Women's Dream Enlightenment

Channeling Enlightenment: Journeying Through Dreams and Authenticity with Huenu Solsona

Megan Mary Episode 35

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This episode features a conversation with Huenu Solsona, founder of Orykl,  a soul-led, digital platform that connects people seeking spiritual guidance with trusted channelers. We discuss enlightenment, understanding dreams, channeling higher consciousness, spiritual growth, uniqueness, and overcoming ego in pursuing one's true gifts and purpose in life. 

Connect with Huenu:
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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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Megan Mary:

Welcome today. We have Huenu Salsona coming to us from Cape Town, South Africa, founder of Orykl, a soul led digital platform that connects people seeking spiritual guidance with trusted channelers, illuminating answers, messages, and nuggets of wisdom that help guide them on their journey through life on Earth. Welcome Huenu.

Huenu Solsona:

Thank you. So excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Megan Mary:

Absolutely. I'm going to start by asking you the first question that I ask everyone, and that is, what does enlightenment mean to you?

Huenu Solsona:

I would say that for me, enlightenment is understanding who you really are and being that. I think that's it. If we really, really understood who we were and we could be that person, that's kind of all that you would need in, in my opinion. And of course I can explain that further, but that's a short answer. Yes.

Megan Mary:

That's a good answer. Connecting with your authentic self, right? And really understanding who you are in all layers of existence.

Huenu Solsona:

Exactly. Yes. Oh, it's yes. In all layers. So from understanding that we are a spiritual being having a physical experience to really knowing what we like, what we don't like, what our passions are, what our purpose is. And then. Living that I think the important part is the 2nd part is that because we can know all of this. Right? But if we don't actually do anything with information, we might as well not know the information. So, once we understand ourselves, we know who we are, then is being the truest version of ourselves that we can. And I think that. That will be the same for many people because we are all human beings, but also it will be completely different in other ways because we're all also individuals and we have very different passions and interests. Skills and dreams and, you know, we're humans, but we're individuals. So I think that for me, that's what I'm trying to do, right? I'm trying to be as much myself as I possibly can. And sometimes you don't even know what that is because we're so conditioned by society to say think certain ways or believe certain things. But that's why it's, for me, it's coming back to myself to really listening to what my heart is telling me instead of The noise outside. What do I believe? What do I want? What do I like? What do I love? And then having the courage to act upon that. Yeah.

Megan Mary:

Yes. The inner knowing for sure. And I want to touch on something else that you said there. You mentioned dreams, the magic word, and you also said, If we don't act on the information we're receiving, what's the point of having it? And that very much applies to dreams. For so many people, they do not have an appreciation of the dreams that they have at night. I'm talking about, of course, and they don't Listen to them for their guidance, tell the listeners a little bit about your experience with remembering your dreams if you do, or you, or you struggled with it, and whether you record them or not.

Huenu Solsona:

I have gone through stages different stages in my life where I have been. I remembered a lot, like almost every single day for a few years, I would say, especially when I was pregnant. I've got two children, so my entire pregnancies were incredible. I remembered everything vividly and they were pretty exciting. I was traveling to lots of places and I was recording them, not all of them, but sometimes I was recording them. I have to say that in the last Two years or a year and a half, for some reason, I'm not remembering that much. And I haven't, I'm only talking to you. I realized, Oh, okay. I, I used to remember a lot more. And then before that I went through a stage where I actually did write down my, when I had journal and whenever I remembered, I would write it down and that was when would dream with my brother who passed away and I love dreaming with my brother. So I've always had a bit of a fascination with dreams because we dream. So many hours in the day and somehow it doesn't get talked about that much. And I think it's because we don't really understand it, or I don't know why we don't put emphasis on dreams. It's such a big part of everyone's lives, like absolutely everyone. So I think it's totally worth it to understand it and, and record and remember. So. So, yeah, I've gone through different stages at the moment. I'm not recording and I'm not remembering that much. So I'm sure you have some tips. I'd love to hear your tips on how to do that and also to understand our dreams more. So I'm actually super interested in, you know, hearing from you and I've read a little bit and I think I'm going to read a lot more.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Thank you for that. I do have some tips on that. And I love what you said about visitation dreams because that's something I've experienced as well. My father passed away when I was rather young and that was one of my first experiences with that. And it was profound and very different from all the other dreams that I'd had that were very vivid and very fascinating. But it was. The feel to it was just so different and that is part of why I take a mystical stance on dreams because I really feel that they are the doorway to other dimensions that we do exist in them. As the spirit that we are, and because of that, we're able to commune with other spirits and communicate in a way that we can't or don't when we're waking. It's just easier, perhaps it's not that we can't when we're awake, because I feel that there are signs and synchronicities around us all the time, but dreams in particular in the dream world, I feel are so much. Available to us in that respect and you had said previously in when you would reach out to me to be on the show that dreams are where our consciousness explores other realities. And so I know that you feel the same. Talk a little bit about that.

