Women's Dream Enlightenment

From Miss USA to Spiritual Coach: Embracing Authenticity and Abundance Consciousness with Terri Britt

Megan Mary of Women's Dream Analysis / Teri Britt Episode 29

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Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, seeking a path to your truest self and a life filled with more purpose? Terri Britt, the transformative force behind the Women Leaders of Love Global Community, joined us to reveal the power of authenticity and spiritual alignment. From the glitz of Miss USA to the depths of spiritual coaching, Terri's own metamorphosis is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Her tales of personal milestones, beating back the shadows of childhood to cultivate a life of self-love and divine connection, offer a roadmap to anyone yearning for enlightenment.

Terri doesn't just inspire, she equips. Throughout our conversation, she peeled back layers of the human spirit, challenging the confines of religious dogma and societal fears that stifle our intuitive natures. She unpacked the transformative journey from a life of control to one of trust and surrender. Her insight into our collective 'witch wound' spotlights the deep-seated trepidation that holds many back from owning their spiritual gifts, and she earnestly shares how she confronted these fears head-on, leading to a profound personal and professional breakthrough.

Finally, Terri extends a beacon of hope for those grappling with their worthiness quotient and those entrapped by poverty consciousness. She outlines a path toward prosperity consciousness that transcends mere wealth, encompassing authenticity, alignment, and abundance. Each chapter of our discussion with Terri is woven with wisdom, encouraging listeners to break free of shame and guilt, to rise into their potential, and to embrace the abundance that awaits when we step into our power. Join us for this transformational journey; it just might be the catalyst for your

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

Welcome. Today we have Terri Britt, former Miss USA, a spiritual coach, intuitive healer, TedX speaker and founder of the Women Leaders of Love Global Community. She is the author of several books, including the award-winning the Enlightened Mom A Mother's Guide for Bringing Peace, love and Light to your Family's Life. Terri is a wife, mom, stepmom, nana and former TV host of Movie Time, now known as E-Channel. Terri's mission is to guide women off the hamster wheel of competition, stress and emotional chaos, helping them thrive so their families can watch them and learn. Welcome, Terri.

Terri Britt:

Thank you. Every time I hear that I think, gosh, you know, it just kind of settles into your mission a little bit more. You just feel it a little bit deeper every time you hear yes, that is my mission.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I know what you mean. It's like. Yes, that's right Fabulous. Well, my first question that I ask everyone is what does enlightenment mean to you?

Terri Britt:

It means being in alignment. It means choosing to honor and love the way you were created and aligning with God.

Megan Mary:

Yes, alignment is so important. And when we do find that our true purpose, our authentic self, and we really allow ourselves to embody and align with that, that, I feel, is when the universe befriends us in a way and that starts yeah, we start to work with it instead of against it right.

Terri Britt:

Yeah, you know, what I have found over the years is that as I have walked a path of enlightenment and I have moments where I'm really enlightened and other moments where I'm not I think we're all that way, but as I have chosen to walk that path, it has been so beautiful to make choices that are from the soul rather than from ego. And even with my husband. I'm married now to my husband, charlie. We got married 15 years ago. We were both widows and he came into my life right after my husband died, and so we got married. But at our wedding we committed to being an enlightened family, an enlightened couple, because we had kids that we had to blend in high school. So it was that commitment that we were walking a path of choosing to learn, to grow, to expand instead of being in blame with each other, to choose to honor each other in how we were created and, if we got triggered, to love ourselves, you know, and go in and heal, so that we moved deeper into enlightenment. So my company, my actual company, my community, is called Women Leaders of Love, but my company is called Enlightened Family Institute, and it really is, with the mission of seeing our families as a soul group so that we can learn from each other and move into alignment, so that we it's almost like husband and wife it doesn't matter which side, but okay, husband and wife. But for us it's as we move into alignment and become or stand in our truth not become, because we already are, but as we take off the layers, that we it's almost like you create a triangle. It's like we come in to alignment and oneness with God. And it has been magical.

