Women's Dream Enlightenment

Discover the Akashic Records: An Interview with Meena Ruchi

Megan Mary Episode 39

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In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of the Akashic Records with guest Meena Ruchi, an experienced Akashic Records reader and meditation instructor. Meena shares her inspiring journey of discovering her purpose through the Akashic Records after years of searching, and she explains how this mystical modality can provide clarity and direction to those feeling stuck. Learn how the Akashic Records work, what kind of information they reveal, and how they differ from other spiritual practices like mediumship. If you're curious about finding your true purpose and gaining a broader perspective on life, this conversation is for you.

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Megan Mary:

Welcome. Today we have Meena Ruchi. She is an Akashic Records reader and meditation instructor. She helps people who feel stuck or uninspired connect with their purpose so they can cultivate clarity and contentment. After spending over a decade seeking her own purpose and finally finding it through the Akashic Records, she finds great joy in bringing this magical perspective to others. helping them to find greater clarity and meaning in their own lives. Welcome, Meena.

Meena Ruchi:

Hi, Megan. Thanks for having me.

Megan Mary:

I'm so glad to have you here today. It's such a wonderful thing to share with everyone. And you are the first person who is an Akashic Reader on my podcast. So I want to really share that with everyone that is not familiar with it.

Meena Ruchi:

How cool. I'm honored.

Megan Mary:

Yes. So, the first question that I ask everyone is, what does enlightenment mean to you?

Meena Ruchi:

Oh my gosh. That's a casual question to start off with. I love it. Yeah. Hmm. I don't know if that's something that can be captured in words and I'm just present to the fact that that means so many different things to so many different people. But I think for me, it just means being who you are in this moment.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Mm. Wonderful. And yes, it is deep discussions. I go right to it. I'm not much for small talk. So, before we get into exactly what the Akashic records are and how you work with them, I'd like to hear a little bit about your story and how you came to your awakening. of your gifts.


Meena Ruchi:

So I'll try to give you the short version. Since I was a pretty young kid, I just really wanted to know what my purpose was. And I was just so curious. I had this That I felt this time pressure from an early age. I had anxiety since I was really little. That was, I didn't know that there was a word for that because that's just how I was for as long as I can remember. So I had this let's get to business, let's get this stuff done, let's figure out what my purpose is so I can then do it and then be done with it. And I just, there was a sense of efficiency and just blinders, like deep focus on this thing. I just wanted to get it right and be done with it. And I didn't want to waste any time and so as a young teenager, that was just my hobby was trying to figure out what my purpose was and I was listening to different spiritual teachers, talk and reading different books and taking personality quizzes, anything that. Could point me in that direction, but I never got a satisfactory answer. I got these like musings and deep philosophies on the purpose of humanity in general. And I was like, I don't care about that. I want to know what my purpose is as an egocentric kid. I want to know what I'm here to do so I can do it. And it was really fun, discovery and exploration process, and then when I went to college, my anxiety got very severe, and that hunger to figure out what my purpose was got more intense, so everything kind of just got keyed up and more intense. When I went to college and I had all kinds of health issues and I was addicted to my work and I was just pouring all of my vitality into school thinking if I work hard at this I will get a sense of fulfillment and this will be my purpose and I was just like someone tell me what to do so I can do it and it was absolutely. Maddening to put all of my energy into something that gave me nothing in return. So I was like working so hard to do a good job at whatever I was doing and I would complete something and feel good for like 10 seconds and then be crushed by this like wave of meaninglessness. I was like, Oh my God, this doesn't matter. You're wasting all your time. And so then to cope with that, I would just work hard at the next thing at the next project or task or whatever. And so. It was this weird cycle that just really wore me out. And that question in the back of my mind was. Why am I here? Right? What's my purpose? And it became more and more dark and distorted of why am I here? I don't need to be here. I can't figure this out. There's no point. And so it was really sad time. And I ended up. Graduating in May of 2020. So to just punctuate that whole cute experience, just graduated at a really chaotic time in the world. And my whole life goal was to get a job and all the companies I was interviewing with went on a hiring freeze. So I needed something to kill the time while I waited for things to go back to normal. And since I was always kind of into this like mystical stuff, I was open to anything related to purpose. I stumbled upon this course around the Akashic records when I heard what it was. I was like, there's no way that's real, but I'll just give it a shot anyway. It sounds really fun. And I was blown away when it worked and over time working with the records. It took some time to cultivate that connection, but when I did, I finally got that clarity, that felt sense of clarity that I had been looking for, for over a decade at that point. And really what the records did for me was open my eyes. Open up my mind that had become so narrow as to what was available to me to remind me and show me that there's more than one path. Go through life on and that really blew my mind because I just thought you go to school, you get a job. And then you work at that job, eventually you retire and then you die and that's it. And so that's why I really wanted to nail the purpose thing because I thought that's what that was. And so I was gifted with this much more expanded view of what purpose and fulfillment could look like, what life could look like for me. And that was a game changer for me. And so slowly I kind of, Unhooked from what I was doing and transitioned into doing this because I could feel the potential of this work and it's like nothing I ever thought I would be doing and yet here I am.