Huenu Solsona:

Yeah. So it's very much my personal theory, absolutely not backed up by any theory or anything, but, I do know that again, it's because back to understanding ourselves, right? We exist in many different realities or dimensions, if you want to call it. So what we're experiencing now in this physical reality, which we call earth and being alive is feels very real to us. And it certainly is. It's very real, let's call it, but it's just one aspect of us. We, my understanding, our soul, our essence, again, who we really are, has got many multiple dimensions. And so part of us, this awareness is right here, right now. But other parts of us, our higher self, our soul is in other dimensions, interacting and, going about all kinds of things that right now, this physical person is not tapping into because my awareness is right here right now. Now, this theory of mine is that being in this dimension is fine, but we can't be here 24 hours a day, 80 years, And only here. So our attention, our awareness can't be here that long because we are not meant to be in one, in this dimension. So I think that what happens is that we need to balance it out. And so I think it's a guess that half the time we're not really here. So we're here half the time, but the other half were somewhere else. Now, of course we don't sleep for 12 hours a day. We sleep. For 8, 7, 8 hours a day during that time. I do think that our consciousness escapes our body and explores all these different dimensions and realities and has a blast who knows what happens to communicate and has experiences and has visitations and, astral traveling. There's all kinds of things. Because I do know that it's just so, so, so much that we can't see just because it's not physical. Right. And so I think our consciousness explores all of those things. And again, my little theory is that we need to balance it out. I think that half the time we're not here. And so at the, at the time where we're awake, when you daydream and when you're like really not here or you're just, just somewhere else. So I don't know if that's maybe four hours a day, but I do think that our, our energy needs to balance out. And I don't think our energy, our awareness can be here 24 hours a day. And also when we sleep. We're lying down where we're on a bed. The only thing we need to do is just our vital organs need to work. We need to breathe, but we don't move. We don't do anything. It just, even if we were dead, we'd be lying in the exact same position, right? So that allows our consciousness to leave completely because our body's safe. It's not going to fall down. So we lie down, we sleep and that gives us the, okay, cool. Now you're good to go and explore because you're safe and you can still come back. So I think part of us remains here to keep our body alive and the rest of us just goes. And who knows? I've certainly had a lot of dreams where I can tell you for sure I've been exploring other dimensions and I've been especially when I was pregnant they were very vivid and It really felt real even though they were very weird It felt like I really was there. And with my brother, he's visited me many times and I communicate with him a lot. He's been gone for 13 years, but he hasn't come to visit me in a few years that I can remember. But when he did come, I could tell that it was, it was really him, coming to say that he's okay. He's doing lots of things where he is, but he's absolutely fine and really having a good time. And so I so appreciate that. And I felt it. So I think it's fascinating, honestly, I'm actually absolutely fascinated by dreams and it's so good to speak to you because I promise you as I'm talking, this is just exciting. I want to find out more.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Thank you for that. I. Couldn't agree more everything that you said about the other dimensions about the requirements of our our physical body to have sleep. Of course, we hear all about the restorative capabilities of that and the necessity for health and so on and so forth. But a third of our life. Yes, I definitely believe that we. Go into sleep and that the changes that happen physiologically are intertwined with the spiritual purpose of that period. So, I've always found it fascinating and sleep research, how the logical part of your brain is turned off. The emotional part of your brain is turned on. The way that we perceive and intake information in the visual cortex is just so fascinating and the effect that dreams have on us from an emotional standpoint, the combination of information that comes from our subconscious and. The messages that it sends us in the puzzles and the stories that it tells. I've always been fascinated by that. In addition to all of the metaphysical implications, the extra sensory and paranormal implications of what is happening in that realm. In terms of dream recall some of the things that I have found definitely influence it are hormones is one. So the female hormones definitely play a part. I've read studies that show that the estrogen, when it's high, can definitely increase the dream recall. And then as we go through our different stages and our hormones fluctuate, and as well as we age, that the hormone levels can definitely influence our sense of our dream recall. Also, I've found that a lot of people. No matter what stage of life that they're in have said, well, I just don't train or I'm out of it. I don't have any. And that's not the case unless you've had a traumatic brain injury, you're, you're dreaming three to five times a night. And. They can be harnessed, they can be accessed, but I've found that some people have subconsciously turned them off at some point because of the information that they contained, and they didn't want to listen or heed that advice or. deal with that conflict. And so they said, no, I'm not listening to that anymore. And pretty much said, okay, we're not going to tell you then, and we're not going to help you out. And that's sort of voluntary, but not because it's at a subconscious level. But I do think that, yeah, I do think you can consciously improve it. Yes. Yeah.

