrate what you're hiding in your shadow. And it's so beneficial in a transformational way, when we can learn how to, I say, embrace, but I love the verb that you use transmute.

Josephine Sorciere:

Embracing is a great word because it means accepting all that is. I use the transmute. I call myself an alchemist. That means taking one form of energy and it's not just transforming it to another, it's transmuting its very form into a higher level. That's what the you know original alchemist did turning lead into gold. So when you can take your programming and those fear driven energies or the subconscious dreams that you've got and transmute them through your own realization and awakening consciousness, by looking at those things, you're transmuting them into a sustainable higher frequency.

Josephine Sorciere:

And I feel that a lot of work that is out there available through healers or just reading texts. They take you up here oh, that makes me feel good. And then they come back here. Well, how can I not move that pattern? And they're doing this the whole time and then they're frustrated. How do I get out of this? I'm stuck. I'm stuck in my head going back to what you're saying. Oh, I thought I should have it all figured out by that. You know, stop shoulding on yourself, people, and learn how to sustainably transmute those energies, those thoughts, through your own awareness and ownership that you're choosing to come and operate from that higher place of power and your higher frequency.

Megan Mary:

So I would love to share with listeners how you came to work with this. How did you become a quantum alchemist? That's something you can go to school, for that's exactly right.

Josephine Sorciere:

It's not something. Oh, there's a book on the shelf and I'll pull that one off. I like the phrase that. You know genius is uncertifiable. There are gifts beyond, gifts that come. I believe that gifts come from your mind in this 3D reality. But when we get out of our mind and we move into higher frequencies, the real abilities come through. And so that's where and this place I operate now. But of course, it was never always like that.

Josephine Sorciere:

I came from a. I lived in England for the first 30 years of my life, grew up in a pretty abusive household. Mum died at 18, I had to leave home. It was pretty traumatic. You know, mum ended her life through cancer, my brother tried to end his life, I tried to end my life. You know the whole thing. So I thought, right, okay, I at 18, I've got to prove to myself I can be dependent and I can be successful and I will drive myself until I achieve that. And so, you know, on that corporate ladder, two degrees, working, working, working, and I got to come up to 30 and I had a friend visit me from New Zealand. I thought why am I not living my life? I'm stuck in this corporate trap. You know feeling. What's all very well, earning and learning, but where's it getting me? You know I was rattling around in a big house on my own. What's the point? And through a series of circumstances, synchronicities, like always happens when you step back and you go okay, I'm going to allow this.

Josephine Sorciere:

I got my working visa and I moved to New Zealand in 2001. And again, I love the space. You know, when you're moving to a new country two suitcases, everything you earn in storage you have to have a level of trust, you have to be able to just go. You know what I'm going to face the fears. I'd never visited the country. So it takes a lot to move to the other side of the world, you know, and you're one person.

Josephine Sorciere:

And so I arrived in New Zealand, had some beautiful time off, exploring a beautiful country, got a job and then 2003 was really the start of my self development, healing journey. It was an amazing year 2003. I sorted my health out, I quit smoking. I went back to England for a visit. I went to New York, you know, I invited a friend out who later became my husband. You know it was like one of those transformational periods and the reason those happen, looking back in hindsight, is because I got out my own way. I just allowed, I allowed, or this came in, this came in, this came in, this came in.

Josephine Sorciere:

And the reason that we often stop that flow is our mind kicks in. How do I maintain this? How do I keep this going? I have to just keep working hard and keep striving. Of course, that just undoes it all, right. So at that point I decided right, I'm going to quit corporate, I'm going to start my own businesses, which I did, and I've owned my own businesses for going on 20 years. And but I transferred all that busyness and striving into self development, healing work and my own businesses. And you know, I got married and I had two kids and we moved to Australia when I was pregnant.

Josephine Sorciere:

But again, the flow of things of you know, finding out you're pregnant on the day he got offered, mark got offered a job, and allowing that flow in three months to you know, first trimester, packing up at house, finding somewhere to leave, moving. But I was in flow, it was allowing, it was trusting, and I got my visa with a day to spare. So I've had these periods that things have just gone beautifully, but then we get to that plataeu of going Well, how can I maintain this? Why isn't it not working? And we go back into our minds and I think, for a lot of people, they they're living on this emotional roller coaster. The highs are great, look what I'm creating and then, oh my God, you know, I don't know, why is this not? You know, questioning, questioning, let me figure it out, let me find the solution. And that was so much my patterning.

