Women's Dream Enlightenment

Shedding the Ego To Live Your Truth with Sasha Lipskaia

Megan Mary / Sasha Lipskaia Episode 44

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Women's Dream Enlightenment is hosted by Metaphysical Author and Dream Analyst Megan Mary.

In this enlightening conversation, Megan welcomes Sasha Lipskaia, an intuitive guide, international speaker, spiritual coach, and tantric facilitator. Sasha shares her interpretation of enlightenment, the journey to self-discovery, and the intricate balance of identities in the path to spiritual awakening. Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, Sasha discusses the importance of shadow work, the role of the ego, and the continuous process of shedding identities. She also highlights the importance of breath, intention, and grace in personal growth and spiritual practice. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of divine purpose and the transformative power of embracing your true self.

Connect with Sasha
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I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, is now published! It is the first book in the Witches of Maple Hollow series.  Get your exclusive signed copy @ meganmary.com and grab your dream journals, cozy blankets, pillows & candles. It’s also available on Audiobook. Forward your proof of purchase from any online retailer to me and I will send you a code to use next time! I can’t wait to read your reviews!

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You're listening to Women's Dream Enlightenment. Dream decoding, deep discussions, and spiritual stories of self discovery to inspire your personal enlightened journey. I'm your host, Megan Mary, founder of Women's Dream Analysis. Let's bring in the light.

Megan Mary:

Welcome today. I have Sasha Lipskaia. She is an intuitive guide, international speaker, spiritual coach, tantric facilitator, and sacred intimacy mentor to soul driven, powerful light leaders who want to experience deeper love, discover and live their divine purpose and embody their worth with devotion, integrity, and faith. Welcome Sasha.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Oh, thank you, Megan. It's really wonderful to be here. Thank you.

Megan Mary:

Yes, it's so nice to have you. And I'm going to start by asking you the first question that I ask everyone, and that is, what does enlightenment mean to you?

Sasha Lipskaia:

Oh, that's a good question. Enlightenment to me means being true to oneself at this moment.

Megan Mary:

Very succinct.

Sasha Lipskaia:


Megan Mary:

Going to get into what exactly is the self.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Exactly. That's what, that's what we're going to talk about is, does that even mean what we think it means? Yeah. Yeah.

Megan Mary:

Precisely. Yeah.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Exactly. How apropos the fact that I am, by the way, I said it twice in their conversation now, it's funny. Some spirit is speaking to me. But the expression apropos, which is a French way of saying, oh, it's on purpose, but it's on the subject, being on your podcast and it's women's dream analysis, right? And this question of enlightenment and then the self. And it just feels exactly, just exactly where we need to go dream, dream analysis of the self. Yeah.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Because there really is the 3d self and then the universal self 5d and above. Right. And I want to talk today about really. The journey that you've gone on, as well as the journey that so many women go on, where they discover that their self is not what they thought. And they actually have to surrender and release. That old idea of the self in order to embody the new.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yes. Yes, exactly. And, back to why I even felt into that answer, because I've never said that before. Not that it isn't true. That's exactly what the truth was in the moment. Right. And that's. The why was so interesting for me because I heard the question and then, well, the answer has to come from that enlightened self. So I checked in with that part of me, right? Of my experience, which isn't an experience, but it's being experienced by me, right? Sasha Lipskaia on a podcast interview, I have all these titles you mentioned, and that is a facet of a human 3d self. Which is necessary to do the things that I'm doing in the world at this moment can change tomorrow. Right. It's tonight. Does that mean that's me? You know, and is that really who I was checking in with? Sasha Lipskaia, 38 years old, spiritual mentor. No, no. The part that I was checking in with and asking, what's the answer to this question? Was that. It was that right. It was the enlightened self that isn't an identity and it's not I could explain, but I can experience. Right. And so that is, yeah, that's what we're going to go because that's, that's what really it means to become enlightened. It's the shedding of this. Experience of who you think you are so that you can, with the light of your soul, literally, like the light of your soul, literally, I know it sounds weird, literally, yes, literally, you will see, you will see, you will literally start seeing things from a completely different perspective. As the self that has been to itself. So that's it.