Terri Britt:

I did this with my late husband. We were married for 17 years. We didn't start out that way, but as I started to shift my life, he followed suit. And then, when he died after 17 years of marriage, charlie showed up. I didn't know if he would be willing to take this ride with me, but as he saw how healthy it was and how healthy the relationships were with my kids, he wanted part of it. So it's been a magical ride. It's been over, I guess, 30 years of really working towards that connectedness.

Megan Mary:

It's wonderful to bring it into the family realm, because so often we go off on these journeys by ourselves and we don't really have support around us because we don't have other people that are going through it necessarily at the same time, or all of our divine timing is different, and so it's wonderful to incorporate that in your teachings. Tell the audience a little bit more about your spiritual enlightenment journey, your journey to awakening, kind of if there was a pivotal moment or just key spots along the way and if the world of dreams played in that.

Terri Britt:

So I guess I mean there are a lot of little spots. Miss USA comes into this because I had always been on the hamster wheel of trying to prove my worth, trying to win love, which I saw in my family. My mom and dad did it. They denied themselves, they tried to be the best parents and they my dad became an alcoholic. Okay. So it kind of tells you it doesn't work. My mother was depressed so I didn't understand it back then. But I said, well, I want to be like my dad. At least he's not depressed. And this was before he became an alcoholic.

Terri Britt:

So I started, you know, working really hard, being out in the world, trying to win, be the best. I was miserable. I went to school on a scholarship in college and at the second semester of my sophomore year I just said I can't do this anymore. I left school and, on a whim, a few months later, entered into Miss Arkansas. Well, I won. Two weeks after that I get sent to Miss USA. No training, no nothing.

Terri Britt:

Short brown hair, and I get on stage and make the top 12. And Bob Barker says what are you doing, cabot, arkansas, on a Saturday night? And I said well, bob, in the winter we stay at home. I was in a Southern accent and in the summer we go down to the tasty freeze, sit on the back of my friend's truck. He plays the banjo and the guys drink a little beer and dip a little skool. It's a real good time. And I won.

Terri Britt:

So that was a huge, pivotal point because I learned something from that. It would take a long time. It was like a seed that was planted but it took a long time to germinate. But it said that when you listen to your heart and stand in your truth, miracles show up. I left school. I didn't do like everyone else was doing and I listened to my heart. I stood in my truth on that stage, talked about drinking beer and dipping skool, and then a miracle showed up. I won. But I didn't really understand it. I didn't understand it until years later, when I became a wife and mom and I was miserable. I started denying myself and trying to be the best mom I could be and I knew I was perpetuating a cycle for my family.

Terri Britt:

Well, a big awakening happened when my dad died in 95. And through those years he had become an alcoholic. He had lost everything in bankruptcy, really drank himself, and not to death because cancer is what killed him, but lung cancer, but it pretty much killed him. He had been a hermit the last 10 years of his life and I remember in the moment that it wasn't. It was few days before he died. I remember he dropped a glass and just sank to a chair. I knew we were coming to the end and I looked at him and I said, daddy, you can't leave, you can't leave. You've always been my buddy, my ally. I mean, there's all these emotions coming out and he looked at me as if he were in shock. It was like his eyes bugged out and I was like he didn't even know that he was loved. He had buried himself in so much judgment and failure and feelings of like he had had great success and then lost everything. I mean, it was just, it was awful.

Terri Britt:

So I knew right then that I had to make a shift. I had to do something differently, because I was not going to be an alcoholic, because I would have never allowed myself to go there. But my children were going to watch me, just like I had watched my dad, and I wanted to be something different for them. I didn't want to be angry. I was always angry.

Terri Britt:

So I got into meditation and at a healing school and my whole world opened up. I mean, it was my therapist. I've been in therapy. She said you need to get into meditation. Well, all of a sudden, as soon as I made that decision, my world opened up. I was invited to a psychic school. The first night. In class, just running energy, learning how to meditate, I see a spirit go across the room and I'm like you know, I just got like cracked me open, and so that was the beginning of the journey. But I'll never forget I had gone on a spiritual retreat in San Francisco and I came home and I started losing everything that I had been connected to there. I mean, I felt so connected to spirit, I felt so just just, I don't know. It was amazing. I came home and I was gradually losing it.