Huenu Solsona:

When you don't want to hear, you don't want to hear. So, it's really up to the individual whether they're ready to, to open themselves up. I bet if I were to put out the intention before going to sleep that, Hey, my intention is to remember my dream. And I don't know if your experience, if we could have certain kinds of dreams, I'm sure with practice, we could do that. Like I would like to dream about this or like my brother, for example. I don't see why we couldn't do that.

Megan Mary:

You can, and it's called dream manifestation or dream incubation. And just like you said, with the assertion, I am going to remember my dreams. Think about the power of intention. It's very, very powerful. And it tells your subconscious, okay, I am ready to receive now. And you know, what happens. spirit world when you say that, which we'll get into shortly. And so it's the same thing when you ask to be shown, when you asked to be guided, when you ask to start receiving those messages and you say that intently, then it. It can be a catalyst for that. It can facilitate that. And you also have the ability to ask questions. Write down in your journal before you go to sleep something that you're having an issue with. Something that you can't quite come up with a solution for. And your mind will work on that throughout the night to give you the guidance that you're seeking. What the world is, is asking for right now and everyone is seeking that next level of intelligence, that next level of receiving, how can they receive that information and how can they integrate that into their life? And that's why I find your new platform so fascinating. So tell the audience a little bit about that and how that evolved.

Huenu Solsona:

Sure. Okay. Well, the platform's called Orykl, and it's an online marketplace for channelers. So you can go to Orykl and you can search through the different channelers that we've got, and you can book a session with them and have a one on one video session. Where you get to ask questions, whatever questions you want about any subject you want, and they will channel whatever energy they channel. Now, for people that are not too familiar with channeling essentially channels are able to raise their vibration to match the vibration of higher consciousness. That could be a specific being or entity, or it could be a collective of consciousness. Or to source itself or their higher self. So they range from angels, archangels, extra dimensional beings, which is the correct word, but let's call them aliens if you want, and I know it sounds crazy, but there's just so much that again, we can't perceive with our five senses that really does exist. Also ascended masters And as I say, collective consciousness fields, so it's really everything that vibrates higher than physicality. So none of these beings are physical. They're able to connect with them and bring through their information. Now, they have. A much wider vantage points than we have. So if we're down here on earth, they are like up there and they can see the bigger picture, which is super cool, because it means that they can see, for example, all your past lives, they can see recurring patterns that your soul has been maybe stuck in. They can see why certain things happen in your life with what purpose, and they really understand who we are. What this sort of matrix that we're in this physical reality, why we came here. And so, it's great to ask those really big questions that you maybe can't get answered anywhere else. It's great to answer questions that you've been struggling with that. Maybe even a psychologist couldn't pick up because maybe comes from a past life or a recurring pattern that you can't seem to get out of, or a phobia you might have, which is something that you really don't understand why it's happening in your life. So the conversations are amazing, really super empowering too, because they Explain that you truly are the creator of your own reality. This is kind of like a video game. If you will, everything that we experience is a projection of what's happening inside of us. And so it's not so much about changing the outside, but just understanding how to play the game. Right? And, and it really comes all from us, we are creating everything. And so if you're not happy with what's happening, you need to look at yourself and go, Hey, what am I creating for myself? And it's a hard one sometimes for people because we don't like to take responsibility for the most part. We love it if it was somebody else's fault, but in as much as it's. Your fault, it's also your freedom to choose, you are empowered. They very often give examples and tips and suggestions on what to do. And what's also super nice is that it, the information is very loving because these beings and these energies are much closer to love, if you will. So you will feel the love coming through. There's always a. A sense of empathy and understanding and of seeing you, there's never a judgment. Even if, even if you think you've done it all wrong, like there's never, never a judgment. It comes from a super loving space. And yes, and that's why I do it. And I really love what we do. And we obviously help people through their difficult moments and also in their spiritual awakening and they're in the spiritual seeking. So many of the people that come to us are already well on their path of spirituality and understand these concepts that I've been speaking about really well. And they just want to. Go a little bit further. We all are on a journey. There's no destination. And we all want to have a great experience and a great life. And so yeah, a lot of the people that come to us are quite in tune with all of, with all of this. Yeah, that's the platform and how, how it came about is I'm a business person. I've had different businesses in my life. I love it. I'm, you know, through and through entrepreneur. And I was thinking about selling my last business. I was pregnant at the time. I was having these crazy dreams and which is cool. I hadn't thought about that because I was having a ton of dreams when I had this idea. So that's cool. And so I, I knew that I wanted to sell my business cause I had it for like nine years. It was like in the events industry. So it was a lot of like late nights and I just needed a change. And I had really put out the intention that my next business had to be to help humanity. I really wanted to help globally. And yeah, I had no idea how that was going to come about to be honest. I was sitting in meditation one night. I, meditate a lot, especially at night. And I was just sitting there with my eyes closed like this. And I really had what I would call I can download. I had been doing already automatic writing by that stage, which is when you just, you can do it with your hand or in your computer, because I type pretty fast and I would just meditate and I would just get some insights. And it's a form of channeling automatic writing. And I wouldn't say I'm a professional at it or anything like that, but I was just writing stuff that was coming through my meditation. And this came through. So the idea, the name, Orykl, everything. And I just started typing and typing and typing it. And that was I need to figure this out. I always forget because funny enough, that thing that I typed, I actually moved to a different folder because I really wanted to remember, keep it somewhere safe and of course I'm sure I'll find it, but I kept it like too safe. So yeah, that was like, probably like four years ago and and then I just thought, well, this is a brilliant idea. I already had had sessions with channelers. I had found them so valuable. We're pretty strict with how we handle business in general, who we invite on the platform. Obviously, everybody that's on the platform is like. Super duper vetted. And that's kind of the most important thing for us because the idea of Orykl is really truly to help people.

Megan Mary:

I think it's wonderful that you've created that space for people to access that information, as well as for those providers, because you're right. And this is something that we talk about a lot on the show. Once you've realized your gifts once you've received your download, once you've gotten your information, it's just not that easy to necessarily step out into the world and be seen to share that, to reveal yourself. And it's a struggle that so many women go through saying, well, yes, I am receiving this information. Yes, I do have that knowing, yes, I'm feeling called, but now And it's important that we All support each other on that journey and provide those spaces, just holding that space so that people have the opportunity to not only share their gifts, but other people on the journey needing that guidance can access those people with the gifts. And everybody is really just putting their gifts into the pot and helping each other on the path. And I feel that's really one of the challenges that we're here to overcome. The other is what you mentioned about The world really being a video game and I truly believe that it is just that our reality is just an illusion and the difficulty and the biggest challenge that we face here as spiritual beings and a physical body is how do we overcome that the denial of that we feel so convinced that physicality is truth. And there's safety in that knowing and culturally, if it's not physical, it can't be proven. And if it can't be proven that it's almost not worth considering, even though we know the truth otherwise. And so I think that one of the biggest challenges is how do we. Overcome all the blocks that were programmed to have and then led to reinforce through our whole physical experience. Here is reinforce every single day. How do we overcome those to embrace what at a soul level? We know.