Josephine Sorciere:

And you know, fast forward to 2009, years ago. We're 2014. And I had known for a while I needed to leave my husband. We were just on different trajectories. But it's hard. You know, I wasn't creating an income, I had an A plus and creating tax losses. You know all the money I'd invested in myself, in my healing, in the modalities and the shiny object syndrome. I was doing internet marketing. I was doing, you know, wealth creation strategies. You know all this stuff wasn't who I was.

Josephine Sorciere:

And I remember waking up one day, going, well, here's my spiritual life over here and here's my business life over here, and they're separate. So you can go, oh, I can do my meditations and I'm reading all the books and I'm following Esther Hicks doing all the right things and then here I am pushing myself to exhaustion in my business, running four houses, having two kids that didn't sleep, having an unsupportive husband and it's people. You get to that point where you're so frazzled, you're so trapped, you're so exhausted you know what else, and the only thing you can do at that point is surrender is going. I can't figure out anything more. I've got to step back, I've got to wait, and nine years ago I did that and I used to listen to so many webinars before podcasts became a thing, and this one woman spoke about soul realms actually, and I was like I have to know more.

Josephine Sorciere:

It was like something lit up inside me. Look, I had an experience. When you come across something that resonates deeply within your soul, it's like it switches on this innate knowing, this, this, like you've got to know more. So I went for a session with her and not only did she explain the realms, but took me on a journey there and it was like, oh my goodness, finally being plugged into the power sources that I didn't know existed. It's like I've been trying to plug into my mind or my life, or plug into people around me, and it's like nobody gave me the earth as manual when I got here. My God, how hard was life. But that was a revolutionary session for me and I went on and studied with her in the realms, learning about the realms and Caldera numerology I also was fascinated by, so I've always had a fascination for understanding ourselves and it's, you know, it fundamentally comes down to.

Josephine Sorciere:

You know, people search for their purpose. What am I meant to do in this lifetime? You know, let me keep striving, let me keep seeking what's meant to be doing and at the end of it is who we're meant to be. Who do we come here to be? Without all the effort and the more that we can pull in the bits that set those parts of light within us, the doing comes naturally afterwards. Yeah, so I discovered the soul realms.

Josephine Sorciere:

I think about the June and the September, literally nine years tomorrow. It was when I said to my husband right, I'm done. And within six weeks of that I set up my healing business, your universal self. It was all about, and I still talk about that. You know, let's pull in the bigger picture of who we are. I have all the aspects of ourselves, but I still strive for this. I was still playing small as still playing safe.

Josephine Sorciere:

You know I was going doing the wellness fairs and doing little readings at $40 a time. You know all of this and we've all been there trying to fit into the community and you know well we're all broken the spiritual space because that's the preconception. So I can only charge this much. And it's just this illusion bandwagon of stereotypicals we put ourselves in and I was striving and all this savings going down and and after a while my spiritual mentor had a breakup. It was one of those things. It's like I can't go any further. She's not showing up. And I called her on it and she disappeared and it was like wow, I stepped into my power and gave myself a voice.

Josephine Sorciere:

And you know again that moment of what do you do? What do you do? And I went off and I created for a year business creating meditation scarfs, beautiful handmade silk prints and everything, which was fantastic. And I look, as I love design, I love creativity. They they, you know, helped with bringing together my visionary element, meditation, and what are doing and creating my activations with it. But after the years, like you know, $40,000 later, like well, I don't want to market it, I just don't want to do it. So, again, you have to step back. You have to step back going. You know, really, oh my God, once again I've plowed a load of money into something. Once again, I fail. Once again, you know the same stories.

Josephine Sorciere:

And the new year kicked round and I put out this right. I need to have some kind of guidance. How do I bring my healing work in with the scarfs and how do I? You know, who am I? Really? I'm lost. I'm still lost. Again, through a series of synchronicities, somebody watched a YouTube video of me and reached out to me and we had a conversation. She put me in front of this person. La la, la la. The path opens when you, you, when you call in the teacher. They show up. They always do. And I came across this woman and her body of work and it was like, wow, this is taking things to the next level and some, some theories, if you like, that that she, she, had. I started applying in my own life and I went to the next. I really did go to the next level and I had a one on one session with her.

Josephine Sorciere:

I literally had to sell shares to afford this one on one session with her. She was, you know, at that level and she said you're dabbling. She's like Peter Pan, flitting from this, fitting from that, you're not diving in to what you're here for and until you do, you're going to burn yourself out and you won't even be here. And I knew that she was right. You know, I knew that she was right because I'm still going through this emotional roller coaster. But I had two kids. I wasn't going to do to my kids what my mother did to me and leave them, abandoned them. I came here. I had some kind of contract. My kids have kept me here and if I hadn't had them, I don't know if I would, frankly, because I anyway.