Megan Mary:

So tell the listeners a bit about your spiritual awakening journey and what led you to do the wonderful work that you do now.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yeah. So. That has been my experience is that I, I don't feel like I've ever been asleep, and at the same time, a part of me wasn't aware of who I was. Right. So the awakening that my I've experienced had been a very. Natural and at the same time, arduous road to shedding layers and layers and layers of what wasn't and knowing, even two days ago sitting right here and thinking, man, this space right now, the light that I feel now is enlightening. Everything I see will require that I give up this as well. Right, this identity. And that is that ultimate experience of nothing is ever permanent. And everything will change and it will keep changing. The only thing that's constant is that awareness, right, of what's happening. And that is, my experience and why I'm doing this work is I realized that the only thing I've always, ever really wanted to do in the world and found. Meaningful, and really experienced as the most important thing in our lives is that experiential awareness of something other than myself in like literally in my body. Right. Just there's something here that isn't what I think I am. And it's like, it's talking to me. It's moving through me. It's like, you know, it's actually physically asking me to do things as in, you know, hug this person, you know, express your voice this way. Say this. That's what I mean by movement, right? This life force moving through me. And before I started doing this work professionally, I'd always been doing this work. So when I realized that I, like people come to me for guidance, right. For advice, not necessarily what we'd call coaching. That's why, that's one of the hats I wear and it's a modality I use. And that was one of the doorways into this work for me. So I could be professional, but coaching in essence is not something you would ever. Use if you were to give somebody advice, right? You're not coaches. Don't like really like life coaching is not about giving advice. It's about helping somebody discover their own answers. That being said, people actually came for advice to me. Like they wanted a channel guided. Tell me what to do with my life. Not because Sasha, you know, more than me, although that's what maybe they thought. But because something in them, I know, responded to something in me that wasn't my identity, but was what you're calling enlightenment. It was that part of me that was aware of this greater grid that wasn't 3D that could give them guidance that wasn't of this world, but it was very specific to their life, right? And the question they were sitting with. And so I could see through everything they were saying, and I could just see the truth. And that's what I'm realizing now, right? Because that's what I've recognized with my clients. I'm doing, but my own journey meant that I actually didn't have that. Like, I didn't have somebody to give me that guidance and I didn't have somebody to channel through this. This is what you're calling it, right? I, so I did a lot of banging on the walls and. How am I here? Who am I? I don't belong anywhere. Like I don't fit in anywhere. I am having these weird, I know, right? Like I can feel that I'm living in a different way, but I don't know what to do with it. Right? So I did a lot of study, right? I studied spiritual teachings. I started different religious traditions and I was always looking for one, one way to connect to that experience in my body. It's like, well, this is what it is. Is it It's God. We can call it God, but I never really thought it was. Possible to call it that, right? So until very recently, I was like, Oh, wow. All of that was, yeah. Now I realized this is what it's been about. I've always known that. And so I've been in churches. I've been in spiritual circles. I've studied, yoga and different paths, right? That people take. And my own path really began when I, I would say very young, but I realized it. Early on that I knew who I was and my worth, but I did not know how to embody it. Right. I didn't know how to transmit it. I didn't know how to be who I am, like really in my soul. So that's what we're talking about. That self that is limitless, that is abundant, that is powerful, that was able to channel this guidance to people that came to me. I couldn't like, I couldn't be that right. It's so. And do that when I'm asked, but I can't live this way. I don't understand. Right. So I did a lot of soul searching. I started different careers. I followed them. I was an actor for a long time, always trying to find myself through the body, right. Through experience, through telling stories. And so all of that makes sense now. But at the time it was like, not this, not that, but ah, And so finally I had a real like dark night of the soul where I realized that I wasn't like I wasn't myself really anywhere. And I was trying to play all these roles. And so I withdrew and there I found actually asked was like I need some guidance really clearly I need guidance. And one of my spiritual guides is my. My, stepfather, my father who brought me up he passed. So after he passed, I started feeling his presence, and I realized that he'd always been guiding me, but now that his personality was gone because he was passed now it's only his soul right so it's almost, again interpreting a dream like I've always felt. That dreams will tell us this, right? But that presence was guiding me the whole, the whole path. But now it started happening very specifically where I was asking and I would hear, do this, go there, move here, start studying this. I was like, and I would just follow. And so eventually I realized that it was all guiding me towards the one thing, which is I had to create my own body of work. It had to do with spiritual, very clearly spiritual guidance for other people and myself. And the point of it was. to find out who I was, who they were in our ultimate worth, right? So that then involved studying with different teachers, and different modalities and Reiki and life coaching, right? Was the first kind of official name doing a master's in, Feminism and intersectionality and understanding again, my body, women, all of the things that affected me to understand my identity, right? Oh, well, why is this? Why do I feel this way? And then eventually I realized all of this is so that I know none of this is me. But also it absolutely conditions and colors and influences what I'm doing here and what I'm doing here now back to what I'm actually doing is, tantric work, which means that I use any and every modality and, Tantra really isn't a modality. it's a technology. And what it means is you experience the divine, the truth, the self. Inside of your body, right? The body and your sexuality, your energy centers, right? Your subconscious mind, which lives in your body, right? All of that. Is absolutely sacred absolutely knows right that subconscious that awareness that lives inside of that self without your identity. That's where you need to go, but to actually go there. You do need a path. You do need tools. You do need teachers. You do need somebody to hold you. Right. And so it's not that you can't do it alone, only you can. But you can't. Well, I don't want to say you can't. There are people who do right they become enlightened. But I believe it's their Dharma. They come here with that having lived many lives and showing themselves this. Oh, this is the life where I get to be. That's what I believe anyway, enlightened in this way so I can hold others in this way. I feel that I had to live many lives and come to a point of not quite enlightenment. Right. So I came here to experience it but not to leave this world. This is back to what is the self. The self is your experience of the whole world. The whole world, every being in it, the cosmos, the earth, the rivers, right? Somebody dying, somebody loving someone, somebody killing someone, somebody being born, somebody making love, all of it, experiencing all of it. Within yourself, that is to me, the ultimate self. Now, it could be overwhelming and some people experience psychotic episodes on that. Like that's, we can call it Kundalini awakening, right? There's can go many paths. We're not going to go there because it's a very deep subject, but it's the life force. It's that self awakening to itself in your body because you've actually said, I need help like this. It's all of this. Is not actually real, but I know that I'm here for a reason. And so what is the point of all of this? And why is it that I chose to be here and how is it that I can use all of this to actually know the truth. Right. And I