Megan Mary:

Isn't that interesting how the universe always guides us when we're willing. Yes. And I resonate very much with your story because I constantly I. Very much was in that frame of living where you, you go to college, you get your degrees, you get your job and you just go, go, go, go, go step in line. And I mean, I was always very. Mystical and interested in those things too, and always searching and always questioning, but it was a constant ladder where I was just kind of like, maybe this is it, and put my whole self into it. Maybe this is it, put my whole self into it. And then just kept not feeling that fulfillment. And so many times we find that we think, well, this. This is meaningless, or this has no point, and there's no reason, and I just threw that money away, or I don't know why I spent all my time on that, and when we actually take, gain that larger perspective, we start to see that they're all parts of the puzzle, and that they all really do play off each other, and they all really do all need to be there. for you to do where you end up, right? But it just doesn't seem like it makes sense when you're in

Meena Ruchi:

it. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense while you're in it. And I think that's something that like took me years even after finding the records to like really understand is that purpose can look a lot of different ways. And it's not just this like shiny, perfect Flow state, fulfillment, everything is working amazingly kind of thing that I think we're sold that idea.

Megan Mary:


Meena Ruchi:

I do feel looking back that that deep struggle that deep despair that addictive kind of workaholism, all of that, the health problems I had that was. One facet of purpose that was in a weird way alignment, like being so out of alignment was necessary. So feeling deeply out of alignment and nothing is working was part of this overarching sense of alignment. Because I wouldn't have known what alignment felt like I wouldn't have been able to recognize it if I hadn't been so practiced and experienced at what like misalignment looked and felt like for years.

Megan Mary:

That's profound. Yes. It just underscores that. Sometimes we feel like we're totally going in the wrong direction, but it's actually you're right where you need to be, which is hard to accept when you're trying to make things happen and you have a preconceived idea of how they're supposed to be. Also a preconceived idea of how you're supposed to be.

So like what you were saying with the trajectory that you put in front of yourself, which so many of us do, or. We acquire that from society or what, what have you, but it's a challenge that everybody faces when they realize that there's something else, maybe that they another direction they could go in, but it takes so much courage to go in that direction that many times people don't.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah, it does. It does. And I think for me, I wouldn't have been able to. muster up that courage to, do such a huge turn from what I was doing to this. It's worlds apart. And I don't think I would have had the courage to do it if I hadn't been in such a desperate, place. I had to almost put myself in a corner and remove all other options. To then finally be like, this is not working. And I needed this magical intervention, thank goodness, through the records that came. But yeah, I wouldn't have been looking for any of this if I wasn't suffering in some capacity, you know?

Megan Mary:

Oh, yes, I completely agree with that. And I think that that's how everybody comes to it. And that's what makes your story so powerful, is that you really have to go through the dark place. Before you get to the light and everybody's story is of what their dark place was.

And I

Megan Mary:

love the magical intervention. I love that phrase because that's the same for me as spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening might mean something religious to other people, but for me, it's just, it's a magical intervention. It's you kind of waking up and realizing I can't go any further this way. So either something has to change or we're calling it off essentially. And that's when that intervention happens.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. Yeah. And Oh my goodness. I pushed it as far as I could. I really wanted to make it work, really tried so hard to the point where I could feel death upon me. I could feel like my body aging so rapidly and. Yeah, and it was the sheer willpower. I was so stubborn and that's maybe why it took a while to, to accept that it wasn't working and I couldn't read the signs until it was absolutely undeniable that this is not. Working for you, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I think if someone is in that position now, or it feels like they're out of alignment and they're hearing this, like, oh, out of alignment might actually be this overarching sense of alignment in the long run. And that, like you said, might be hard to accept. I don't think you have to accept it. It's okay to fight it. And that itself might be part of it. And I think that's something. That we're not really told is you don't have to like the process. You don't have to like it. You're allowed to not like it. And that's okay.

Megan Mary:

That's so true. Oh, that's so true. Yes. It's not easy. So you don't have to like, yes, you just have to appreciate the other side, right? Once you get to the other side, it's like, Oh, you know, that perspective then. Looking back and it's not everything's easy. Then you just gain wisdom from your experience and you just keep gaining, right? It just keeps unfolding. So talk a little bit about the Akashic records and a thousand foot level for people who are still but I don't get it. What is that?