Huenu Solsona:

Yeah. I fully agree with everything that you said. If you think about things a little bit differently and you think that if we truly are eternal beings and we are spiritual beings and we're just here to have this experience, I know it might not take some of the pain away, but all of these hardships that we go through, they are kind of like a blink of an eye and The existence of our soul. And think about it this way. If you play a video game, which I don't play, but if you do play a video game and let's say the video game is just super easy. It's just this little man walking and just picking up flowers and that's it. He's just going about and everything's just perfect all the time. And the sun's shining and there's just nothing for him to do except, just, I guess he's enjoying himself, but he's just doing nothing. And there's no challenge. It just becomes a little boring. And I think that if you put like something, some sort of obstacle in his way, and he has to now just jump over something and he doesn't know if he's going to make it and he does it, how good do you feel? You're like, yes, you know, I did it. And as he gets used to jumping over this little hole, next day he'll be like, okay, let's go for something deeper and higher and wider. And we get a kick out of. You know, working it out and like doing it. And so we put more and more challenges in a way, just like a video game. I mean, we think about it when kids play video games, they get lost in it. Again, we don't have video games, but I mean they can absolutely get lost in it to the point where they don't even like know where they are, or even watching a movie, like we're so engrossed in the movie. But it's just a movie, it's just a video game. You finish and you're back in your chair and you're absolutely safe and sound. It's kind of the same thing. I think, we're here and it is real for us. And we're going through all these terrible things, but no matter what, no matter how bad it is, You're going to die or this existence, this physical existence is going to stop and you're going to return to you, to your couch. You're going to be just fine. And this is, I think something to remember as we see these horrible things happening in the world, and they are horrible and I'm not saying let's not be empathetic to all of that, but just know that it is very temporary. And when we transition into a real state, which is spirit, We are 100 percent fine. We, in fact, we're more than fine, we're amazing. And so all of us are going to be amazing. And in life as well, we go up and down and up and down all the time. So yeah, there were a few other things you mentioned that I took so resonated with. I mean, the fact that it's so hard for people to, especially women, to put themselves out there. I mean, this is a different subject now, but I do want to say that You know, it's difficult, you know, to do business, especially online business. A lot of these people working online already. The competition is hectic. We don't feel like, putting all of this on ourselves, like how amazing we are. And we have to now. Talk about ourselves and all other amazing things. It's just not something that people like. I don't think anybody likes to do that unless you've got a lot of ego. And these people don't have a lot of ego for the most part. Right? And so we do need to stand together and help each other because we're all on the same mission. We all want to help. And often we feel like, oh, well, we're all on the same boat. If I team up with you, then, you're going to get my client or I'm going to have less and for me, it's totally the opposite, because if you're doing it all on your own it's hard. When you team up with people that are in your same mission. There's almost 8Billion people on earth and everyone's on the Internet. There's plenty of. People that need your help, but now you can come up with better ideas. You can work as a team. You can pull your resources. You can just not feed off of each other. And I think you all end up with more at the end of the day and helping more people. I think we need to move our mentality to one of unity, teamwork. Yeah, just helping each other out. So thank you for saying that.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. So what you said about the ego is so interesting and so true because to go through a spiritual awakening, you actually have to experience that death of the ego and to step into your true gifts and be able to share them with others. You have to do it in an egoless way. So of course, if you've achieved that level of vibration and of awakening, for lack of a better term, enlightenment, then you are not interested in doing what's required in this physical world to market yourself. When I first got the download to create this, I was terrified. I didn't want to be on video. I didn't want to put my face on a graphic. I didn't want to blog. I didn't want to record my voice. I didn't want to do anything. Because I didn't want to have to put my physical self out there. I knew spiritually that I had something I had to offer, and it was rather urgent, the call, but I was terrified about all the physical implications of that in this culture, in the social world, all of that. And so it's very much a challenge that People that have reached that level to where they are being a healer or teacher or worker of some respect, trying to help others that they really have passed. They've moved past the what is necessary. Then for that. to reach others. And so that was part of the reason that I created this podcast was to have a platform where other women can come share their stories and what they're doing, because I'm not worried that, oh, they're going to go and work with that energy healer instead of coming for a dream session. For me, it's all going to be Together in the collective, we all are going to support each other in moving forward because we're all on that same path of recognizing what our gift is and what our modality is. And the modalities complement each other. I integrate sound healing and intuitive work and journal writing and meditation into my work. It's not just a pigeonhole. And so. There's so many ways that we can benefit each other and so many ways that together we're more powerful. So I completely agree with that.