Megan Mary:

love those big existential questions it is a delusion. And I say that all the time.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yes, absolutely. Right. Both. And it's an illusion. And also, yeah, if you came on my side of the world right now and you hugged me, it would very much be a visceral experience. It's a real hug from you. So, how can it be a delusion? But yes,

Megan Mary:


Sasha Lipskaia:

Oh, just like a dream.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. And I love it. I love the story about your surrendering and asking for for help because so many times that's really what we need to do to receive that information is to ask because of the whole free will thing. You know, we're just not going to get it unless we ask. And, and I think that the surrendering part is so important because it's an invitation for transformation that you allow yourself. And without being willing to, like you said, shed that the, the death of the ego, really the death of the self as conceived by you willing to let that go, to realize. That you're so much more than that.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yes, exactly. And also that is not evil. It's not bad. It's not, you know, wrong. That's what like, Oh, the ego. No, the ego is just not true. That's all it is. It's not wrong. It's just, of course, everything it says, everything that you will create from that won't really be in alignment with the truth. Right. And so the whole point of it is so that you can see the truth.

Megan Mary:


Sasha Lipskaia:

you have to see what isn't right. So like the shedding of the skin. Well, this isn't true. Let me take the skin off this either. Okay.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. And all that. Yeah. And it's that facing the darkness, which we, we had talked about and so, so much a part of dream work is shadow work. Really, the shadow work is. Allowing to reveal those darker parts of yourself in order to transform them tell me a bit about your shadow work or your dream experiences as part of your journey.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yeah, so I've always had very powerful. Initiations that have been many, which is why, my story really is that sort of like you exactly you picked it out. It was surrender. Like, I really just asked, and I also I've been doing that since then. Right. It's like, and now I ask again, like, take everything away. And so with shadow work, for example, I will say that, once I realized that it was a very potent tool, and there is now I also recognize there is sometimes a tendency to just really get stuck there. Because it gets really addictive, it's like, oh, what, what else? Right. And, and just coming back to again, what, what is it that we're trying to experience here it's like, if it's enlightenment, let's focus on the light, right? The light. And then the light comes through the shadow, right? The deepest, darkest, most, I don't want to see this. That will hold you. I feel and I know my own experience and my client's experiences, just the most liberating healing and just all loving light through you, right? Oh my God. I didn't even know this existed in the world. That's what I've been looking for this. Back to what we're looking for enlightenment. Just say we're looking for love, right? That's what enlightenment offers is that experience of love. I love, I love, I love. And I'm willing to sacrifice everything in that name, in the name of love. So that means, yes, I'm willing to look at the parts of me that I've been rejecting. So I can love, not so I can get enlightened so that I can love them. In that experience, that's enlightenment, because enlightenment means you're not trying to do anything. You just are. You're aware, you're present, and you're absolutely, fully saying, yes, I'm here for all of it. Right? I am ready. There is no, I'm doing something. It's like you are, you just are. And so the shadow work in my experience, what it brought to me is really that capacity to see anything in myself and in others as a pathway to see God in them to see the divine, right? To see the part of them that I might not even give a chance otherwise. Right, but this shadow is like, oh, you know, but myself and again, myself and myself, we're always reflecting others. Right? So, if I'm judging something in others, it's me. So, if I'm looking at you and I think, oh. You know, let's look at the shadow here, like, whatever you want to bring to the table. If it's a dream that manifests it, if it's just your experience, you know, there's a part of me that's really angry. Right? I don't want to look at her because she's holding on resentment. And what if, in that moment, I say, oh, my God. We get to discover a part of you that you haven't learned to love yet, and therefore you will not only get to love that part, you will give me the opportunity to love that part, which is really all we want. It's not that we want to get love. We want to experience it. We want to experience love, which means I want to receive and literally just gift it at the same time. It's always a flow. Right. And so, in my experience, shadow work has allowed me to have a very specific tool. Right. And I use it in different ways. Like I will use sometimes, you know, I use this modality called internal family systems, which is a therapeutic approach. I'm not a therapist, right? But I have studied that way of working with