Terri Britt:

Well, I had a dream one night and the dream was that I was in a building it was almost like a community center and there was a guy standing at a podium and he calls my name. He said you're going with Sol to San Francisco. Well, san Francisco is just where I'd returned from right. I was so excited that I was going on this adventure. Then I turned around and I see my mother. I knew in that moment I couldn't go on that adventure, that I had this picture in my mind, that I couldn't go. So when I woke up I was like what does this mean? Well, san Francisco was that spiritual journey, right, soul was. It was like S-O-U-L in my mind in the dream. It was S-O-L, you know, like soul, and it was telling me that I was not allowing myself to go on the adventure because of the mother wound, of not loving myself, because of what I thought a mother should be.

Terri Britt:

So I made a decision in that moment. I meditated and one of the things that I had learned this was many years ago. This was back in the 90s, I guess, late 90s, early 2000,. I can't remember the dates, but I had taken a class in San Francisco with Cheryl Richardson, who had a big book at that time called Make Time for your Life. So I sat down in meditation after that dream and said what do I want? What are the top five things that are most important to me? And I made a list. Well, what was interesting that wasn't on the list was that I had a business that I subletted from this woman that I could go in and do spiritual counseling. I just rented her space part of the week and she did it. It was not on the list and I thought, hmm, I've got a contract, what do I do? I called her that day, megan, and said this is what's happened for me and I'm wondering if I can get out of the lease. She says, oh, you're not going to believe this. Someone just called today wanting to sublet. So I got out of the lease that day.

Terri Britt:

I quit doing my spiritual counseling at that time and two weeks later I was meditating on unconditional love when all of a sudden little Terri, the little girl inside of me, showed up and I had never seen her in meditation, never done anything. And as I'm sitting there crying, I hear in my ear get up and write this this is the beginning of your book. So I got up and that was the beginning of my first book, Message Sent, and it was a journal. It's really it's not writing, it's just a journal that I ended up taking the dates off and putting names on each story, almost like a chicken soup for the soul. But that is where I've allowed myself to go through the years is to allow my intuition, my dreams and to continue my journey of helping women heal and love themselves so that they break the cycle of lack, stress and struggle for their families.

Megan Mary:

That's an amazing story and there's so many parallels too. I want to say first at the very beginning about the Miss USA story the reason I feel that you were recognized in that moment is authenticity. And you weren't saying what you were supposed to say, the typical platform speech, the politically correct thing. You just were being yourself, unabashingly. And I feel like that is what was so different, right, so unusual. And that's really what we're called to do here is find what our authentic self is and embrace it without fear.

Megan Mary:

And meditation has been a huge vehicle for me in that way as well. And it's so intertwined with the dream world because of the Theta state, and it does allow us to strip that ego away and surrender to receive direction. And when we start to allow that direction, then the universe starts rearranging itself so that we can continue on that path. So your trajectory from where you were to where you are and how you got there, it's a beautiful example of how wonderful the universe can kind of contrive to help us when we actually say OK, I know I'm not going to be what I thought I was supposed to be, what everyone else thinks I'm supposed to be, I'm going to allow for that information to flow down to me about what I'm really here for and see where it takes me.

Terri Britt:

Yes, absolutely. You know, I remember as a little girl standing out in my driveway I was in elementary school probably second or third grade, I don't know and I remember feeling like someone was up in the sky looking down on me, watching me, but I didn't know how to access that. It felt like a group of people and I didn't know how to access them. And then it was around the same time. I had gone over to my neighbor's house because back then they'd let you run across the street and you didn't worry about anything. So I went over to my neighbor's house to play. Nobody was home. I just remember there was no cars on the street, there were no birds, it was just dead quiet. And I sat on my neighbor's yard and can remember saying to myself I'm all alone in this world. And I made a decision in that moment that became my filter I am all alone. So one of the things that I recognize over the years in my living on the hamster wheel and trying to do it like my dad did and always trying to be the best, was I did not want to be alone, I wanted to feel loved, I wanted to feel connected, but I always did it alone. I had my defenses up, I had walls around me and it was through when I started meditating and then started studying energy that those walls began to come down. And I can even remember feeling like I had a wall around me and recognizing it and saying, oh, I have the power to shift that. And visualized a button and pushing the button so the wall could come down, and made that a practice that anytime I felt like my defenses were up, my walls were up, I would just intentionally see that button and push it and bring them down and let myself relax. That was a huge turning point for me. But here was another one. So I was raised not heavily in the church but in a religious, a strong faith, but I never felt I could have a connection with God. It was scary to me. This beautiful I mean back then it was a man on a throne when I was a kid. So through this process of learning to love myself and really what I call raising my worthiness quotient, treating myself as if I er madder, treating myself as if I was worthy of being seen, heard and valued, that I started to feel a deeper connection. But before all that happened, right after I started doing energy work. I think I was trying to remember the timing on this.