Josephine Sorciere:

So I did this work and through that year, Josephine Sorciere was birthed, was morphed, you know, into who I truly am, and I got myself out of my mind. I, you know, the sainist place to live is out of your mind. So many people are stuck here thinking this is the place to make decisions, this is the way to plan, this is the way to control. It's just 3D entrapment conditioning. So we learn how to break free of that and how to move into the higher frequencies of who we are. My God, do we have freedom? So I went through a whole journey of transformation within myself and, along with with my clients, I started charging what I was worth because of the profound level of transformation that I was witnessing with these women and took them through initiation and then through three month programs and many have come back and done more and more and more because they just are expanding so greatly and the more we get out of our own way, the more that expands and it's like, oh my God, I finally know what I'm here for. I finally living it, I'm doing it, I'm breathing it.

Josephine Sorciere:

And then, about a year ago, a couple of tools came my way again through a series of synchronicities and I'd looked at them before but I haven't really paid much attention and I looked at one of the systems is called Gene Keys and I looked at my activation chart and it was like that's what I do, that's who I am. Oh my God, I felt so aligned because it wasn't like, oh, now I know where I'm going. It's like I'm really living it. And that was just such a reiteration for me to see something just simply based on my date of birth and time and location to reiterate who I am. But it also opened up an opportunity for a new level of exploration, of self exploration and, of course, with my clients. So, whilst my work is not purely based on Gene Keys, it's an absolute, brilliant, brilliant tool to start knowing where your mode of operation is, to start being able to go within and look at where your shadow is and what your potential is, and, of course, that's what I help my clients go through, not only here's your Gene Keys, you've got the information. I go away, which a lot of people can do. It's very valid and Richard Rudd, the creator of it, he's all about.

Josephine Sorciere:

It takes seven years for a body to replenish and go through our cycle. So it takes seven years to go through this and I'm like, hmm, I don't really want to spend the next seven years. I've already spent 20 years doing this. But what I do know is that when I work in the quantum which we can talk about more in a moment that allows us to transmute in this moment throughout all time and space, so that we can immediately transmute from that shadow to the fear, when our frequency in space is open enough to be receptive to that. So where I am now going back to what we were talking about before, we're always working progress, we're always exploring more. There's always having that space of liberation to explore into who we are, and it's just so humbling for me to be able to take women and men through this pathway.

Josephine Sorciere:

I call myself the mystic Sherpa, sometimes guiding yourself back to the truth of who you are and to own it.

Josephine Sorciere:

Because it's all very well having theory or having a textbook or looking at the Gene Keys and going oh, that's great, now we know who I am, that's fantastic. And then the girl we're going no, I just got to contemplate it. Very valuable. I'm not knocking anything off that system, I just know how much more I can add to it because I'm living it and I've been through that and can see what that is. So fundamentally, I feel the more understanding you have of your own blueprint, the faster track you can peel back those layers to find it. And if I had had my blueprint 20 years, 30 years ago, my goodness, the journey had been different and I'm helping my teenage boys with it now. That's the thing, it's for any age and stage. So a long answer to your question, but I hope that has allowed people to relate to that story of knowing what it's like to live on those up and downs and know what the relief can happen when you get your blueprints and then take it to the next level of learning how to transmute into those high frequencies.

Megan Mary:

Yes, absolutely. That's an incredible, incredible story and thank you so much for sharing it, and I definitely think that people will resonate with so many parts of that story. There's so many different aspects of that that everyone goes through, especially when they're opening themselves up to discovering their purpose, opening themselves up to discovering what they're carrying with them, what's preventing them, and also being willing to open yourself up to the concept that what we are living in is a 3D illusion and that there is more and that it's not what we think it is, and that we actually are limiting ourselves. And also what you said about really taking that next step, because, like any system, you can discover things about yourself through that system. But then there's always that question of now, what? Now, what do I do? And the same with dream work, so you might not think your dreams mean anything. Then you gain dream appreciation, then you start decoding them, then you unearth your subconscious blocks and then now what?

Megan Mary:

And so, for anyone who's been through the Eclipse Dream journey, you know Josephine, because I recommend that you listen to her Eclipse series meditations as part of that, because it really helps you transmute the darkness of your shadow when you're dealing with, in this case, nightmares, but for so many other applications, of course. But I found it so powerful when I came upon it that I said she's my Eclipse woman. I have to have her on the show Because it just, I mean, it was unlike any meditation I'd ever listened to. It was so I could tell, I could feel the shifts of the energy and I knew that this is really powerful stuff right here.