shadows and parts of us, which is what shadows are. And so it really helps to understand again, that every part of you, the darkest, the lightest, every single part of you is sacred and every single part of you believes it's trying to do something for your own good. That otherwise it wouldn't be doing, acting, creating, whatever it is. And so looking at it, you are finally allowing yourself the freedom from the fear of it to actually the love for it and what it wants to do for you so that you can actually give it a chance to become integrated and become a part of your experience as an ally. And and with that have that capacity to hold that compassion for other beings, right? Because you're doing it within yourself. So for any healer guide teacher, and you know, this, this is the work. The work is we are the work. We are the work and I don't know about you, but my shadows like spent with, Oh my God. Right. They will come out and it's not, it's not as drama. I was like, Oh no, it was like, Oh, there it is. Okay. So what are we going to do with it? How can I love you? How can I receive the gift that you're here to give how to, how to move through this? And we said, shedding the skin, right? Shedding the skin of what isn't true. Absolutely, including right including that part of you in your experience. And so, you know, back to what we spoke about when we first met it's a death, right you're dying to an idea that the shadow is you. So you have to die. It's terrified because it doesn't want to die and your work with it is to really understand that you are immortal as a self being awareness, whatever it is, you cannot die. So whatever part of you is afraid of shedding the skin and giving this up is not you. It's not you. That's all it is. So let it be afraid. Hold space for it. Integrate it. Understand where it's coming from, why it's holding on, right? Like, no, don't give up the relationship. Don't leave this job. No, no, no, no. Don't give up. It's like, it's okay. It doesn't want to die. I get that. And I want to live and be free and I can't die. Like the true me, the true me, the, the me that chose to be here in this body cannot die. So I'm going to focus on why I'm here and I'm going to ask it to help me. Right. So that's where you actually have to work with it, like a child and hold it and bring it with you. And so, you know, a couple of years ago, I actually said to the divine, I was, I'm kind of, I'm feeling that this whole coaching thing right now, and I'm saying thing because it becomes an identity, right? It's, it's becoming. really latent with a shadow of. Desire for achievement and proving myself right and being popular and famous and all these things, which is a big shadow from them. Like I arrogance, essentially, like, I need you to kill for me and not like destroy it. Right. And the time I wasn't doing this kind of work I was working with shadows, but not in this way. So as I actually said, kill it. Like, I want to, I wanted to die. And I just gave it to the divine and I went to sleep. And the thing is this actual desire, this ask came back to your question. Why is this coming through in my sleep? So I woke up in the middle of the night. I had this experience in my dream. It was like something needs to die. I need to ask for help because I don't know what to do with it. I need, I need you to help me die. That's pretty much what I said. And then I went back to sleep and that I woke up and I was like in sweats and I was like, something's happening physiologically. This process has begun. Oh, shoot. Right. I activated something, but I also know that I asked for it. So I felt really empowered and really surrendered. And at the same time, like completely, like just had no idea what's going to, right. But I knew it was exactly what my soul is asking for. So, okay. What happened is everything I was doing, I like, it was not destroyed in this, you know, dramatic way, but yes, it pretty much taken away and I was given the space to have nothing, which is exactly what I needed, but also have the awareness of this self that I didn't have before. Right. So now I had nothing. And I had this experience of, Oh, but I know how to hear the truth. So this is going to be hard because everything has been everything I thought I wanted is not here to hear anymore, but I'm still doing the work and I'm still me and I still am coaching guide and healing. I just don't associate myself with this, you know, online coach identity, which is fine. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I might call myself that but it's not going to be the same thing. And so I fully surrendered that identity and what happened later was that I built, the kind of the body work I'm doing now on again, everything I've been doing before just lay the foundation, but I built it from a place of it's not mine. Right. It's not me. I get to do it on behalf of whoever it is that I was praying to and asking to kill that identity because he was sabotaging blocking distracting. Right. Right. And actually putting me in places where I wasn't feeling the truth anymore because I, I was almost like playing a role. Right. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, I can play a role, but it has to actually be coming from a place of this is what's required for the truth to come through. Not, I don't want to see the truth. So I'm going to play the role of, I got this. Where the truth, I don't know,