Terri Britt:

The other day I had a dream, and it was my daughter, who's now 32, she was maybe four or five and she had come into the bedroom. This is actually what happened. She came into my bedroom trying to get in bed and I'm like no, I'm going to take you back to your bedroom. So I walked her back to her bedroom, but I crawled in bed with her and I fell asleep. Well, in my state of sleep, I had a dream where I had gone back to my bedroom and I had.

Terri Britt:

We had a little marble threshold that separated our bedroom from the hallway, and in my dream I fell over the threshold. Now we had a mass, we had a 7000 square foot home, and so our bedroom suite was 1200 square feet. So it was this massive bedroom and when you walk into the door, on there were it was French window, fireplace, french window, another French window, french doors that went out, and so it was all this glass. When I fall over the threshold, I look in the corner and there is a Christmas tree that is not decorated and underneath it is red felt okay, like a red Christmas tree felt, and underneath that it's moving and it scares me.

Terri Britt:

In my dream I run to my bed and all of a sudden it's dark, but there's just a light coming down and out from under that red felt comes a man running at me and he looks like Dick Tracy. He's got on the trench coat, he's got on the fedora hat, you know the fedora hat. And I'm looking at him and then I see him in his face and I went oh, it's you. And there's this familiarity. So I thought, well, maybe that's my. My at that time was Michael that I was working with. Well, he then goes over to the glass in my dream and the curtains, opens them up. Well, not only does the though those windows open up, but it was all the way around, and even the fireplace disappeared.

Terri Britt:

And as I looked out, there was a carnival bright, you know, fun, bright, festive carnival. And he said to me, as he's opening up the windows, I'm here to tell you about Jesus. And I'm like what? Because I had pulled so far away from the church and the dogma that I had been raised in Hellfire and Brimstone right. And so I looked at it and I was like what? I woke up and I was like. What was that about?

Terri Britt:

You know, I don't really understand this, and what it was was that, over the years, what I learned to understand is that the Christ consciousness is is like a carnival it is fun, it is playful, it is alive, it is. There's no emotional chaos, it's I don't know if you like carnivals, but if you like carnivals you know what I'm talking about. It's being childlike with wonder, and so I didn't understand it back then. But over the years, what I've come to understand is, I feel now, the presence of all of these guides I see I'll be journaling every day and Christ comes in and he says dear sister, mother Mary comes in, dear child Michael. The archangel comes in, you know, my sweet friend, or whatever, because they all have a way of talking to me and I'm so grateful that, one, I committed to loving myself unconditionally and two, I've learned about energy and creating a connection.

Terri Britt:

And three, that I've let my family be my guide, that when I've reacted to them, especially my kids, you know, when you're trying to control them or trying to do anything, you know that there's something hurting inside of you, that you're out of alignment. So I use them as an opportunity to say well, if I'm reacting or controlling you, then I need to go within and see what's hurting the little girl inside of me. I need to ask little Terri what's hurting and become the divine parent to her. Well, as I did that, then I felt worthy. I raised my worthiness quotient and so this connection has deepened so that life is not a hamster will anymore.

Terri Britt:

I know that I can take my time, I can go into meditation, I can ask for guidance, and information is going to come through. If it doesn't come through right in that moment, it's probably because it's not divine timing. So what's happened for me over the years on this journey where I used to be a control freak, is I live for most of the time now in a state of trust, and so you asked at the beginning you know what is my idea of enlightenment? I guess the ultimate word would be trust. It would be in a state of surrender and trust, allowing the universe to support me, to be connected, to feel loved and nurtured, no matter what's going on in the world around me.