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. So when I first heard about the Akashic records, it was described like this. The Akashic Records are the subtle, energetic imprint of everything that has ever happened. Everything that is currently happening. And everything that could possibly happen in the future. So it's this energetic compendium of infinity and eternity. That sounds so poetic and beautiful. And I had no idea what they were talking about when they said that. I was like, what? What does that mean? What's a compendium?

Megan Mary:

Where is it? Is it heavy to pick up?

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. Like where, yeah. Where is it? What are you talking about? Yeah. It just totally went over my head, but it intrigued me at the same time. And now after working with them, the way that I like to describe them kind of a playful way to imagine it is if you can imagine an invisible library in space. That has books on every subject you could imagine, including you or your own essence or soul. In an Akashic Record reading when I'm working with someone one on one, it's like we're checking out the book on you, and you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive insight from a zoomed out perspective. And some people call the record spiritual Google because it's as though you can come to a reading. It's not as though you can come to a reading and ask all the questions you wish you could Google about yourself. Like, why am I here? What's my purpose? How am I meant to be of service? What are my unique gifts? How can I improve my relationships? Why did I choose my family? And things like that. All these big, burning existential questions are things you can bring to a reading. And the Akashic Records essentially will offer a perspective if it's relevant, if it's uplifting, if it's empowering, otherwise they might stay silent. But they'll offer a perspective that will help you see areas of your life that you feel stuck around in a new way. So it's really all about pivoting to look at things from a different angle to see things differently and to essentially use a new perspective to get unstuck. And you can think of it almost like if you're going down a path and there's a big boulder, the Akashic records are kind of like that bird's eye view where you can see, oh, there's a rock in my way, and I cannot go around it. But if I look left, there's another path through this bush that I wasn't even looking at. And like, over here, behind this curve, there's like a waterfall and actually, maybe these other paths can lead and curve around to the same place I was going. Or there's other options that go in totally different directions I didn't consider. So it's yeah, getting kind of a zoomed out perspective on things to kind of get this like magical intervention going to get unstuck.

Megan Mary:

And who would you explain is providing the information?

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. And that's like an inherently mysterious Thing. The records are really mysterious modality, but you can think of if we think of the records like a library, you can think. Of the library having librarians or the keepers of the Akashic records, and you can call them by a lot of different names. Some people like words like angels or spirit guides or ethereal beloveds, but it's really like these unknown, benevolent forces who are the ones taking out the book. Translating the information, right? Telling you the response to the question and I am just. Translating it to the person in front of me. And that's really all I'm doing.

Megan Mary:

So how is it different from mediumship?

Meena Ruchi:

Hmm. That's a good question. And I think there's sort of some similarities, but the thing that like really drew me to the records, I am so scared of going to psychics because I don't know what they're going to say. And the thing I love about the records is that it is rooted in consent. The records will not give any information unless you ask a question. So there's this implicit and explicit relation of consent where if you don't ask they will not answer. And so you're not going to go into a reading and get a bunch of information that you didn't want to know about or that feels irrelevant. And I think that's one way it's different where it's not just Like someone is before me and I'm just spouting off all this information, but they ask and then there's a response.

Megan Mary:

I also have seen so many guides that talk about the different questions to ask. And those are very useful in gauging how it works, how the exchange works, because it's not. A, should I do this or should I do that kind of exchange, it's more of the way that the questions are phrased for optimal intervention, let's say, it is interesting to me and of what I've studied from it, I think there's a real benefit to how it's worded, but I also see that also your energetic questioning as well. So it's not just a verbiage thing, but it's asking more for perspective and guidance rather than a definitive answer. Yeah.

Meena Ruchi:

I think, yeah, you nailed it. And that's so true that it's not, the records will never tell you what to do. And in a reading, I always say you can ask anything you want, but the records may or may not respond to your question and each reader has their own style. And the way that I work with the records and the keepers that I work with are so picky. About the words, they're really picky about the intentionality and the charge behind the question.


Meena Ruchi:

So if you ask questions, like, should I do this? Should I not do this? Tell me what to do? Yes or no questions, anything that's like, someone please tell me what to do, the records won't respond. And the reason that is, is because the keepers of the records. Respect you and your power, your creative power too much to pretend even for a moment that it doesn't exist. They won't deny you of your power, and they will insist that you hold on to your power for the entire duration of the reading. So not even for a moment can you ask a question that gives up your power. And I think that's important.

Megan Mary:

Definitely. And I also find it interesting that the opportunity that the records provide to delve inter dimensionally into other dimensions. Existences that you may have had, or be in, or other contracts, soul contracts, timelines, other things that might be influencing your current life. Existence.