Megan Mary:

there's a, there's a delicate balance there. And when we step into being healers and lightworkers, we come to that knowing our power, but then to help other people, we have to step into a role and we have to become a persona so that they receive. Yeah. What it is that we're here to give them and help them with and, and then it becomes complicated. It's like the cart before the horse, because then we start clinging to that identity, which we had to create to reach the other people that need us. And it becomes this whole, you know, mixed up ball of, yeah, of confusion because we're trying to shed our identity, but then we have to actually. Create another one and embody that in order to do the work.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Exactly. Exactly. And why this is so powerful to actually experience is it does take, you know, many deaths of who you think you are to know that that process is perpetual. So that's where that capacity to expand and allow and really just trust, right, that you will shed every single identity that doesn't serve. So no, right. We'll ever, ever, ever help or work. And therefore back to what you were saying. Yes, absolutely. Where the, the role, right? The costume, the show up for work, right? I'm a doctor. Yes. You're paying me to do this. I'm doing this and it's not me. And also it is right. So it's playing in that paradox constantly, always. And being aware of it is the most important thing,

Megan Mary:

right. And it calls into question the whole existential concept of alignment, too, because to say well we're looking for that awakening so that we can get into alignment with our true purpose but Is that one thing or does that just change all the time and we just have to constantly keep shedding and peeling and refocusing because the more that we learn and the more we experience and the more connections we make and everything and the more change we affect and. The more we heal. Yeah. It's constantly moving the goalpost. It's constantly changing the need, the call. Yeah. It's, it's a little dubious. It's because many times we talk about it as this one fixed thing. Like you just got to discover your purpose and it's this one thing you write it down and then, you know, No, it's, it's not really like that.