Megan Mary:

Yes, that's wonderful, and I think there's so many ways that we can tap into the spirit, guides and our own higher self and the universal mind that ourselves and I think that I've had this conversation other times on this podcast about the religious dogma and that really is. You can't get there from here.

Megan Mary:

There has to be a conduit, you have to work through someone else who's approved to be able to access that, and I think that kind of dulls our ability to tap into our intuition, it squelches our agency to feel ourselves as spiritual beings and our capability and it really just limits us spiritually when we get trapped in that. And so to look at the larger implications of our existence and allow there to be other possibilities and allow there to be other ways to connect is really where we become so much more in alignment, so much more in abundance and so much more in harmony, versus working against it, and I mean easier said than done, but I think that's really for me, dreams are so filled with guidance and so mysterious but yet personal in a way, that it's really why I want to help other women tap into that, because it's there for you and it's everybody has that ability to access that higher knowledge themselves.

Terri Britt:

Yeah, you know one of my favorite dreams. So one of the things that came up for me as I started walking this path is being burned at the stake. In a past life I mean it was when I was in my training in the 90s I was at a psychic school. We were learning to read other people when, all of the sudden, my teachers yelling at me get out of the picture. And when I came out of the picture, I was like this I mean, I was reliving being burned at the stake. It was awful and that triggered something inside of me that was very scary for me to share, that I was an intuitive, that I was a healer, living in Southern California for years. It was, it was okay.

Terri Britt:

And then I moved back to the south, where I had been raised, and it was scary because I thought there's a lot of, there's a lot of judgment, you know, around those, those abilities, those gifts. It was scary for me. I found myself shutting down. I mean I literally blocked abundance from coming in because of that. It was like I was chiseling at it, chiseling at it, chiseling at it, and I'll never forget, as I had really made some headway, this was back in like 2017. I was asking okay, so what's next?

Terri Britt:

Well, I had a dream and I woke up in the morning and I had had this vision. It was a. It was a picture on the wall. It had a frame around it and it said seven radio show. So seven to me was about trust. And then the radio show was. I looked it up and it was like okay, can be your voice, giving yourself a voice, or it can be actually doing a radio show. And I thought to myself well, I would be interested in doing a radio show. I used to be a news anchor for what's now the E Channel and that's really right up my forte. So cool, I can do that.

Terri Britt:

Well, I started looking around that day and, well, the first thing was, before I did that, I looked at the frame, because I'm always looking at each little aspect of things. I'm like what is that frame? And the frame was telling me that I had. I had limits. I was not, I was limiting myself. What were the limits? So I checked in with myself and it was religious programming. Again, afraid of being persecuted, I had a real fear of being killed in this lifetime. That sounds ludicrous. No, I did.

Terri Britt:

You know I did. I just was, oh my gosh. And so, anyway, I'm just looking on the internet that day and looking at different radio shows, didn't reach out to anyone, didn't sign up for anything, and that I had zeroed in in my mind If I were going to do one, I would do it on this network. Well, that evening I get an email from the owner of that network, who I've never met, didn't have any connection with any, said have you ever considered doing a radio show? So that was my cosmic two by four, yes, and so it was a podcast, but you know, and called it a radio show, but anyway. So I ended up doing it for two years, had amazing guests on, loved every minute of it and really found myself following the guidance of giving myself more of a voice every time and sharing more of who I am. Sharing that I was an intuitive, you know, just doing that. So it was a way for me to start really breaking the ice and even though I'd been teaching for years, this was on a bigger scale. Okay, this wasn't just in a group that somebody had me come in and speak. This was like okay, anybody can listen to this. This is on the internet. Okay, somebody out there may be ready with that torch. You know, I didn't know. So it was a big shift for me.

Terri Britt:

So, again, there was another dream that was giving me guidance on what was next. And as soon as I listened to it and what was interesting, I forgot to tell you this part. The frame, you know, was religious stuff. That day, on social media, I had written something and somebody started blasting me about working with the devil, and I just looked at it and I said thank you for the gift, because I didn't get triggered. I was like, yes, I can do this. And then that's. And so the frame was gone off of the picture on the wall.