Meena Ruchi:

Getting that kind of richer, broader perspective that can dip into different timelines, past and potential, it can be a really nice way for you and your own mind to zoom out a little bit. Because the records are inherently this broader view, but that is one way that you and your mind can get on board with zooming out and being like, Oh, let's look at the larger patterns at play. Look, let's look at the potential trajectory of this path and what might it look like? What might it feel like? If I chose to pivot or chose to engage with this pattern that's been here for a long time and all these different ways. What if I chose to engage with that differently? And what that what might that lead to? Yes. So it's pretty empowering.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And I found that in the reading that you did for me in very much that way that I was able to look at things from a different perspective. And it really actually gave me appreciation for the things that I may have not really appreciated before in terms of the fact that they actually were part of the catalyst. Thanks. That led me to do what I'm doing now.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. I think sometimes it can, be painful to look at past life threads and, it can be painful even in this one lifetime to notice how hooked into a pattern you are and how that pattern has played out in ways that are not great. And that's a tender thing and to look at, and it takes courage, I think, to witness that, but I think doing that is sometimes worthwhile because it can inspire acceptance, right? Of like, Oh, there was, this was not good, and yet maybe it gifted me something too. Or this is just how it was and maybe it wasn't my fault and you can kind of quiet down this blame and be okay, I have a little bit of a context, of course, and giving yourself a little bit of compassion and grace of course I was scared of this or of course I was being defensive about that. Like, look at what I've been through. And so you can kind of just arrive at a place of Not blaming or denying or fighting it and accept it. And from that space of, okay, I can accept this. Now you can choose differently and you're not plagued by fighting it and resisting it. And I think that's what that serves to, get that broader view.

Megan Mary:

Yes, absolutely. It reframes in a way that helps you. Better accept and almost be in a weird way grateful for your suffering. I mean, it's hard to say that, but yeah, it is a way of seeing that.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah, and I think that is beautiful. If you can arrive at that place of gratitude, and I don't think that's the case for everyone. It's hard to get there. And I think maybe over time. You can arrive at that place, but just seeing it served a purpose or to see this was not my fault. It's not my fault. I'm like this. And I have the creative power to choose differently now. And sometimes part of that is grief to just acknowledge the grief of what has happened and to process that. So it's not plaguing you anymore.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Yes. So it really has a, a deep healing potential, much like dream work in that it uncovers all of that and allows you to then integrate it in a way that transforms you, transforms your perspective. Yeah.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. And from that. Transformed perspective, transforming how you engage with life from this moment onward. And I think that's the real rich potential because understanding is one thing, but conscious action, right? Aware action and conscious choice, that's what real transformation is made out of.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And I've noticed that a lot of people feel called to the records and it finds you it seems because I hadn't heard about it till, maybe last year or something. I thought, what is this? I'd never heard of it. And so I think it finds you when you're supposed to know and when that invitation arrives. And I think it's interesting just to go back to what you were saying about. Personality tests, because I love those as well. And I find that certain people are drawn to certain modalities because of their personality. And I've talked about it before on the show, but I'm by the Myers Briggs, I'm an INFJ, and that is classified as the counselor. And I also made a note of some of the other things it says about INFJ because I really feel like, if you were to take it, it just might be you. Because INFJs want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people. And although their rich inner life can sometimes make them seem mysterious or private to others, they profoundly value authentic connections with people they trust. And they have an intrinsic drive to help others realize their potential. And lastly, they are gifted with an uncanny insight into people.

Meena Ruchi:

That is so specific.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. Yeah. I see you giggling the whole time because I was like, yes, Meena, I think you are.

Meena Ruchi:

Yeah. That's so funny. I, I took that quiz when I was a young teenager. I'm, I must've been like in high school, early high school and I don't think that's the one that it was, but that description resonates now.

Megan Mary:

Yes. And lastly, gentle, caring, and complex.

Meena Ruchi:


Megan Mary:

Yes. So, well, on that note, I, I deeply appreciate the work that you do. It's dramatically helped me and I want my listeners to be able to experience you as well. So where can people find you?

Meena Ruchi:

The best place to connect with me is on my website, which is MeenaRuchi. com, and you can see in the show notes how I spell my name, that's where I have all my offerings. I post videos every week and I share a newsletter once a week. Where I'm channeling from the records. So there's a lot of goodness there. I have a free guided visualization. So there's things really like there's simple ways to kind of dip your toes in and there's ways that you can do deep dives into the records too. So yeah, lots of goodness waits for you there.

Megan Mary:

Awesome. So I'm also going to link to your Free Hearts Desires Guided Visualization, so people can check that out. And I just thank you so much for being here today. I really enjoyed our conversation and I honor the work that you do.

Meena Ruchi:

Thank you so much. This was a treat.

Megan Mary:

Thank you.

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