Sasha Lipskaia:

No, it's not. And what you just named is, my definition of life purpose is actually that it's the discovery of the truth. And back to what I said at the beginning, what the truth is in your heart, who you be in this moment, in your life, that's your purpose. That's it. Be that right now. What is the truth, right? And then how do I act from it? What do I choose? Why and what will I say an alignment really to me is the alignment of I know I feel I think right I create I do I act all being congruent right to the truth of your heart.

Megan Mary:

And in the present consciousness like you said, it's not dwelling on the past, it's not focusing on the future. It's being here now and taking action. With that inner knowing

Sasha Lipskaia:

so that you can become the expression of whatever is required of you next, which you don't, which your consciousness doesn't know until it's expressed. And the only way to discover what it is, is to let it through right and trust it and I feel like that's exactly what living on purpose living your purpose. Where you will always feel it, whether I'm doing this today with you, right. And tomorrow I decide that I'm going to open an art gallery. It doesn't matter.

Megan Mary:

Right. Allowing that fluidity is important to emphasize as well, because we get so fixed on our identities and then we change it for another one. And then we get fixed on that one. And it's really important to remember that that can change too. And that that may have to be shed and that that's okay. Yes. Every single

Sasha Lipskaia:

day to what you said, it's like, it's an ongoing minute by minute. And that's why, you know, I feel so just grateful that I found, and I gave myself a chance to actually understand what Tantra was about because for the longest time, I rejected it. I was like, Oh, it's about, you know, orgies. And cause that's again, all of the neo tantra work, not nothing wrong with it. Right. But that's often creating this idea for people who don't know that tantra is about sex. If anything, being part of your journey, right? Just that awareness of your sexuality being a way to connect to the divine, which I work with a lot now. And to your question, I had to shed a lot of identity to trust that this is actually where I'm called to go. And, and especially because of my resistance, I knew, Oh, and clearly there is some shadows here that are really resistant to even being curious. And learning that it isn't what they think it is, because what if it's this path to liberating them, right? These shadows of mine, the prudish, the scared, I'm not good enough. The sexuality is evil. Like all of the, again, the healing that I needed to do needed to come through in this decision. I was like, well, I'm going to shed this and we're going to do some work here. And I don't even know what it is. But I have a feeling it's not about what my mind is telling me. There is a lot more here, and it's always about, back to what you were saying, it's this minute by minute choice of Well, don't have any attachment, any expectation of myself to stay in this place, but right now this is where I am and I'm going to give it my all. And then when, and if I'm called to completely give it up and surrender and move to the next thing or somehow incorporate the next, whatever it will be, I will trust it fully as well. Right. And so that, and that to me, that's actually freedom, that's power. It's simply the world that's reflecting the truth inside of your body inside of your heart, and that's healing, right? That's you in your wholeness, constantly healing, right? Constantly evolving always, always, always the organism continues to expand, but you are not in resistance. You are not attached. You're not trying to keep it the same basically kill it right you are allowing you are receiving and that's your feminine you are submitting in a way to the force of consciousness. And then you are also with a consciousness that then moves and tells you, well, this is what's asked. This is what it looks like. Here is your container. I'm going to hold you. Are you going to write? Are you going to walk? Are you going to dance? It's really

Megan Mary:

embracing your, your, bodily experience, your physical manifestation. Because so many times. I find, especially when I get really lost in the inner world, I just don't even want to have to deal with bodily things. I don't want to have to go eat, stop what I'm doing and eat or go work out or all these things because it's like, Oh no, there's way, way too much happening. In this everywhere else. Right. And so it's, it's actually bringing the focus back into the body and the spirit, having the body experience and why we are in the body. Right. So I guess it's really bringing that focus back to that, which is important because I think, I think that could get lost when we're doing all the spiritual work and focusing outside of ourselves. I mean inside, but you know, but that's the

Sasha Lipskaia:

problem. You're trying to find the truth of your heart and then you're focusing it on, you know, just escaping this world basically. Right. Which is the whole point of you being here is so that you're right. The truth of your heart could be free, not just expressed, but experienced. That's your gift received. So you can plant your seed, right? So you could sing your songs that you could literally uplift the vibration of this world with your presence, with your transmission of the truth, which is unique to you, right? That unique.