Terri Britt:

And that's when, that night, that's when the guy reached out to me to do the show, and at first I ham hauled and he said I had already told him when he reached out to me. And then we got on the phone. I told him about the dream. So I was kind of ham hauling, do I really want to commit to this or whatever? And he says you're gonna get ham haul. And you had that dream, Are you crazy? I'm like you're right, let's do this. You know so. But yeah, it was a game changer for me. It really helped me open up to share my voice and my truth on a deeper level.

Megan Mary:

Yes, absolutely, and I've had that same experience. But I've never even listened to podcasts before creating my own, if you can believe that. And when I was called by spirit to do it, I was kind of like no way you know because.

Megan Mary:

I don't even know the first thing about it and I'm not about to tell my truth. And who do I know to come on and just everything was. I thought no way. And you are not the first person that I've had on that has the quote unquote, witch wound I think we all do. I feel like everybody that's called to this path has it, because it's not their first go around and they have brought with them that fear and that caution, knowing well, there's a reason we're keeping this quiet and we better be careful.

Megan Mary:

And yeah, well, it's not just conjecture, you know, as you were saying. I mean, there's still some laws on the books, there's still parts of the country or the world where it's not okay, and so it's not just in our minds, but it is important that we all come together and support each other to really transmute that.

Terri Britt:

Well and I also you know I've done a lot of reading on it too is that, whether we've been in a past life there, it was part of our culture and that's why they say now somebody's going on a witch hunt, right? I mean because it is so prevalent in our culture. Now, this is interesting. Okay, this happened the other day, because this has been a chipping away over the years and I've actually seen the past life. I've seen the people. I've forgiven them. I mean, it was huge.

Terri Britt:

But I was at Barnes Noble this was during my birthday recently and my husband and I were camping. So we went over to Barnes Noble because it was raining, sitting there having a hot chocolate, and I look across if you've ever been to one of their their bookstores they have a coffee house right in the bookstore. So I look across and there's an end cap and the book is called the Killing of the Witches. I think is what it was called by Bill O'Reilly, who is a big newscaster and journalist here, and I'm like, oh my gosh, what is that about? So I get my hot chocolate and I go over there and I start plowing through this book and the essence of it was this, which was really fascinating what it was saying in the Salem witch trials here in the States and that's not where I was killed, but that's what happened in the States. The gift that came from it was that it created the first amendment in our constitution which said you could have freedom of religion, freedom of speech. And so you know, we often look at, well, those things were so horrific and they were horrific. But when we can look at, okay, if that person was in spiritual agreement to help evolve humanity, then what they did is they helped us evolve into freedom of religion in our country. And this is the essence of what the book was saying I thought, holy cow, because I'm always asking, no matter how bad something is, what's the gift in it? I was molested in high school. I can now say what was the gift in it, what was the spiritual agreement, and really learn from it and feel empowered in it. So why would that be any different? So when we look at it and we go, okay, so that helped bring the first amendment here in the United States.

Terri Britt:

So what is it that we as women who, whether we had a past life in it or we have it, just carried through the women and our family down through the generations, because it was scary. Right, you don't do anything, you might be burned at the stake. That's scary. What if now, in our own way, instead of the persecution, we're showing a different way, that we have a different way, that we are in our truths, we are in our enlightenment, so that, as I was saying earlier, that we break the cycle? We break the cycle for our families.

Terri Britt:

And it's so interesting because I just had an experience I come from a line of which is none of them own it, but my mother's intuitive, my grandmother was intuitive, my cousins are intuitive. I mean everybody is intuitive, they're all healers but no one really honors it. But I was sitting with my mom, my aunt, my cousin and myself and I started looking at this, going holy crap, these women have never had permission to be in their gifts right, because that's what our culture says and to be able to look at it and see how much it's needed. Because, at the core, I think most of us as women have our intuitive abilities.

Terri Britt:

I believe we all do, but I think most women. If we would take the time to love ourselves and nurture ourselves and really move into alignment and walk an enlightened path. We change everything. We change it for our I mean. I know I've watched both of my husbands my late husband and my husband now as I have healed and tapped into my intuition. They both shifted and walked and stepped onto a spiritual path. So I believe this is the power we have as women. So whether you call it being a witch or you just call it being a healer and an intuitive, it doesn't matter. We have this gift and we just need to all claim it.