Huenu Solsona:

Yeah. And you know, that's the thing. That's why I go back to knowing yourself and understanding yourself because we all have these unique gifts. Like what you bring to the world is absolutely unique. I don't think anybody does it in the world uniquely like you do, because you have history that only you have. You've studied certain things, you've read certain books, you've had certain experiences. And so if you stick to just being truly yourself and doing what you really love with your experience and everything, then nobody can compete with you, if you will. Because you're unique and not everybody may want to have a session with you, but somebody will, and that person that doesn't want to have a session with you will have it with somebody else because they'll resonate because of their history and so on. And so for me, the, the thing is just to be uniquely yourself and to just enjoy it while you're doing it. Look, recently I went on a trip to Antarctica, which was and I went with a group of entrepreneurs that were all invited there. And while there were entrepreneurs and artists, like a lot of artists, actually, mainly artists, musicians and painters, sculptors, and yeah, and we're 150 people, they were, these were all friends. And I was amazed, amazed at, you The reason why these people were successful and the reason they were successful is that they were just uniquely, unapologetically and beautifully themselves. They were so unique that nobody was doing what they were doing. What do you love doing? What do you, what are you good at? What do you love? And just. Go for it, just do it because you will be successful and it's not just airy fair. You will be successful if you really, put your absolutely everything into it and you team up with other people, if you can because there's always somebody looking for something like that. Right. And also, you know, genuineness. It's attractive. People get attracted to that. And these masks and, facades and things you can tell people are, they reject that in general, unless you're insecure and you're doing the same thing but if you want to hang out with cool, genuine people and if you're tired of putting up a front and you just, want to be yourself, then, then do it and you will attract it, I think.

Megan Mary:

Yes, the ego tells us to be like others and the soul tells us to be unique. And so we have to stop feeling the pull to be like others. And we do that because we want to be accepted, and we don't want to be judged, and we don't want to be rejected, and we're not confident about our uniqueness and all these things, but that's really how we start vibrationally putting out the right frequency is when we step into the alignment with what is unique. Unique to us when we're trying to be like someone else. We're not vibrating the right frequency. You couldn't be more right about the beauty of it is that every person's path has been unique and experience has been unique. And that's why. Our dreams are so unique and that's why our purpose is so unique. So thank you so much for being here today, Huenu. It was wonderful to hear about your experience and the unique gifts that you're bringing to the world. How can people find you if they want to find out more?

Huenu Solsona:

Okay. Well, thank you for having me. And our website is Orykl. It's O R Y K L dot com. So, and on there, there's links to all our social media. We're on Facebook, Instagram Pinterest, Tik TOK but our Facebook and Instagram are quite active as well. If you want to see what we're about on there as well, you can just Google or search for Orykl. And yeah, and even if you want to contact me directly, just email us at at hello at Orykl and just say it's for me and I will definitely get it. So yeah, thank you.

Megan Mary:

Wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your information and your, your insights. I know we all resonate with them and just for being part of this platform where women can really share their journeys. So thank you.

Huenu Solsona:

Thank you.

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