Megan Mary:

Yeah, precisely. I love that.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yeah. Yeah. Which is a love story. Essentially. It's like, I love myself and this world. What are we going to create?

Megan Mary:

Hmm. Well, if you had some parting thoughts to leave with the audience, what what would three things

Sasha Lipskaia:

be first is breathe deeply, like put it on your phone, put it on your fridge, breathe deeply into your heart. And it doesn't matter, right? What context this is even thought of, right? Is it just breathe deeply right now? into your heart and then release for the mouth and again and release and one more deep breath into the heart deep breath let your heart open and receive and surrender and release just that practice as much as you can or as little as you can just once a day that intentional three deep breaths Will change your life because in that moment you are experiencing the truth within your body and you're with it. And if you want to, again, the second part would be have a very clear intention with where you are taking your life, right where you're moving. What is it that's calling your heart so that every breath you take will be that intention in action. I wanna move and breathe and live into that. Right. And that's how we create our reality. And so embodiment is all about breath and movement and sound and experience and energetic intention is what sets it into motion. So having the capacity to create your life. Yes. And are you creating it intentionally. And is that intention coming from your heart, and is your breath actually informing right because your breath will reveal the truth. You'll see it. I'm, I'm constricted. I'm probably resisting something if I'm restricting. Right. So if I can't breathe fully, there is something right. And if I am breathing and I feel overwhelmed, well, there are feelings I need to feel, you know, and if I am feeling really good and I'm really excited, but suddenly an idea pops up that has nothing to do with what I thought my intention was. What, what an amazing gift. You just had an insight that came through because you cleared the channel, right? Your intuitive pathway was open. So there are so many ways, right? You can take it, but the first is breath. Second is set an intention. So this is not a goal. It's not even a vision intention. What do you want to create in your life? And then the third one, I would say this is, I feel it's going to just come intuitively. And I also know it's the most important one, even though the breath is tremendously important is give yourself a lot of grace. Every step of the way, if you are on this journey, if you're listening to this, you are intentionally right looking to experience enlightenment in some way, shape or form to become aware of who you are without your masks. Right. And to really live again that purpose, whatever that manifests as today, give yourself grace and ask to be there for you. Every step you're taking has been divinely orchestrated for you. So if you allow for grace to actually come and hold you. Every experience becomes a very powerful choice that your soul is making and you are becoming aware of because grace is there. And so that's how you transmute the past, right? And it's like, Oh, I did all of these things. Yes. My soul chose to do all of those things so that now I'm here and I now can see what I see and giving yourself grace with the future, which you don't know. But in the moment that you give yourself grace, you are then back to what you said, so beautifully. Megan. I see you. Allow and receive what the future is calling out from you so that you can allow yourself to embody. We can say become right but really you already are that you just haven't revealed it. So let's say, become, become, whatever that next expression of you in this moment could be. If you lived with intention, purpose, integrity, alignment, and a connection through and with your heart. Right to give whatever you're here to give and to absolutely experience all of this world because you chose to be here.

Megan Mary:

Wonderful. Well, if anyone can find you if they want to find you online, where can people find you?

Sasha Lipskaia:

Yes. So very easy to find my full name. Not as easy to pronounce. So it's sasha Lipskaia. com is my website where you could find my, obviously all the, all the information that you need about me. Also links to my podcast, YouTube channel, blog. I write poetry. You can subscribe to my newsletter and there are a few freebies that you can receive. There is a boom awakening journey. You can take an intuitive masterclass. Self love meditations and also a manifestation practice and embodiment practice like a breath.

Megan Mary:

Excellent. Well, thank you so much for being here today, Sasha. It was a wonderfully enlightening conversation and I really appreciate it.

Sasha Lipskaia:

Thank you, Megan. Thank you for having me and everyone. We love you. We appreciate you keep dreaming.

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