Megan Mary:

Yes, I couldn't agree more, and I'm so glad to have this conversation with you today because I feel it's so important for everyone to hear again and again, and again, so that they feel empowered to do the same.

Terri Britt:

Yeah, don't you find, megan, that a lot of people are afraid because they're afraid they're gonna lose their family's love? And at least this is what I see, because this is my journey that women oftentimes are afraid to stand in their truths and be in that intuitive wisdom because it might be different than the family, they're not gonna conform anymore. I just you know, I see that, and if I you know, what I try to tell them is listen. When you stand in your truth and your wisdom and you listen to your intuition and you listen to that as inspired guidance which is from spirit right, and you move into a place of truth and alignment, for me, that's putting God first. That's putting this beautiful, all loving essence of God that we are all a part of. We all make up the body of God. That that is putting God first.

Terri Britt:

God is love, and so for so many people who were brought up in religion, they think that putting God first is putting yourself last, especially with your family, and so they won't tap into these gifts, they won't listen to their dreams, they won't listen to their intuition. But if they can see, okay. But if I do this, I am tapping into the miracles, I'm tapping into that God essence and that is the greatest gift I can give my family. That's the greatest gift I can give my children, my spouse, even my parents, my mother to watch her watch me is so cool. She's 81 years old, but I know she's watching me and I know she's learning because I see it and I see her starting to evolve a little bit more and talk a little bit more and I think, wow, if I can give her that gift before she dies, probably in the next 10 or 15 years, I don't know what a gift. Huh, breaking the cycle.

Megan Mary:

Yes, yeah, yes.

Terri Britt:


Megan Mary:

Well, I want you to speak really quickly about the worthiness quotient frequent that we're going to offer the listeners, so tell them just a little bit about that, and the link will be in the show notes.

Terri Britt:

Sure. So the worthiness quotient, as I mentioned earlier, is about how open you are to receiving love, nurturing and support simply for being you. That means walking a path of enlightenment, no more performing, and it's based in your vibration. So a lot of times we think, well, I've owned my worth, but yet our outer world is telling us otherwise. It makes us feel like, okay, well, I'm not being heard, I'm not being seen, I'm not being valued. And maybe there are different areas. Maybe in your work world you feel good, but at home, in your relationship, it's not working at all.

Terri Britt:

So the quiz is broken down into eight sections, and it covers your passions, it covers your health, it covers miracles, it covers all of it. For you to really tap in and say how do I feel about this? What is you know? Am I really living in my truth here? And then, at the end, what we do is we send you a personalized report that tells you about each of those sections and then your overall worthiness quotient, and so it gives you a reading of am I open to receiving? Am I treating myself as if I'm worthy? Have I given myself a voice? Am I still living by beliefs that tell me I have to perform for love, or am I truly putting God first by listening here and by doing that, and then we give some steps to start raising your worthiness quotient? And it's pretty much everything that I've been doing through the years about really loving myself, shifting, paying attention to the signs, loving that, being the divine parent to that little girl inside of me. So it's funny because I have people tell me oh my gosh, I took it.

Terri Britt:

And some will say I was so excited to see how good it was. And then others might say, oh, I've got a lot of work to do. But what's really interesting is when they come back, oftentimes after they've taken my worthiness quotient course or whatever. They'll come back six months later and go oh my gosh, I took the quiz again and my worthiness quotient is shot up, which is so cool because then they're getting to see their outer world mirror, their inner abundance. And that's really what it is. It's just really making shifts, letting go of shame and guilt around so many different areas of our life which keep us at a lower worthiness quotient, which keep us in punishment, energy and poverty consciousness. So my goal through this is to get them into prosperity consciousness.

Megan Mary:

Perfect. Well, we will have that provided in the show notes and it's a perfect compliment to my program of the three pillars of authenticity and alignment abundance. So, really just wrap that all together nicely and thank you so much for your conversation today. I really appreciate you being here and sharing your life story, as well as all of your insights, to the listeners. Thank you so much, megan. Thank you guys for listening.

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