Josephine Sorciere:

Thank you, thank you for your kind words and it's something that I created a long, long time ago. It was my first recordings, I think 2016, back on Insight Timer, where I publish now. So there's a whole range on there for different talks and ideas and intro levels and deeper levels on there if people want to explore more. But I'm really delighted that it's been of use to your audience too.

Megan Mary:

Yes, absolutely, and I'd love to have you talk a little bit more about dimensional frequencies, because I integrate sound frequencies as part of my journeys as well, because I have found them so beneficial in really helping to lift the level of energy and to move energy, and it's not something that really requires efforting, it's just something that happens by proximity, by listening, and it's so accessible, I feel, to people that are beginning their journey and are just not sure how to deal with what they're discovering about themselves.

Josephine Sorciere:

If that makes sense, yes absolutely the hermetic phrase as above. So below is something that comes into my mind when we talk about this. So when people are starting out, they've discovered they've got this basket of stuff they finally got a look at and it's like, well now, what do I do with it? And it's heavy weight to push it up, to clear it out. It's like, you know, pushing it up the hill, right, it's exhausting, what do I do with it? And then it all seems to tumble back down.

Josephine Sorciere:

So if we think or can feel more to the point of feeling, to that there is us here in this 3D reality and there's sort of a version of us, our higher self, if you like. That's in different dimensions, where our intuition whispers in our ear, where we exist beyond this lifetime. You know, I call your universal self hence the name of my first business the higher self. So if you can be open and have the open heart to allow that to resonate and you can have this belief and the belief becomes a knowing, because it's really got to become a knowing, to be able to embody it, because a belief is just from the mind that's a great place to start until you have the experience that you can embody it and know it. It's a difference between knowledge and inner wisdom. So once you have that, you have that concept of higher self that is in different dimensions and we won't go there today to discuss how many dimensions there are, because that's always up for negotiation. So let's just think for the moment that there's possibilities of 5 to 8D and there are more. But let's just keep it within the realms of, because if I start going into higher frequencies it's like we have a cutoff point that we cannot feel into that. So even if I talk about 5D, people go oh, I can feel into that, I can know that that's there and the possibility that over the next horizon, if you like, is 6.

Josephine Sorciere:

So if you come back to desires above, so below, and you're open to both sides, then it's like a magnet. It's like a magnet and your higher self can then sort of pull. And this is what the transmutation process is. This is what alchemy is. We pull out that debris Because we're allowing it to transmute out of us, like through the flame, through the energy. So those higher dimension energies assist you clearing and transmuting what's stuck in the density of your body. But this is a process that goes beyond the mind. You can't think through this. It has to be an experience. And the more you can stay out of your own way and out of your own head and allow this to transmute through your body, mind and spirit, the easier the process it is, the quicker the process it is and the more sustainable it comes.

Josephine Sorciere:

So I refer to the codes of remembrance, what we are innately encoded with, and they're all within us. We all hold these 64 strands of frequency facets of frequency, I call them within our DNA and we're all uniquely coded to a certain ones. But if we allow the higher frequencies from the other dimensions to come in water, hose the debris down and clear it out, we become this much wider vessel for light to come in, to upgrade our systems naturally and easily. So we're not having to think our way out of the quagmire that we've got ourselves into in our mind. We're opening to the frequencies to assist us. As above, so below, work with both. Does that help explain with a visual?

Megan Mary:

Yeah, that's fantastic, yes, yes, and it's so important. It's so important to do that. I feel like that's what's missing when you said, so many times, in so many spiritual teachings, they get you to that one level but then they don't do that next thing. And that's why I think energy healing is so important and that's why, many times, I feel that DreamWork is a great complement to energy healing, because you have to have the energy healing. They go together. You have to have some sort of modality that's going to allow you, like you said, to not think your way out of it. I mean, affirmations, I think, are part of it, journaling is part of it, but when you're journaling and when you're repeating affirmations, you're actually opening yourself up to a guidance that is coming from, not outside of, you, but the greater you versus the will and the brain and the hamster wheel of this dimension, and so it really is a combination of opening and then allowing, like you said, and really being willing to let that work happen.

Megan Mary:

I think yeah.

Josephine Sorciere:


Josephine Sorciere:

There is a time of a percolation process and even when we work in the quantum, when we go beyond time and space and I worked through the principles of portalism, it's a word that I came with so we come through the portals of our own coding, so that takes us into our existence way beyond any time or space, and that's where the real healing can be done, because we're not like some psychoanalyst trying to get in there and see what happened when you were three and let some plug that part, and you know it's like crazy.

Josephine Sorciere:

I don't have the time or the patience for that. It's like let's go in and work energetically. We are all frequency, we are all energy. Now can we clear the imprints from way beyond this lifetime, not just this lifetime to clear out? And that's why your dream work is so valuable, because you do go into the subconscious part that we programmed over lifetimes. So the sooner you go back through that portal and expand into everything, rather than restrict it to the last 20, 30, 50 years, the easier it's going to be and the more that you clear.

Megan Mary:

Absolutely so. Talk a little bit about your two books the Alchemist's Awakening 2020, the Alchemist's Awakening.

Josephine Sorciere:

I felt a call. It was like, literally, it popped in. It's like you're a scribe, you're a wisdom keeper. You need to document what's happening, and I follow an alternative thought to the mainstream. Since I documented through the year and I worked with, I have a I don't know how to describe that.

Josephine Sorciere:

We work in conjunction of energy deciphering and portal opening and doing some wow-woo-woo stuff there, and the book is a combination of going through in each section of the year, each month of the year, what was happening at that time, but what it meant energetically, and it's combined in with who we meant to be. Who have we come for? Who have we come here to be in this lifetime? Because there is a reason. I mean, there's a calling. There's no coincidence that we're all here at this transitional time and I bring in the portal openings we did.

Josephine Sorciere:

I bring in the downloads of higher wisdom. It's a whole mishmash of all the aspects of, say, what I'm interested in, but what I'm guided to to explore a lot of the ancient stuff, a lot of the future stuff, a lot of the cosmos stuff, but also what's happening here in reality and relating what happened through 2020 in consciousness itself, and so I wrote the book over two volumes. The first one's more, let me rephrase, the second one's got more of the portal openings in and the higher wisdom of you know, brings in the ancient Egypt work with the Tree of Life and Hermetica. So that's probably more advanced, if you like, but still both books are a great reminder of how consciousness and reality are entwined. They are not a separate thing. Spirituality is not a separate modality to this reality. There we go. That's a good phrase.

Megan Mary:

That's right.

Josephine Sorciere:

It's so interwoven that people have no idea and I feel that no matter what age or stage you are, you can gain some insight or, again, alchemist awakening what does it awaken within you when you read it? That was the purpose of writing the book and I loved the process and it's been quite an amazing journey to do those.

Megan Mary:

That's so fascinating. I'm going to have to check that out by all means. Well, for people that would like to work with you, where can they find you online?

Josephine Sorciere:

So my website, josephinesorciere. com, is the place to go. It's the first time with me one on one is an initiation and it really is a transformation or profound journey into the next level of who you be. It is intense, it is big as not for everyone. There's plenty on the website for you to go and read. It is an investment, but it is an investment deeply within yourself. And if people have resonated with what I've shared today and my frequency and they're like, okay, I'm ready to be challenged, I'm ready to face the truth of who I am, to have those illusions that I'm holding myself blinkered to, and say stop suffocating your genius, then the initiation is. It is a fast track, it's a two, three hours with me of wisdom and activation and it takes you into a whole new level of being. So that's for those that are like, okay, I'm done with the seeking, I'm done with the searching. I did 20 years or 16 years all up of my self development journey and I don't want to take that long for other people. So if you're really ready to know, okay, well, I want to know what my blueprints are, I want to know what my design is, what those hidden fears are, and then have the experience of the transmutation through the alchemy itself, then the initiation is for you.

Josephine Sorciere:

If you just want to have a taste of the flavor of my activations, I have plenty on the Insight Timer. I've got nearly 10,000 followers there, a whole range of levels if you like, and of course, the books available from my website or Amazon. So they are the places to start, but I welcome anyone that's really ready to go. You know what I've got to dive in. I have to trust the process, because I just know that when I trusted the process, I surrendered and I followed the synchronous it is the teacher or the answers showed up every single time. So if you're having any inkling of that, follow your instinct, follow your gut, not your head, because this will talk you out of it and dive in.

Megan Mary:

Yes, that's wonderful advice. If I didn't follow my synchronicities, I wouldn't be here. I follow my synchronicities every day because those are the path, those are the spiritual guidance that we just disregard so exactly right, exactly right. Well, thank you so much for being here, Josephine. It was wonderful to have you here, and I really appreciate all of your wisdom.

Josephine Sorciere:

My pleasure. It's been a joy to share, and you can always reach out to anybody listening. You can find me on Facebook or DM me if you have any questions. So thank you for your time. Thank you for all that you do, Megan as well. Thank you.

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